Top 25 Laurelists

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Laurels, By Player — L Last updated June 13, 2017

Laurels earned from 1999 through June 13, 2017, are displayed. Players are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
Select a letter from the drop-down list to skip to that portion of the alphabet.

Player Place99000102030405060708091011121314151617Total
LaDue, Grant NY         32 21 58 46 28 21 19 369 16 286
LaDue, Kristen NY               40000 40
LaDue, Morgan NY              2000 2
LaDue, Rachel NY              0 120 12 24
Lague-Gomez, Mathieu qc                 243  27
Lainesse, Anthony qc             0 36 44 48 15 143
Laird, Bob PA            0 8000 8
Lam, Michael CA 14 40 300300 2000880   0  123
Landel, Derek NJ 20 18 18 143 153 15 299 57 26 49 56 56 40 25 52 505
Landes, Eric OR         6         6
Landon, Douglas FL      0        09  9
Lang, ElisabethMA 4                 4
Lange, Alexander GA        0 0 160 30 15 10 24 30 125
Lange, Catherine ae3    0             3
Lange, Ian GA 11  3 00      0     14
Lange, Jeff GA9 12 66 10 08 18049 12 12000 106
Lange, Jeff Jrae 12    12      0       24
Lange, Ted GA8      21  12 0 15 18 15 11 2100 121
Lanham, Chester MD      60 15 16 100 3000000 77
Lanham, Josh MD          300000 120   42
Lanham, Sue MD       3  120 15 5000 10 200 110
Lanza, Mario PA   2 31 41 0        0  74
Lapham, John IL               12  0 12
Lapierre, SteveME               0  20 20
Larkins, Rob PA                  900  0 0  9
Larkins, Robert PA         080  0    8
LaRose, Sylvain on3        000 6     9
Larsen, Sean NJ000 4009 18 1809 12000000  106
Lathioor, Edvon       18            18
Latto, Andy MA        12 74135 41 20 36 16 56 56 55 36 537
Laughlin, Jay VA        0  9       9
Lavrov, Misha ru           6       6
Law, Daniel NY              0080 8
Lawall, Dan VA 309 6  12  12   0 186060  99
Lawhorn, William VA       60 0 12       18
Lawler, Jim NY   8  304000    04 19
Lawrence, Zach NJ          0   400  4
Laws, JimWA              150    15
Lawson, Ivan MD  66 4060030000000 25
Lawson, Shea MD       4  180000090 39 70
Layton, Keith NJ 8 24    030600 120000 53
Leader, Dan MA 12      3000 680 1270 16 36 20 24 225
Leader, Matthew MA              9  23  32
LeBoeuf, Pierre MD000 200 260 30 12400 300 20 1290 163
Ledford, Mitchell ME               0 5 5
Lee, Christopher AZ   0           0 60 60 120
Lee, Kelsey PA         390       12
Lee, Ken PA     12 20  1230300   0  50
Lee, Roderick CA06 39 1239 13 12 188 300 34 22 359 229 281
Lee, Thomas NV               12    12
Lefevre, Chris AZ9  63 182594 30000009 12 107
Leggat, John CA00 1800080 0 0       26
Lehman, Rex FL      3  0000 0000 3
Lehrer, Raphael MD        35170 63118 77 40 24     527
Leith, Kevin VA0002      0 0 00  18 20
Lemoine, Winton CA    3 32  36 57 42 16 19  15 18 308 38 314
Lenhart, Eric PA     390 00000000  12
Lennert, Jeremy CA              4    4
Lenoir, Bill VA    16 20  0  0        36
Lentz, William NC    04000000000000 4
Leonard, Chuck PA 164 4 12 360 106 32 14 18 24 3 18 12 12 221
LeRow, Kevin MA6 0                6
Lescault, Mike MA 39                  39
LeVay, BillMA   16                16
LeVay, Jimmie MA   40                40
Levine, Jason NY 17 58 73 63 17 38 98 450 80 45 84 94106 5420 10 884
Levy, Keith MD0 30 1804002 300 429 3400 3000 199
Levy, ShiraMD        00  0 0 0 12 12
Lewinter, Steven NC            33 780 18 57114 98 398
Lewis, Andy DE8 40 12 46 206 12 16840 26 20 194 204 14 279
Lewis, Carrie DE00030660 12000000000 27
Lewis, Danny DE       2 300 300 3200 4300 137
Lewis, John RI       060         6
Lewis, Kevin DC           0 18 12 18 11 20 18 97
Lewis, Wes DE          000000 120 12
Ley, Jason WA 29 15  126  24  48112 385141 18 32 71044X 595
Libby, Gary RI       0  12 24 10 2   39
Licheri, Domenicouk            0 00 24  24
Lientz, Gerald VA0 5200 210 240 24 398 x        168
Lightburn, Rob VA 30   30  30  30 0         120
Lightburn, Tito VA 18      6 0         24
Likevich, Steve OH3 18 56 16 50 54 20 45 51 48000  48 0  409
Lin, Eugene, WA    4 64 33            101
Lin, Lewis WA               40 14   54
Lin, Pei-Hsin NJ          0 128      20
Lind, EricCA     12              12
Lind, Michael VA              60000  60
Lind, Thomas NJ              00 24  24
Lingle, Larry PA0 18 323 4066 30 30 156 399 3008 18 18 308
Lindley, JohnTX                80 8
List, GregPA 180                 18
Livingston, Mike NY      10             10
Livingston, PhilipDE          12 10060 200 109 67
Livnat, YardenUT 6                 6
Lockwood, Jon VA49 28 41 42 404 12 38 49 24 520 80 20 36 260 505
Lockwood, Kathleen VA      000 2400000000 24
Loder, Melody SC             20 0  2
Loiacono, Larry PA         32 1000200 30 0 74
Lollis, Steve MD      50 70 24 3200003   116
Long, Andrew NC       60      0 6 12
Long, Chris PA            0 0 248 16 48
Long, Dale NJ    6 18 12 47 46 30 20 429 32 170 24  303
Long, Daniel NJ        12 0030000 11  26
Long, Dave NC2     38 22 30 78 20 10600 36 1200 254
Long, James D. PA    24  2 12 12          50
Long, James H. PA       20            20
Long, Jason PA        4030 12600  12 37
Long, John PA        6          6
Long, Rachel PA            0 040  4
Longest, Clyde VA      0 36 24  00      60
Looby, Matthew NY          0   0 02 2
Lopez, CrawfordVA0002               2
Love, Mark MD 27 15 50 4026 1240509608 460 24 254
Lubreski, DonNJ      120            12
Ludwick, JordanNJ  6                6
Lunau, Mads dk            0 60 360 60 60 60276
Lundquist, Jonasse              006 24 3666
Luongo, Larry NJ 2  14   00 12400000 42 36 110
Lupinacci, Art on   16 24    18 18 129 12 12      121
Lurie, Perriane PA      30 12 12 15 6 120 129000 108
Lusk, Tammy NJ          0040  00 4
Lux, Joe NY6 30   0  14  10 1200 120006 90
Lynch, JohnNY   2               2
Lynch, Tom PA       12            12
Lyng, Ted VA                                     30 30
Lytle, Joel NY           24 3000 660 60 42 222