From one train to another...
53 players jumped aboard our train this year, dreaming of
becoming THE Rail Baron. Perhaps more than a few of them took
the Amtrak from the Philadelphia airport on their way to a more
important train.
Some interesting facts about this tournament: No one
player won all three first-round-heats. Three players did manage
to win two of their Preliminary heats: T.J. Halperstadt, Eve
Secunda (my wife), and myself. Eight committed players played
in all three Preliminary heats as well as the Semifinal: Inger
Henning, Stephane Dorais, Sue and Chester Lanham, Doug Richards,
Eve and Ron Secunda, and Mike Zorrer. I would also like to recognize
the three other players who played in all three first-round-heats:
Charles Davis, Brian Smith, and the player who came the farthest:
Morio Takatori, who travelled from Japan. The leading aternates
for the Final who didn't get their chance were, in order: Eve
Secunda, Eyal Mozes, and David Steiner.
The Final: At the time of the last RR purchase, the
holdings were: Bill: PA, UP, NYNH&H, SLSF, GM&O, SAL,
and N&W; Doug: AT&SF, WP, GN, C&NW, ACL, and RF&P;
Mike: C&O, CB&Q, T&P, and SOU; Ron: SP, NYC, B&M,
MP, D&RGW, and CMSTP&P; Rod: B&O and NP; Stephane:
CRI&P, L&N, and IC. As often happens in a six-player
game, one player, Roderick, was eliminated shortly after all
RR's were purchased. As the game progressed, Stephane purchased
the B&O at auction, and I purchased the NP and IC. The RF&P
also changed hands, from Doug to Mike.
Summary of the end game: Bill Duke, with way over $200K,
was en route to Detroit, near his home of Minneapolis. Yours
truly, with 210K, and 11 spaces from my home in New Orleans,
was the first to declare for home, in spite of the fact that
two players, Mike and Stephane, were within rovering range. My
decision to "go for it" was prompted by Bill's proximity
to his home and the fact that Doug (who also would have more
than $200K) was headed for a friendly West Coast (Oakland), with
his home being Seattle and no other players west of the Mississippi.
Unfortunately, I rolled a "10," and subsequently undeclared
myself. Bill, who arrived in Detroit and needed a "10"
to get to his home in Minneapolis, rolled a "10" to
victory. As usual, the end game was very exciting. A more detailed
version of the game will be posted on the Rail Baron Fanatics
website listed below. Hope to see you all next year.
Many thanks to my two assistants, Paul Van Bloem and Chester
Lanham. Thanks also to Steve Okonski of Intersystem Concepts,
Inc. for providing this year's prize (the Rail Baron Ambassador
Series CD) to the winner.
For pictures and year-round Rail Baron news see