power grid

Updated 4/20/2014

  18 @ Terrace 2    19    22 @ Marietta
      11     22 

  Paradise     Cornwall     Laurel Grove   

Justus Hibshman, PA

2013 Champion

2nd: Jim Savarick, PA

3rd: Vien Bounma, NJ

4th: Michael Shea, CT

5th: Eyal Mozes, MD

6th: Chris Kalmbacher, PA
Event History
2004    Eric Brosius      84
2005     Jim Castonguay      94
2006    Jim Castonguay      79
2007     Patrick Shea    121
2008     Eric Brosius    123
2009     Jim Castonguay    129
2010    Kevin Garber    137
2011    Bob Woodson    161
2012    Matt Calkins    112
2013    Justus Hibshman    127

Kevin Broh-Kahn, MD
GM 2014



new and improved Funkenschlag …

Power Grid will be played per the printed rules from Rio Grande Games. 2F’s FAQ is located here: http://www.2f-spiele.de/spiele/faq/faq_frames_eng.htm

Setup: 5-player games use five of the six board regions and 4-player use four of the six; these regions are selected by each player in player order (randomly determined). There is some bad wording in the rulebook and here is how it shall be handled: each player in turn order selects a region they want to be “in play"; you can select any region with the caveat that all regions must be contiguous when the last player selects.

Ex.: 5-player game on the Italy board. P1 choose the brown boot section, P2 selects the Green northern region, and P3/P4/P5 must choose Yellow, Red, and Purple. This will help speed setup for some boards.

We will use 5-player games by preference, resorting to 4-player games if necessary based on the number of players.

Map choice per heat:

* Heat 1: USA or Central Europe

* Heat 2: Spain/Portugal or China

* Heat 3: France or Brazil

* The semifinal will be played on UK/Ireland, and the Final will be played on the Quebec map.

Format: HMWG

a. Most Wins (e.g., total in all heats entered);
b. Win in first Heat entered;
c. Win in second Heat entered;
d. Win in third Heat entered;
e. Based on points earned.

Players will earn points in each heat they play based upon their finish position as follows:

10 Points
4 Points
2 Points
1 Points
0 Points
Qualifiers will be taken from most points to least points. Your highest point value heat will determine ties; with the highest taking precedence. I.e. If Player A had one win and Player B had two seconds and one third (both total 10 points) then Player A would qualify ahead of Player B. In the event of further tie then high die roll will prevail.

Since Power Grid is played as a 5-player game and 4-player only if necessary, the above points will be used for 5-player games. For 4-player games the points are as follows: First = 10 points; Second = 4 Points; Third = 1 Point; Fourth = Zero Points.

Points are heavily weighted to first place, so much that a win is worth two and a half times as many points as second place.

Up to 36 players will advance to the semifinal.

Winner: Supply electricity to the most cities.

Tie Breakers:

1. Most Money.

2. Most Cities.

3. Biggest/Highest power plant number (added by GM)

Event Sheet: In order for a game to count an event form must be accurately completed recording ALL pertinent info. Event form(s) will be handed out by the GM before play begins.

 GM      Kevin Broh-Kahn [1st Year]   NA  
    kbkrunner@gmail.com    NA

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