formerly Global War … formerly
Advanced Third Reich …
For veterans:
This event consists of one LONG round (60 hours) of the Global
War Campaign Game Scenario, played in teams of two or three.
This will continue to be the case, although a 2-player campaign
game of the European Scenario is also allowed. The Global War
campaign games usually last from Tuesday through Saturday, meaning
that participants play this game exclusively during that time.
It is a unique, as well as highly enjoyable, experience for those
who attempt it. Many of the participants have attended multiple
times since the inaugural Advanced Third Reich event at
Camp Hill, PA in 1992. The addition of Empire of the Rising
Sun, as the Pacific companion to Advanced Third Reich,
transformed the event from a one theater game, to the ultimate
World War II gaming experience. The subsequent publication of
the revised game, A World at War, under GMT, continues
the tradition.
The game and the rules have undergone continuous refinement
since publication in 2003. Some of the recent post-publication
changes have included a spotting modifier for patrolling submarines,
a combined German-Italian unit construction limit, prohibition
against forts on Italian controlled hexes prior to Italian surrender,
reduced Italian defensive die-roll modifier once Africa is lost,
diplomatic penalties for Russian objectives and industrial centers
that are undefended, limited Axis exploitation from Russian objectives
and ICs, increasing the BRP value of ICs throughout the year
rather than at year start, revised diplomatic rules for Finland,
further refinements to research modifiers affecting the Battle
of the Atlantic, improved counter-interception of transport missions
from the US box, use of normal naval rules for Murmansk combat,
a pro-Axis modification to the French surrender modifier for
eliminated units, reduced invasion capabilities for ground units
with a combat training level (CTL) of one, reduced bombardment
capabilities for naval units with a CTL less than three, reduced
exploitation ability from seaborne invasions, and lower transport
requirements for shipping up to three oil counters. The motivation
behind these changes has been to make the 1942 campaign in Russia
more challenging for the Allies, and to encourage the Allies
to defeat Italy before invading France. The naval rules have
been revised, and were used for the first time at the 2012 convention.
The intent was to make air attacks inside and outside of naval
combat more consistent, and to provide more flexibility for carrier
task forces when facing surface fleets. Japanese surrender rules
were changed to include positive modifiers for American casualties,
to encourage Japan to fight. Research of Western Allied combat
training level has been tied to American entry into the war,
to make a successful Western Allied invasion of France with exploitation
very unlikely before 1943.
In addition, clarifications to existing rules have made this
rule set one of the cleanest and most playable available anywhere,
for a game of this scale. A second edition of A World at War
was published in 2013. The first edition from GMT is sold
out. The current rules are just a web-click away. A prequel,
called Gathering Storm, is also in the works, and will
allow starting World War II earlier or later, with different
initial conditions.
If you like World War II games on a grand operational level,
this is worth your consideration. The players who come year after
year are excellent and sportsmanlike opponents. In a game of
this complexity it is easy to overlook something crucial. Players
are quick to point out such blunders, and to allow correction
whenever asked, to ensure the best contest possible. Players
will be matched by experience level.
Plaques are awarded as determined by the GM and assistant
GMs, with input from all players. To that end, a special meeting
will be held Saturday at 11 PM in the Hopewell room to conduct
the discussion of the campaigns just waged.
For Campaign Game players that wish to do so, and who have
already been paired for a match, the first few turns of the Global
War campaign game can be played prior to the tournament using
Warplanner, a free PBeM play-aid developed exclusively
for A World at War and Advanced Third Reich.
The tournament officially begins at 6:00 PM on Tuesday night.
However, space is usually available in the Open Gaming Theatre
starting at 9:00 AM Tuesday, for players who want to start early
and are prepared to portage their games in progress to Lampeter
on Tuesday evening.
The preliminary Second Edition rules will be used, as posted
on the website Scenario modifications will
be posted there. This site has a link to the free Warplanner
PBeM aid. For preliminary pairings, please join the A World
at War Yahoo discussion group (instructions and link on the
If you are not a member of the discussion group, please join.
Rules clarifications and refinements to eliminate game flaws
and maintain game balance are hotly debated with the designer,
Bruce Harper, who also comes to the convention to play whenever
possible. Strategies are discussed, and game reports are posted.
You can find articles on how to play each country, as well as
on game design. You will not find a game anywhere more strongly
supported by its designer and the community of players.
GMT will provide merchandise
credits of $20 for all laurelists in the amount of $20 (1st),
$15 (2nd), $10 third, and $5 (4th-6th). Four additional certificates
printed on glossy photo paper are issued by the GM for best play
in the European theater (Axis and Western Allies) and for the
Pacific Theater (Japanese and Western Allies). |