You don’t have to be an expert player; if you know how to
play, you can join in the fun. Tournament special rules will
be provided at each game table.
There are three first-round heats; you can play in as many
as you like. The top 16 or 25 (depending on size of the field)
first-round players (typically, that’s everyone who wins at least
one game in the first round, plus a few alternates) advance to
the semifinals. The top five semifinalists advance to the Final.
The ideal number of players at each table will vary with the
round. For the Round 1 heats, our target is four players, for
the semis—four, and for the Final—five players.
Win any heat and you advance to the semifinal. Alternates
to get into the semifinal will be selected by ranking of highest
net worth (cash & RR property) from the heats. Semifinal
game winners advance to the Final. Alternates for the Final will
be selected from: 1st—anyone winning all three heats, 2nd,
anyone winning two heats. Highest net worth will be used to determine
ranking in case of multiple winners. If no one wins more than
one heat, Alternates for the Final will be selected by highest
net worth of non-winning semifinal players. The number of players
per game and the number advancing to the semifinal and Final will
be determined by the total number of players attending the heats. Check
the Alternate list on the event kiosk to determine your chances
of advancing as an Alternate.
We will continue to employ five rule variants, as follows:
#1) ride your own RRs for free. Do NOT pay the customary $1,000
if you use your own RRs but not the bank’s. Riding the bank’s
RRs for any portion of a trip costs the usual $1,000. The remaining
rule variants are basically unchanged from the past few years:
#2) SuperChief upgrades from an Express are free (first-round
heats only). #3) Roll three dice all at once when you have a
SuperChief. #4) The “Roll-and-move-immediately” courtesy
rule will not be enforced. #5) Home Swapping is allowed. If you
dislike your first destination, before moving you can opt to
exchange it with your home city.
The BPA is allowing us to employ laptop computers to assist
with the game’s destination and payoff chart lookups. Such computer
use is optional, and MUST be agreed to by all players at that
table. To do the chart lookups by computer, you must use the
latest Boardgame Conductor in the RB Player computer program,
which you can download and use for free. You may not use any
other portion of the program or any other Rail Baron related
program during the tournament match. So, bring your Windows laptop
computer to the tournament! In advance of the tournament, please
download, install, and try a shareware copy of the RBN Player
computer program from
A 2015 train calendar. |