Big crowd tonite! Once an afterthought,
Facts in Five at WBC has grown considerably in recent
years and threatens to outgrow the Hopewell room. |
Technology in the form of projected
questions and answers has sped up the process in recent years,
but despite that the event has increased its length. |
Double the Fun! ...
Thanks to everyone who came to participate in another overflowing
Facts in Five tourney! The expanded two-hour schedule
seemed to work much better, allowing us to review answers and
keep the presentation more entertaining, while maintaining the
recent inflated attendance of the previous two years.
Special thanks to Greg Crowe for being a great Assistant GM;
Sceadeau D'Tela for acquiring and arranging seating; Don Greenwood
for arranging backup when the projector wasn't immediately available;
and again, to everyone who made it a great crowd.
Full player results (with names removed to protect the innocent)
can be found here.
The full answer key can be found here.
Please note that the answer key was what I developed prior
to the event; some answers may have been added during the game
as people came up with answers that I had overlooked (for example,
"Thigh Bone" should count as a valid "T"
common name for a bone.)
Without further ado, here are the categories, letters, and
top performers for each round:
Round 1:
Justices (current and past) of the U.S. Supreme Court
Properties of Monopoly
Main Ingredients in McCormick Brand Spices
Celebrity Contestants of Dancing With The Stars
Bones of the Human Body
Letters: C, P, R, S, T
Overall Average: 10 correct
Top performers: Jason Arvey took an early lead with
20 correct; Sarah Beach was second with 19, and Richard Irving
and Jim Eliason tied at 18. Richard Meyer, Eric Brodius, and
Roderick Lee rounded out the rest of the early contenders tied
at 17.
Novels By Stephen King
U.S. cities west of the Mississippi with a population of over
Nobel Prize Winners for Physics
BBC Original Series
Drivers who won the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series
Letters: E, F, L, P, T
Overall Average: 6 correct
Top Performers: Jason Arvey expanded his lead with
15 points over Mark Guttag, Chaka Benson, Gordon Rogers, Jarret
Weintraub, and Brandon Bernard with 11 each.
Round 3:
Movies Directed By Woody Allen
Rolling Stone's Top 100 Guitarists of All Time
Capitals of European Countries
Television Manufacturers
Authors Nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel
Letters: D, M, V, W, Z
Overall Average: 7 correct
Top Performers: Two-time champ Richard Meyer and Roderick
Lee tied at 14 points each, doubling the average correct score.
Mark Guttag, Jim Eliason, Eric Brosius and Gordon Rogers led
the trail pack with 13 points each.
Round 4:
Fortune 100 Companies
Winter Olympics Host Cities
SNL Cast Members
Counties in the State of California
U.S. Magazines with a circulation of over 1 million
Letters: C, G, L, N, O
Overall Average: 7 correct
Top Performers: Mark Guttag and Joseph Marriot tied
for the lead with 14 points each; Richard Meyer and Roderick
Lee tied again, but for second this time with 13 points; and
John Riston rounded out the top five with 12.
Round 5:
Middle Names of U.S. Presidents
Coaches in the NFL Hall of Fame
Academy Award Winners for Best Actress
Childrens' Books Written by Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
Countries and Territories touching the Caribbean Sea
Letters: A, B, H, M, S
Overall Average: 9 correct
Top Performers: The final round saw Richard Irving
lead with 18 points; Mark Guttag came in second with 17; and
Richard Meyer, John Riston, Winton Lemoine, and John Elliot tied
at 16.
Final Results:
Despite lots of ties within each round, the end totals needed
no tie breakers: Mark Guttag won with 71 points; Jason Arvey
was second with 69; Richard Irving third at 68; Richard Meyer
fourth at 67; Roderick Lee fifth at 65; and Jim Eliason in sixth
at 64.
Questions, and comments are always appreciated; putting these
together is a learning process. (One major piece of feedback
I've received and will follow: less questions on U.S. politicians/geography
next year to be fair to our foreign players.) Please reach out
to me at johncorrado@hotmail.com if you have suggestions or if
there was something you would like to see or something you'd
like me to do differently.
My favorite moments this year? Hearing Winton Lemoine groan
"My employer!" when we read out the names of Fortune
500 companies; and hearing Richard Meyer exclaim "Oh, this
must be a trap!" when I set up the category that was, in
fact, a trap. But best was having an engaged crowd who laughed
at the right points and groaned at the right points! So thank
you all again, and I'll see you next year!
GM John Corrado not only has to research
his "puzzles" well in advance, he also augments the
presentation with graphic displays of the answers. |
A far cry from the old days when participants
voted on whether an answer was acceptable or not. Huge improvement
over the "Arguments R Us" days. |