Aurora Pack, Phil Rennert, Rob Seulowitz
and Sean Parker amongst the pyramids. |
Alex Bell, Andy latto, Bill Zurn,
Kevin Wojtaszczck and Carol Haney populate the Nile. |
A Down Year for Pharoahs ...
Attendance defied the overall trend and dropped to its lowest
point in the event's eight-year run, albeit by just one less
player than its previous nadir of 49.
The Final was a 4-player game instead of the usual 5-player
affair and that ended the title defense of 2009 champ Eric Freeman
when he just failed to make the cut. Alex Bove and 2008 champ
Greg Thatcher were veterans of the rarified air of the AMR Final,
while Bill Zurn and Bryan Berkenstock were making their first
appearance at the last pyramid.
House rules in effect were that Amarna, Abydos and Kharga
were removed from play, and the Power Card Bonus card's requirements
were lowered from seven to six power card wedges. Bill was randomly
tabbed to go first as Pharaoh. The initial provinces were awarded
to: Bill (Thebes for 6 gold), Greg (Barharya for 3), Bryan (Buto
for 1) and Alex (Avaris for 0). The sacrifice level reached 1
and Greg became the new pharaoh.
The Round 2 bidding was far from uneventful. Greg bid on Dahkla,
only to be outbid by Bryan. Alex bid on Sawu for 3 and Bill on
Edfu. Greg then outbid Alex with 6 on Sawu. Alex responded with
a bid of 0 for Damanhur to end the phase. Paraphrasing Greg,
he felt that the moves that would determine the eventual winner
had already been made.
The game continued with Greg remaining Pharaoh during the
Old Kingdom, and the sacrifice levels remaining at 1. By the
end of the Old Kingdom, the scores remained close with all tied
at 12 save Alex with 10. The second kingdom began with some excitement
when Greg bid 21 for Avaris which had the three pyramids Alex
had built. Alex, determined to get back his old province, bid
28. The other provinces went for less, having but one or no pyramids.
The Sacrifice Phase saw a change in Pharaoh with Bill taking
the title.
Round 5 had provinces each containing one pyramid, but Greg
and Bryan managed to make Alex pay the most gold for his - 15
for Thebes. The Sacrifice Phase saw the level reach 2 for the
first time after long deliberations about sacrifices. Greg earned
back the Pharaoh title.
In Round 6, Greg bid 15 for Baharya's two pyramids. Bryan
bid 10 for Sawu's lone pyramid, but Alex outbid him, paying 15.
The other two provinces had no pyramids, but Bill was willing
to pay 3 to make sure he got Abu. The sacrifice remained at level
2, with Bryan earning Pharaoh. During the scoring, Most Pyramids
went to Alex and Bill, Most Gold to Alex first, then Bryan, then
Greg. Bill played Upper/Lower Bonus card and Greg played Farmer
Bonus card. Alex won with 34 points, to Bill's 31, Greg's 30
and Bryan's 26. It was to be just the first of three WBC 2010
triumphs by the 2008 Caesar.
Haim Hochboim, David Gagne and Perrianne
Lurie build pyramids. |
The finalists with GM Marilyn Flowers. |
On-Line 2010
In a close, low scoring game, Haim Hochboim managed to keep
just a few points ahead of everyone to grab the 2009 Amun-Re
online tournament Wood! At the half way point everyone was within
three points but Haim managed to have the top money going into
the second half. The provinces popped up in a non-optimal order,
nullifying many of the scoring cards and resulting in a couple
rounds of haves and have nots in the bidding. Bidding first in
a round proved to be critical
throughout with the money being tight for everyone. Still managing
to score two power cards, Aran almost managed to pass Haim in
final scoring, but fell short by just two points when Haim did
get to score a bank of the nile card. For all the details you
can check out the game at http://www.spielbyweb.com/game.php?games_id=79240
The final six spots were:
1st. Haim Hochboim
2nd Aran Warszawsk
3rd Curt Collins III
4th Kevin Wojtaszczyk
5th Chris Trimmer
6th Grant LaDue
At this time it looks like the last Amun-Re online
tournament since the game has now been pulled off of spielbyweb.
Much can happen between now and October, so if things change,
there might be another tournament, but right now it is not looking
likely. So I'd like to thank everyone that made the last three
years of Amun-Re online a success! It was a great time
and the competition was top notch.