pirate's cove 

Updated 11/23/2010

2010 WBC Report     

2011 Status: pending 2011 GM commitment

Brandon Bernard, PA

2010 Champion

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Event History
2005    Chris Striker       45
2006    John Elliott       44
2007    Paul Weintraub       71
2008    Tom Pavy       58
2009    Ashley Collinson       57
2010    Brandon Bernard     100

Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
  1.  Tom Pavy           OH    08    69
  2.  Paul Weintraub     MD    07    51
  3.  Brandon Bernard    PA    10    40
  4.  Chris Striker      PA    06    36
  5.  Ashley Collinson   MD    09    30
  6.  John Elliott       MD    06    30
  7.  Henry Pfeiffer     SC    09    27
  8.  Forrest Speck      MD    08    27
  9.  Patrick Mirk       FL    10    24
 10.  Beth Zhao          TX    09    18
 11.  Chris Gnech        PA    08    18
 12.  Lauren Vessey      VA    06    18
 13.  Charles Squibb     PA    10    16
 14.  Jason Fisher       NC    10    12
 15.  Barrett Straub     MD    09    12
 16.  Frank Mestre       NY    07    12
 17.  Bob Jamelli        PA    05     9
 18.  Steve Scott        CA    10     8
 19.  James Bell         MD    09     6
 20.  John Ellsworth     IL    08     6
 21.  Greg Zegalia       PA    07     6
 22.  Joe Collinson      MD    10     4
 23.  Verity Hitchings   DE    09     3
 24.  Matt Evinger       PA    08     3
 25.  Alex Bell          MD    07     3
 26.  Ruth Evinger       PA    06     3
 27.  Stephen Fitchett   PA    05     3

2010 Laurelists                                                  Repeating Laurelists: 0

Patrick Mirk, FL

Charles Squibb, PA

Jason Fisher, NC

Steve Scott, CA

Joe Collinson, MD

Past Winners

Chris Striker, PA

John Elliott, MD

Paul Weintraub, MD

Tom Pavy, OH

Ashley Collinson, MD

Beware all ye who dare enter these waters ...

Aye ... I be man enuff to turn a lass'es head.


 Didn't I see these guys on a Disney ride ... or was it Nickelodeon?

 It takes more than a lousy badge to enter this port.

100 Pirates on the High Seas ...

AAARRHH!! Avast all ye sea dogs. We had a record voyage this year and joined the bigtime with exactly 100 pirates - 77 scurvy landlubbers and 23 gorgeous gals, or sea-wenches, if you prefer. Makes you want to break out in song ... "100 Pirates on the Bounding Main, Hang one & cut 'em down, 99 Pirates on the Bounding Main ... or something to that effect.

All you guys should hang your heads in shame as the gals clobbered ya'll again! The 23 lasses totalled 200 prizes for an average of 8.7 per gal. All you 77 curs managed was a paltry 4.75 average. Somehow, the wenches were at least kept out of the Final.

The "pack" attack was back after a year off. Rumor has it, John, Aurora, Marie, Sharee, and David Pack were plundering the seas around the Hawaiian Islands. Led by the big kahuna, John, who incidentally finished behind all of his crew. Kids, teach Dad how to play before next year so he won't bring down the family average!

The "pack" was overshadowed by the Collinson Crew led by last year's champ, Ashley (12 sinks), Mom Rolinda (13 sinks), Joe (14), Ben Sr. (15) and Angela (9). A blood thirsty crew to be sure ... sellind over 60 hulls to Davey Jones locker.

This year we started the now infamous "CHAINS OF SHAME". Whenever you have a mutiny, not only do you lose your gold, treasure, and two fame - you get to wear the "chains". This year's inaugural losers were Barrett Straub, Steve Scott, Frank Mestre, first mate Jason 'chainlink' Fisher, and Katherine Hitchings - see we even keelhaul the wenches too!! I still have a box full of chains for next year's sailing, and no, you cannot buy these chains. Ya gotta earn 'em!

The semi-finals were flush with 22 glory hounds. We had 37 game winners, but 15 of the scurvy dogs went over the side during the night. The kiosk was updated Thursday at 2100. You folks had plrnty of time to see where you stood. The no-shows were: Cliff Ackman, John "lash" Jacoby, Evan Hitchings, Tom Strock, John Faella, Vinny Sinigaglio, Jim Dougherty, Eric Stranger, Patrick Richardson, Alex Henning, Katie Dougherty, Sarah Vasilakos, Nick Parauda, Jefferson Meyer, and Chris Trimmer. I'll wager they were hanging around Port Royal.

In semi-final action, Steve "the chain ganger" Scott edged by Bob Drozd by one lousy point. Andres Dunn, third, and Aurora Pack, last ... a fitting end for her soaking me in the Gangsters Watergun Fight. Was there ever any doubt she was going over the side? Brandon Bernard breezed by Angela Collinson, Barrett "first chain" Straub, and PRC Team Gamer Henry Pfeiffer in semi #2. Semi #3 found Pat Mirk sailing by "the Beth-Ster" Zhao (our #1 wench this year), Ben Collinson, Ron "the ruthless" Fisher, and Greg-beard Zegalia's last ditch effort to sink both royal navies on the same turn. Poor Greg-beard went down with his ship. Semi #4 saw firstmate Jason "chainlink" Fisher clobber Zack Dunn, Rolinda Collinson, and "chain man" Frank Mestre. The last semi was a cliffhanger worthy of the last berth in the Final. Just seven points separated five pirates. Eric "Smitty" Buetihofer -29, was keelhaulled while 4th place went to bloodthirsty Joe Collinson-31. Katherine-33 "the veritable verity avenger" Hitchings was overcome by Marie "soakette" Pack-34, another "gangster pirate" to no avail, as Charles Squibb-36, slippedby both wenches for the final spot.

Brandon Bernard jumped out to an early lead in the Final with three sinks. Steve "chain ganger" Scott also sank three, but just could not get the hang of plundering. (netting just 20 for last place). Jason "chainlink" Fisher accidentally killed off Long John Silver's parrot with a grapeshot attack on the Flying Dutchman, to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory (23 for 4th place). Charles "squid" Squibb hung on for the tiny "doorstopper" third place with 25. Pat Grognard Mirk just could not bring things together and managed to stay ahead by scoring 28 for second place. Brandon "the batterer" Bernard survived with 44 points and the "big wood."

Captain Larry ... Polly still sez WALK DA PLANK!!!!!!!!!!

Cap'n Larry seems to be recruitin' 'em younger every year!
Before long they'll have to "Crawl the Plank".

Cap'n Larry has upped the ante in his side bet with
the Gangsters godfather as to who provides the most theme related swag.
 GM      Larry Lingle [6th Year]   906 Robert St., Mechanicsburg, OA 17055
    Napoleonll@gmail.com   717-766-4269

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