el grande   

Updated 2/5/2012
2011 WBC Report    

 2012 Status: pending 2012 GM commitment
Curt Collins II, PA
2010-11 Champion


  Rio Grande Games

Event History
1999     Stu Hendrickson     47
2000     Anthony Burke      40
2001     Jason Levine      70
2002     Mark Guttag      41
2003     Rob Flowers      55
2004     Jay Fox      68
2005     Charlie Kersten      97
2006     Greg Thatcher      55
2007     Robb Effinger      68
2008     Geoff Pounder      61
2009     Rob Flowers      71
2010     Curt Collins II      69
2011     Curt Collins II      68

Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
  1.  Rob Flowers        MD    11    103
  2.  Greg Thatcher      FL    11     77
  3.  Robb Effinger      WA    10     69
  4.  Jason Levine       NY    05     62
  5.  Curt Collins II    PA    11     60
  6.  Jay Fox            NJ    11     46
  7.  Geoff Pounder      on    08     46
  8.  Charlie Kersten    OH    05     40
  9.  Mark Guttag        VA    02     40
 10.  Stu Hendrickson    VA    00     36
 11.  David Buchholz     MI    05     32
 12.  Eric Freeman       PA    10     30
 13.  Anthony Burke      NJ    00     30
 14.  Mike Hazel         SC    07     24
 15.  Yoel Weiss         NJ    04     24
 16.  Josh Campbell      NY    03     24
 17.  Mike Kaltman       PA    09     18
 18.  Marc Berenbach     MA    08     18
 19.  Winton LeMoine     CA    07     18
 20.  Nick Benedict      CA    01     18
 21.  Rob Seulowitz      NY    00     18
 22.  Dan Hoffman        NC    99     18
 23.  Eric Brosius       MA    10     17
 24.  Barry Shutt        PA    04     16
 25.  Mario Lanza        PA    03     16
 26.  Barb Flaxington    NJ    09     15
 27.  Gary Presser       NY    02     13
 28.  Drew Duboff        NJ    11     12
 29.  Brian Kirchner     de    06     12
 30.  Pete Gathmann      NJ    05     12
 31.  John Poniske       PA    04     12
 32.  Davyd Field        SC    03     12
 33.  Dennis Disney      TX    99     12
 34.  Curt Collins II    PA    09      9
 35.  Rich Meyer         MA    07      9
 36.  David Gubbay       TX    06      9
 37.  James Pei          TX    00      9
 38.  Sean Vessey        VA    99      9
 39.  Stan Hilinski      MD    02      8
 40.  Jeff Meyer         MA    11      6
 41.  Nick Henning       CT    09      6
 42.  Tim Mossman        MD    08      6
 43.  Mike Nickeloff     CA    07      6
 44.  Paul Murphy        UT    06      6
 45.  Peter Martin       NJ    01      6
 46.  Paul Hakken        NJ    99      6
 47.  Andrew Greene      VA    04      4
 48.  Gary Noe           FL    03      4
 49.  Brian Kowal        WI    07      3
 50.  Joe Pabis          VA    06      3
 51.  Andy Lewis         DE    01      3
 52.  Scott Buckwalter   MD    00      3
 53.  Scott Smith        GA    99      3

2011 Laurelists                                            Repeating Laurelists 

Rob Flowers, MD

Drew Buboff, NJ

Greg Thatcher, CA

Jay Fox, NJ

Jeff Meyer, MA

Past Winners

Stu Hendrickson,VA

Anthony Burke, NJ

Jason Levine, NY

Mark Guttag, VA

Rob Flowers, MD
2003, 2009

Jay Fox, NJ

Charlie Kersten, OH

Greg Thatcher, FL

Robb Effinger, on

Geoff Pounder, on

Take Me Down to Paradrop City

El Grande held to its usual "early in the week" schedule, with the goal of having the tournament completed by Thursday afternoon, ahead of the weekend crush of Finals and semi-finals. This year, 20 preliminary games generated no double winners. Two qualifiers (Bryan Birkenstock and defending champ Curt Collins) played all three heats, both finally getting their needed win in the last heat . The highest winning score was a 125-point showing by JR Geronimo; the lowest, a 74 point squeaker by Dominic Duchesne.

This WBC marked the first in this GM's experience of not having enough people appear for the semi-finals. Even after tracking down Rebecca Hebner, we were one short of the 25 slots, so one game proceeded shorthanded with four players.

Not only did this year's semi-finals have six of the last seven champions, but we have started to see the emergence of unruly youths crashing the party. Both Yoni Weiss (who also qualified for last year's semi-final) and Drew Duboff have played previously. They obviously get their troublemaking tendencies from their dads.

Two of the semi-finals generated a tie, both resorting to the second tiebreaker to determine a winner. Four of the six former champions advanced, with the fifth seat claimed by none other than Drew, making him the youngest finalist in the tournament's history.

Since the GM and his assistant were both finalists, the note-taking was pretty much non-existent, but hey, we do the best we can. Drew did manage to get off to a lead with an early score card, helped somewhat by Rob playing for position instead of points, when he moved the king onto a region where Drew had sole control. Jay Fox fell behind midway through the game, but caught up briefly on a card that scored the 6s and 7s, then started to trail again and was never quite able to close a 10-15 point gap in the scores.

In the midgame, Rob started to pull ahead, only in a relative sense, since other scores were tightly grouped with the exception of Jay. This led to some attacks on Rob's position, at one point provoking a complete "retrenching" move wherein Rob moved his Grande out of his original home territory (where he was third) to New Castille, where he had no pieces at all, but a large Castillo force waiting to pounce.

Meanwhile, Curt was playing exactly as one should in such a tight game, building up position on the board in preparation for the final scores. Rob still had the lead, but his previous positions of firsts and seconds had dropped into measly thirds while Curt had several firsts and seconds across the board. A large buildup in the Castillo still had the chance to upset Curt's comeback, but he did not choke and managed a win with a four-point margin. In successfully defending his title, Curt became only the second two-time champion.

 GM      Rob Flowers  [9th Year]  NA
    rpf1@mindspring.com   NA

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