first in space …
Twilight Struggle is back for another year. Deluxe
edition will be used as the default. No optional cards (players
should note that the revised Ames text in the Deluxe edition
is not considered an optional card -- it is in effect). The US
player will be awarded 3 influence after each side places initial
influence. Added influence must be placed in a location that
already has US influence. Over-control is permitted with the
influence placement from the bid. Sides will be randomly determined
in the first round. After that, players will alternate US/USSR
(to the extent feasible).
The FAQ, Q&A, and a list of the changes from 1st to 2nd
edition can all be found at, in the Twilight
Struggle folder, and on the Boardgame Geek. A list of card
changes from 1st to 2nd edition is in the same locations (and
included in the FAQ). Players should check the same two locations
for changes to the deluxe edition. Incomplete games will be adjudicated
by the GM.
If necessary to accommodate even numbers in the next round,
a player will get a bye. Past champion gets the first bye. After
that, byes will be determined randomly.
The tournament is run as Swiss elimination. We will play the
number of rounds necessary to produce two undefeated players,
who will then play the Final.
A list of the card changes from 1st to 2nd edition can be seen