This year's lineup of games played will be:
Mulligan/Round 1: Eutaw
Round 2: Guilford
Round 3: Monmouth - The Holding Action Scenario
Round 4: Monmouth - Washington's Stand Scenario
Semifinal: Saratoga
Final: Full Brandywine Campaign
Seeding: Players will be seeded by AREA rating in the Mulligan and Round 1 and by accumulated tournament points in subsequent rounds. Players without AREA ratings in the Mulligan and Round 1 will be seeded randomly at the bottom of the pool. In all cases where tournament points are counted, ties will be broken first by accumulated Army Morale points, next by accumulated VPs and finally by die roll.
Side Determination: For all rounds including the semifinal and Final by mutual consent or by secret bid of at-start Army Morale points.
Byes: If necessary a Bye in the Mulligan and Round 1 will be awarded to past champions present in descending order and in subsequent rounds to the player with the highest cumulative tournament points, then by accumulated Army Morale points, next by accumulated VPs and finally by die roll. A player receiving a bye will be credited with tournament points equal to a substantial victory (+3) and will be awarded a number of Army Morale and VPs equal to the average of all winning players in that round.
Games will be scored according to the well established BAR tournament-point scoring system:
Winner Loser
Decisive Victory +4 -2
Substantial Victory +3 -1
Marginal Victory +2 +0
Draw +1 +1
NOTE: If a player surrenders, his opponent will be awarded an additional tournament point and the surrendering player will be debited an additional negative tournament point.
In the event of a draw in the Mulligan and Round 1, the advancing player will be the one with the best Army Morale and, if tied, the most VPs.
Slow play is discouraged and time limits will be strictly enforced. Adjudications will be accomplished as follows: The player with the most VPs at the moment play is suspended will be declared the winner. For this purpose only, the player with the higher Army Morale will be awarded one additional VP. In the event of a tie, the GM and AGMs will assess the tactical situation and declare a winner by majority vote. The GM and AGMs will not adjudicate their own games.
All advanced rules will be used in each game. All replacement counters published for the games/scenarios being played will be used. In addition:
Eutaw Springs: Optional Rule 3.20 governing British reinforcements will be used. Rule 2.4 will not be enforced and a draw will not be treated as a double-defeat.
Guilford Courthouse: Optional Rule 3.12 governing the deployment of Lee’s Vanguard will be used.
Saratoga: Optional Rule 3.7 restricting the British player from examining American stacks will be used. Fog Rules will be used and the GM will roll a
common die for fog on all tables.
Additional Prizes = The GM will provide book prizes to the finalists (titles TBD). |