Stan Buck searches for a Russian boomer. |
The Mafia meets again at a WBC Final
as GM Caler hovers. |
last chance for wood ...
Once again three rounds of Swiss play were used to determine
eight players to advance to single-elimination rounds. The pool
of players included the usual Attack Sub 'sharks', but
there were a good number of young players which bodes well for
the future of the tournament. Jim Doughan in particular brought
a young fleet in tow with him this time and one of his sons would
grab more laurels than his dad. Five former champs were present
in an attempt to improve their colors, including defending champ
Bill Edwards looking to pick up his brown belt.
Bill had his first scare in the second round of Swiss play
against Keith Hunsinger. The good reverend made a successful
attack, but the damage draw was a Dud! Bill then followed up
with an "automatic" attack, but drew a malfunction!
Bill managed to overcome his faulty equipment to advance.
Several other players experienced similar maintenance problems.
Andy Lewis had three malfunctions and downed his system on one
repair attempt. Dennis Nicholson had seven malfunctions in his
third round game while his opponent had four. Reports that they
actually battled it out in a pair of rowboats are gaining credence.
Three former champs were among the eight players advancing
to the quarter finals and the creme would rise to the top as
they finished 1-2-3 ahead of Andy Lewis, Stan Buck, Rob Schoenen,
Andrew Doughan and Jeff Lang. Bill Edwards continued his title
defense over Andy Lewis while Stan Buck, Bruce Young and John
Emery also advanced to the semi-finals.
Much to his consternation, Bill would face two-time champion
John in the semi-finals while Bruce would tackle Stan. John managed
to end Bill's streak with his surface ships defeating Bill's
subs in Scenario B. Stan & Bruce also chose Scenario B for
their match, but with the opposite outcome. Bruce was on a roll,
having sunk both of Stan's ships in a third of the first deck!
He never missed either a sonar search or an attack in dispatching
Stan in record time.
So that set up a Greenville Mafia Final between a pair of
ex-champs and frequent antagonists. Again, the scenario choice
was B with Bruce taking the surface command this time. Bruce
got off to another quick start sinking one of the Soviet subs,
but then the Simpson had a sonar malfunction. Despite his own
sonar malfunction, John managed to get off a good shot against
the Virginia. But the resulting hit did not strike a lethal blow,
taking only two sensor hits which had no effect since its sonar
system was already down! The damaged Virginia then got off an
attack that would sink the Skvortsov, giving Bruce his second
Attack Sub championship - some 17 years after the first!