The Boardgame Players Association, Inc. (BPA) continuously seeks to create a safe and welcoming space during its annual event, the World Boardgaming Championships (WBC). In personal interactions, everyone should strive to demonstrate kindness and respect towards all others. The BPA reserves the right to immediately revoke, without refund, the membership and badge of any participant not in compliance with our Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment policy. If you experience or observe harassment, please report it to the Convention Director as detailed below. If you have any questions about these policies, or suggestions for how we can improve this document, please contact or .
- Membership required: Everyone must purchase a badge to enter the convention space. You must display your badge whenever you are in the convention space.
- Respect event requirements: Certain events have experience requirements; if you are not familiar with the game, do not attempt to play anything other than a Class C event. A detailed explanation of event requirements is located at
- Respect the GM: Game Master decisions about seating, rules, and game play are final. A player who disagrees with a GM’s ruling has the right to request a ruling by majority opinion of the GM and their two designated Assistant GMs. Do not argue with the GM during a Heat – rules cannot be changed during a tournament. Speak to the GM after the tournament or email them with your suggestions for next year. GMs have authority over their events, including the right to ban players for inappropriate behavior.
- Respect other players: Do not harass or insult other players about their game play. Respectful disagreement or critique offered in good faith does not typically rise to the level of harassment. However, don’t suffer in silence – If you see disrespectful behavior, ask them to stop or ask the GM to intervene. See below for detailed Anti-harassment policy information.
- No cheating: Cheating of any type is not tolerated. This includes colluding or inappropriate collaboration with other players to influence the game. Report any suspected cheating to the GM, who will take appropriate action. Occasionally, it may be discovered that a player has made an illegal move. If the players cannot correct the situation to their mutual satisfaction, call the GM over. Repeated “mistakes” by the same player should also be brought to the attention of the GM.
The BPA is committed to providing a safe environment at the WBC where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Harassment or unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, visual, or in any other form, is strictly prohibited. The BPA’s anti-harassment policy applies to all persons involved in the operation or attendance of the convention or BPA-sponsored event, including tournaments, official open gaming, and all public spaces in the venue at all times. The BPA will not tolerate harassment of anyone by anyone, including participants, vendors, hosts, or WBC staff.
The BPA defines harassment as any behavior that threatens a person or group or produces an unsafe and non-inclusive environment. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments or non-verbal expressions related to gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, age, or religious beliefs.
Furthermore, harassment includes, but is not limited to, sexual or discriminatory images in public and quasi-public spaces (online and offline), intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Harassment may take the form of comments, epithets, slurs, discriminatory or insensitive jokes, teasing, display or discussion of written or graphic material, repeatedly standing too close to or brushing up against a person, or giving gifts of an unwanted or sexual nature. Advocating or encouraging any of the above is also considered harassment.
Harassment at WBC does not include respectful disagreement or critique offered in good faith. The BPA reserves the right to alter or broaden its definition of harassment at its sole discretion.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, you may choose to take any of the following actions:
- Ask the offender to stop. Whether the offending behavior is intentional or unintentional, expressing your discomfort to the offender directly may put a stop to that conduct.
- Talk to the GM. If the offending behavior occurs during a tournament or event, talk to the GM. They have the authority to take action, including removal of harassing players from game play and banning future event participation. GMs are asked to report incidents to the Convention Director for follow up.
- Ask the WBC Safety team for help. The Safety team consists of the Convention Director, all BPA Board members, the staff at the WBC Registration Desk, and any other person(s) designated by BPA. These team members will be circulating throughout the Convention space, and you may approach them at any time for assistance.
- Report the incident formally to WBC staff, on-site or online. You may go to the WBC Registration Desk to file an incident report in person. This can also be done anytime during or after the convention by emailing, Complaints may be made in confidence if desired.
- Be safe. We want to hear about incidents and sometimes it is best for your safety and well-being if you leave the area. Please report the issue once you are in a safe space.
- Be safe. We want to hear about incidents and sometimes it is best for your safety and well-being if you leave the area. Please report the issue once you are in a safe space.
- Contact the police or other appropriate authorities. Your health and safety are our most important concern. If you require immediate assistance from law enforcement, medical services, or other governmental entities, please do not hesitate to contact such services directly.
Regardless of which action you choose to take you may always request an in-person meeting with the Convention Director before the end of the event.
Based on any informal or formal complaint or report of harassment, the BPA may take the following steps. Note that this list is not exhaustive, and other appropriate action may be taken, as necessary.
- Talk to the offending party. To ensure that they understand that their behavior was inappropriate, offer the opportunity to apologize, and agree that the behavior will not occur again.
- Read and investigate all reports. The BPA documents and reviews all reports. Reporting parties may be contacted for further clarifying information, unless they have submitted a report anonymously or asked to not be contacted further. The BPA keeps a private record of all reports, so that if there is a pattern of bad behavior, this can be noticed and dealt with appropriately. Note that the BPA will not share these reports with anyone, unless required by law.
- Intercede if and when appropriate. The BPA may take immediate action to address harassment concerns, including but not limited to, escorting participants to a location in which they feel safe, requesting offenders leave a specific area, removing offenders from the event, or banning offenders from the event. Bans and removals may be on a temporary basis, for the duration of the convention, or permanent.
- Contact police and medical authorities when appropriate. If, upon review, the BPA finds that relevant local government officials should be notified, the BPA may contact such entities and/or share confidential information as required by law.
- Sanction participants based on our investigations. BPA members found to have violated the Code of Conduct and/or Anti-Harassment Policy may be subject to sanctions, including but not limited to:
- Verbal or written warning
- Requiring the participant to avoid any interaction with, and physical proximity to the party or parties involved
- Temporary suspension from any BPA sponsored events or online services
- Permanent ban from any BPA sponsored events of online services
- Immediate expulsion from the WBC or other sponsored event without refund
- Reporting of the incident to the appropriate authorities
Weapons and items that appear to be weapons are not allowed at WBC or other BPA-sponsored events. Self-defense, recreational and utility items such as knives, tasers, pepper spray, air-soft weapons, paintball guns, water guns, martial arts weaponry, including wooden practice weapons, etc., are not welcome, even if it is lawful to own and carry them in other public places. Off-duty security, law-enforcement and military personnel are not allowed to bring their weapons to WBC. Items resembling futuristic weapons, fantasy weapons and non-projectile boffer weapons may be allowed provided they are not used in a threatening or destructive way against person or property.
Questionable items can be brought to the WBC Registration Desk in Stag Pass during operating hours to be checked for compliance with this policy. Some events may provide exceptions to this policy under strict circumstances defined by that event and approved in advance by the Convention Director. Items purchased in the vendor Room that violate this policy must be wrapped and immediately removed from the common areas.
20th & 21st century uniforms may not be worn as costumes. These include any uniform that can be construed as a military uniform from any country or a uniform worn in an official capacity, such as security guard, police officer, deputy, fire marshal, paramedic, etc. Active-duty military personnel are permitted to wear their government-issued uniforms.
WBC Event Staff or the facility’s security personnel may inspect any item or costume at any time during the convention. Failure to comply with these policies and/or the instructions of WBC Staff or security personnel may result in immediate removal from the convention without refund. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact before the convention.
The BPA Code of Conduct applies in all public spaces at Seven Springs at all times during the WBC. Occasionally the BPA is made aware of behavior by participants (or potential participants) that has occurred outside of WBC — either online or offline — and is a gross violation of our Code of Conduct. These actions need not occur in WBC-licensed function rooms to be considered for sanctions by the BPA. These include, but are not limited to:
- Individuals who have not attended WBC but have a history of abusive behavior and/or known incidents that took place outside WBC that may cause risks to a participant’s safety, or which may contribute to a hostile or non-inclusive environment at the convention.
- BPA members who have been reported for outside incidents, including, but not limited to, conduct at other conventions, threatening or abusive behavior online, or assault.
We understand that, at times, participants will have disagreements or interpersonal conflicts that do not necessarily escalate to the point of harassment or abuse. The BPA will not arbitrate such disagreements—we ask that you please leave these conflicts at home.
The BPA reserves the right to take any action that is reasonably necessary in the sole judgment of the BPA for the protection of their Events and/or the participants.
The BPA would like to acknowledge and thank GenCon and Geek Feminism
for publishing their Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy under a Creative Commons License.
Our facility, Seven Springs, has some additional policies that it asks guests to observe. You may find Seven Springs’ policies outlined on their website at or contained in your room contract.
In particular, you should be aware of the following: |