ingenious [Updated April 2009]

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  Marietta    Ballroom B    Limerock
   Terrace, Table #4

Andy Latto, MA

2008 Champion

2nd: Rob Winslow, NY

3rd: Bruce Reiff, OH

4th: Peter Stein, OH

5th: Eric Landes, OR

6th: Mike Kaltman, PA
Event History
2007    Chris Johnson      82
2008     Andy Latto    131

Peter Stein, OH

2009 GM



Abstracts ...

Reiner Knizia's game of matching colors. It's the proverbial "minutes to learn, a lifetime to master" game. Four heats lead to the semis on Sunday. It's possible to earn wood in three hours tops - from preliminary to Final.

Ingenious is an abstract placement game. Players place colored tiles on the hexagonal board, scoring points, blocking opponents' tile placement, and trying to protect themselves from being blocked by their opponents.

Elegant and compulsively replayable, Ingenious is an excellent introduction to German-style abstract board games. It's ingeniously simple and suitable for up to four players, as well as for solo and team play. Tournament play will be limited to the 4-player version, with 3-player games used only as needed.

This year I'm going to change the rules for advancement. The goal is to encourage those who wish to advance to play in more than one heat - it won't make your position worse and probably will help. This should increase the number of players per heat so it makes this request more important than ever: BRING A COPY OF THE GAME!!!

Criteria for Advancement:
1. Most Wins
2. Best two games. Five points for a win, two points for second place, one point for third place (no points for third place in a 3-player game). 
3. If there's a tie at #2 at 10 points, then the player who played in fewer heats advance.
4. Best percentage of score in those two games. If you win, it's your score to the second place player's score (that will be at least 100%). If you didn't win, it's your score to the winner's score (that will be at most 99%). Add the two together for your score.
5. Die roll

Up to 16 players will advance to the semi-finals on Sunday at 9AM. I will post the list Saturday afternoon including alternates. In previous years there have been a decent number of eligible semi-finalists who don't appear, so it doesn't hurt to look.

 GM      Peter Stein  [3rd Year]   6625 Millridge Circle, Dublin, OH 43017   NA

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