WBC After Action Report and Top Centurions
Sneak Peek of WBC Winners

WBC Event Winners
WBC Event Reports

WBC Yearbooks
WBC Event History and Laurels
WBC Event History and Laurels
WBC Medals
WBC Boardmasters


  Splendor (SPD) Event History & Laurels
Updated November 5, 2023
World Boardgaming Championships
2015Andrew Drummond272
2016Michael Huggins288
2017Andrew Drummond262
2018Rob Murray297
2019Chris Wildes266
2022Michael Pustilnik206
2023Pascale Lefreniere198
BPA PBEM Tournaments
2022Chris Wildes48
2023Rob Murray45
BPA Laurels
Rank Name Last Total
1Drummond, Andrew962017
1Murray, Rob962023
3Wildes, Chris702023
4Pustilnik, Michael602023
5Bernard, Brandon492023
6Huggins, Michael402016
6Swinson, Michael402023
8Meyer, Jeff362019
9Jiang, Allan342023
10Lafreniere, Pascale302023
11Ward, Sara272023
12Wojke, Michael242015
13Collins II, Curt202017
14de Bellefeuille, Francois182023
15Morris, Cary172023
16Holmquist, Michael162015
16McDevitt, Luke162019
18Ribeiro, Lance122015
18Wobbeking, Faith122019
18Burdett, Bailey122023
18Wu, Jeff122023
22Packwood, Marina92022
23Carrigan, Julia82015
23Gnech, Chris82016
23Hon, Ming82018
26Versak, Dalton72022
27Bacigalupo, Rodney62022
27Hochboim, Haim62023
29Speck, Forrest42015
29Woodson, Robert42016
29Hausch, Robert L.42019
32Nguyen, Loc32023
33Shea, Philip22023