The German Invasion of Spain ...
Euro style
The new Multiple Entry, Single Elimination format was a huge
success with a record 70 players competing in the tournament.
The two initial heats consisted of four 4-player and thirteen
5-player games. A top score of 118 was obtained by Rob Flowers
in a first round 5-player game.1999 champion Stu Hendrickson
played in the second preliminary round and was eliminated. 2000
finalist Rob Flowers and tournament winner Anthony Burke made
it to the semis but got no further. The highest score in the
semi finals was 110 points for Nicholas Benedict.
final consisted of two newcomers to El Grande, Nicholas
Benedict and Gary Pressner, who both played the game for the
first time at WBC 2001. The other finalists were Peter Martin,
Barbara Flaxington and Jason Levine. The starting Grande
positions for the game were: Nicholas in Basque Country, Barbara
in Seville, Jason in Catalonia, Gary in Valencia and Peter in
Aragon. The starting positions did not give any player a large
potential scoring advantage over any other player. Nicholas bid
the highest with a thirteen power card in the first round. He
chose the action card where his fellow players must remove two
caballeros form the board. Since the game had just started this
cleared the board of all caballeros except Nicholas's. Barbara
was next with a twelve power card and chose to score the Castillo
card for an early five point lead score in round 1.
In round 2, Peter played the first action card with his thirteen
power card play, scored the five regions, and took the lead with
twelve points. Gary moved his Grande to Granada were he had caballeros
and could potentially score higher. Jason spread five caballeros
about the board to his advantage. Barbara held a distant second
with her initial five points from round one. Gary, Nicholas and
Jason were tied for last with three points each. In round 3,
the first general scoring round, Jason playws first with his
thirteen power card. He scored the region with the least Caballeros.
Two regions were tied for the least caballeros where Jason has
his Grande in one and the majority in both giving him an additional
11 points. At the end of the first general scoring round, Jason
is in the lead with t31 points. Barbara is second with 26.
Barbara played the thirteen power card in round 4 giving her
the score the fours action card. This action gave the leader
,Jason, additional points, but brought Barbara two points closer
to his total. Jason played the 8-4 mobile scoreboard onto the
Castillo, making it even more appealing for players to drop caballeros
into it. In round 5, Nicholas played score the fives, which closed
the point gap for four of the five players. Jason moved his Grande
to improve his point potential and still held the lead with 38,
leading Peter with 36, and Barbara and Nicholas with 34 each.
In round 6, Jason increased his lead by playing the score the
Castillo action card. By the end of the second general scoring
round Jason has 66. Nicholas is now second with 56 and Barbara
is in third with 54 points. Peter and Gary bring up the rear
with 50 and 48 respectively.
More points are scored
in round 7 by Barbara playing the score the four regions. This
closes the point gap slightly between first, second and third
place. Jason goes first in round 8 by playing the twelve power
card. He scores the first place in each region. Jason now has
82 and Nicholas jumps into a healthy second with 79 points. In
the final round of the game, round 9, Gary goes first by playing
his thirteen power card. Gary moves the king to secure himself
an extra two points in the final scoring. Jason plays second
and attempts to place a mobile score board, but Barbara vetoes
his move. Barbara scores the region with the most Caballeros
and Nicholas does a special scoring on the region of his choice.
Scoring again favors Jason by widening his lead. Behind by eight
points, Nicholas is the closest to catching Jason, with Barbara
down by twelve points. The final general scoring round takes
The new EL Grande tournament champion is Jason Levine with
a total of 106. Second place goes to Nicholas Benedict with 104.
Rounding out the final in third, forth and fifth place are: Barbara
Flaxington with 96, Gary Presser with 85 and Peter Martin with