pirate's cove

Updated 11/30/2008

2008 WBC Report     

2009 Status: pending 2009 GM commitment

Tom Pavy, OH

2008 Champion

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Event History
2005    Chris Striker     45
2006    John Elliott     44
2007    Paul Weintraub     71
2008    Tom Pavy     58

Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
  1.  Tom Pavy           OH    08    69
  2.  Paul Weintraub     MD    07    51
  3.  Chris Striker      PA    06    36
  4.  John Elliott       MD    06    30
  5.  Forrest Speck      MD    08    27
  6.  Henry Pfeiffer     SC    08    18
  7.  Chris Gnech        PA    08    18
  8.  Lauren Vessey      VA    06    18
  9.  Frank Mestre       NY    07    12
 10.  Bob Jamelli        PA    05     9
 11.  John Ellsworth     IL    08     6
 12.  Greg Zegalia       PA    07     6
 13.  Matt Evinger       PA    08     3
 14.  Alex Bell          MD    07     3
 15.  Ruth Evinger       PA    06     3
 16.  Stephen Fitchett   PA    05     3

2008 Laurelists                                            Repeating Laurelists:

Henry Pfeiffer, SC

Chris Gnech, PA

Forrest Speck, MD

John Ellsworth, IL

Matt Evinger, PA

Past Winners

Chris Striker, PA

John Elliott, MD

Paul Weintraub, MD

Tom Pavy, OH

Beware all ye who dare enter these waters ...

There's treasure to be had for Cap'n Larry's crew.

Squawk ... Heave Cap'n Larry overboard!

AAARRRHHH!!!  We had 58 buckle-swashers this year.  Last year we had 71.  What happened?  Too many King's Commissioners on the prowl? We did have 15 wenches or fairer-framed pirate-ettes though to brighten up the decks. 
Heat #1 drew six games.  The victors once the boarding was done were: John Schoose, Dan Hoffman, Katherine Hitchings, John Ellsworth, Zack Dunn, and young buck Henry Pfeiffer.  Former champ, John Elliot and Paul Weintraub tangled in one game and both walked the plank, finishing 4th and 5th respectively!   They lost to a rookie - John Ellsworth, who learned the game an hour before with his lovely lass Sue.  My assistant Tom Pavy, showed them the ropes in the demoand primed them well for dealing with cutthroats in the 'Cove. 
Heat # 2 hosted seven games.  Those making shore with the most swag were: Greybeard Zegalia, former champ Chris Striker, Matt Evinger, John Faella, Beth Zhao, Frank Sinigaglio, and Verity Hitchings. That mother/daughter combo was tough.  These gals sank 16 fellow pirates in just two games!!!  In all, the wenches sank 53 ships ... a blood thirsty crew if ever there was one. Expect no mercy from these cold-hearted devils!
Heat #3 drew five games worth of cutthroats.  The most successful booty takers were former champ Chris Striker [did he honestly think those brigands would allow him to win again?], John Schoose and Beth Zhao[again ... obviously piracy is in their blood], Chris Gnech and finally, after making the Final every year, facing elimination, Tom Pavy's scurvy self.  Tom and Ashley Collinson sank the flying dutchman on Turn 12 to bury their loot! 
15 pirates flushed by recent victory, sailed into Tortuga at the appointed time for the Semis, so we went with five 4-player games, admitting five knaves from the crew for a second chance. We had to go ten deep down the alternate list to fill the crew with Forrest Speck being the last man aboard. Them's that comes to the party gets to play.  Chris Gnech, Chris Striker, Henry Pfeiffer, Forrest Speck and Tom Pavy made short work of the pretenders and moved on to the Final. Forrest and Tom were making a return visit to the fnal round, having sailed these waters last year too. Whoever says 'Cove is all luck should consult with these guys.  Tom has been in the Final EVERY YEAR!  The man knows his way around a cutlass.

Problems arose when Chris Striker set sail for another Final. Mutiny!  I decided to go with a 4-player Final rather than advance the best second since that had not been specified in advance.  In the Final, Henry Pfeiffer sank four pirates in his quest for a score of 49.  Chris Gnech hung in for 42 pts, but ol' salt Pavy blew his way to 49 and his long sought championship.  After four years of near misses, he was due.  Ah, let us not forget poor Forrest.  He faltered last year [barely] and squeezed his way into the semi's and Final this time only to get off to a rather slow start.  HE SCORED HIS FIRST POINT ON TURN 8!!!  in a 12-turn game!  Until next year, keep yer cannons loaded!     P.S.  Squawker says "walk da plank!" 

Frank sez the Jolly Roger has been hoisted ... protect your purse and innocents.

Cap'n Larry dons his Mr Sneed outfit to oversee the finalists split the booty.
 GM      Larry Lingle [4th Year]   218 West Spruce St, Palmyra, PA 17078-1011 
    Napoleonll@gmail.com   717-838-8733

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