More options for budding Railroad
Ticket To Ride is a series of stand alone railroad building
games designed by Alan R. Moon and published by Days of Wonder.
The rules are very simple to teach and each game is always tight
with delightful tension over building now and revealing intentions
or waiting until you have everything you need to connect your
This year we have added Ticket to Ride: Märklin
to the available options for players. In this latest release
set in Germany, Alan Moon has added passengers and express locomotives
to the basic game (i.e. the tunnels and stations of Ticket
to Ride: Europe do not make an appearance in this version).
The passengers add another layer of tension since using them
too soon means a lower score while waiting too long could find
them already gone via an opponent's railroad.
Tournament Rules:
The default game is the original Ticket to Ride game.
I will try to group players wishing to play another version (Europe,
Märklin) as much as possible. I will try to have as many
5-player games as possible based on the number of people participating
in each heat..
Players will randomly select turn order and seating order at
the start of each game since turn order is a tie breaker (See
5 below). At the start of each game, players must check that
they have exactly 45 trains in their color. The number of train
cars, train cards and destination tickets a player has is public
25 players will advance to the semi-finals. Qualifying for
the semi-final has been standardized at the WBC. The qualifiers
are in order:
Win in first Heat entered
Most Wins
Win in second Heat entered
Win in third Heat entered
Win in fourth Heat entered
Average finish in all heats entered; e.g., a 2nd and two 3rds
= 2.67 and beats two 2nds and two 4ths (average: 3)
High dice roll
The 5-player final will be played using the original Ticket
to Ride game unless the finalists unanimously agree to play
another version of the game. A secret ballot will be used to
determine the version used in the Final.
If two or more players tie for first place in a game, the
tie will be resolved as follows:
The person with the longest route or most destinations (Märklin)
bonus card receives first place.
If both or neither highest scoring player received the bonus
then reverse turn order will break the tie (i.e. the player going
last at the start of the game has the highest tie breaker).
The game winner is responsible for turning in the summary card
with the information completed at the end of each round.
In rounds where the GM plays, a designated assistant GM will
be named before the round begins.
Juniors version for those 12 and under will also be offered
by Matthew Beach Wednesday at 2 PM in the Heritage room.