The German Invasion of Spain ...
Euro style
El Grande is a multiplayer game of territorial control.
The map depicts Spain, divided into nine provinces into which
players place their forces. While there is no combat, players
select option cards which can rearrange the forces on the board
or make parts of the board off-limits.
Players bid for the order of choosing these option cards,
but the higher bids carry the penalty of giving fewer troops.
Thus, the game is a balance between resource acquisition and
use; players must know when to 'lay low' in order to restore
their forces. It is equally important to give other players good
reason to do things which help your cause while they optimize
their own scoring.
The tournament will have three Heats. Top 25 players will
advance to the semi-finals (past experience indicates one heat
win will usually be sufficient); be sure to check the event Kiosk
in the Paradise Terrace for your status following each Heat.
Winners of semi-final games will compete in a five-player final
All games will be limited to two hours, including Semi-final
and Final Rounds.
This is a B level event. If you have not played the game
before, be sure and attend a teaching session before you sign
up to play.
Tournament Format
1) Game Size
Default game size will be 5 players, with 4 player games as necessary
2) Table Assignments
Players who have set up their own games will play at their table
To save time, all other players will be randomly assigned to
tables, however please alert the GM if team members or
acquaintances are assigned to the same table. The GM will switch
players as necessary between games.
3) Seating Order and Start Player
Players at the table may determine in any manner they wish (electoral
college and touch-screen voting processes are discouraged due
to high legal fees involved)
4) Game Length:
Rounds for ALL games will be 2 hours.
In order to stay within time limits, games will be held to a
strict format:
Registration will be completed so that games can start no later
than 5 to 10 minutes past the start of the round.
Starting around 20 minutes prior to the end of the round,
the GM will check tables for progress. If a table is not near
completion (i.e., has not started turn 9), the GM will announce
that the game for that particular table will end at a prior turn
(probably Turn 7 or 8).
That table will play to the end of the announced Turn, and all
the areas on the board, including the Castillo, will be scored,
but no caballeros will be moved from the Castillo.
Starting around 10 minutes prior to the end of the round,
if tables are still not completed, the GM will halt games and
determine the winner by adjudication. The GM may ask the players
to immediately score the board in its current state to aid his
If the GM is forced to adjudicate a game, all players at that
table will be given a ballot, upon which they will be asked to
identify the player who caused the most delays, or else write
"none". If all but one player select the same person,
that player will automatically be last and the other ranks adjusted
5) Score Sheet:
At the completion of your game, please fill out the table score
sheet in its entirety. All information is important for determination
of tiebreakers and advancement.
The in-game tiebreakers for ranking players (after score) will
Most unused caballeros (# cabs in court + # cabs in provinces)
Highest unused power cards (compare each thus a 13, 12,
7, 6, 5 beats a 13, 12, 4, 3, 1).
6) Advancement:
Twenty-five players will advance to the semi-finals, and five
semi-final winners to a five-player final.
Ranking (tie-breakers) for advancement to the semi-finals will
be as follows (NEW this year):
Win in first heat entered
Most Wins
Win in second heat entered
Win in third heat entered
Has brought a copy of the game, if needed for the round
Best single differential (your score in a game minus the score
of your highest opponent in that game)
Average finish in all heats (e.g, a 2nd and two 3rd s = 2.67
and beats two 2nd s and two 4th s = 3)
The GM will post a list on the Kiosk as soon as possible after
each heat to show the top player rankings. Be sure to check
the Kiosk if you are interested in advancing. No-shows in semi-finals
and finals will be filled with the players next in order.
7) Unsportsmanlike Behavior
We are here to run a good, fun, and competitive tournament.
If you witness anything that may constitute unsportsmanlike behavior
(which may include verbal abuse, cheating, and even excessively
slow play), please alert the GM immediately. Outcomes may involve
as little as a warning up to ejection from the game and a ban
from future tournaments.
8) Tie-breakers for sixth place finish (out of the five second
place finishes in semi-finals):
- Smallest gap behind first place
- Best record according to advancement criteria in 6) above
Rule Clarifications
1) The correct total number of Caballeros for each color is
31, which includes the cube used for scoring.
2) The number of Caballeros in players' provinces shall be secret
unless all players agree to have this knowledge open. (And thus,
make it possible to count players' pieces in the Castillo.) Please
bear in mind that excessive counting and recounting on your turn
is generally inconsiderate to your fellow players. Playing at
a decent pace will make a more pleasant game for everyone.
3) In all games, used power cards are placed in a single stack
face up; only the top card is visible to other players and the
other cards are not open knowledge.
4) Action card discrepancies: different printed versions of
the game have slightly different versions of some of the cards
(example, the 2 stack card which reads: "You send one Caballero
from any region from each player back to the provinces".)
The differences are relatively minor, so to avoid confusion,
players shall use the action card rules from the set they are
playing. Refer to the rulebook for further clarifications for
individual cards.