union pacific  

Updated 11/30/2011

2011 WBC Report     

 2012 Status: pending 2012 GM commitment

Curt Collins II, PA

2011 Champion


AREA Boardgamegeek

Event History
2000    Joe Lux     67
2001    Jamie Tang     77
2002    Bruce Young     84
2003    Arthur Field     73
2004    Luke Koleszar     64
2005    Jeff Mullet     65
2006    Fred Minard     40
2007    Steve Shambeda     44
2008    Paul Bolduc     32
2009    Curt Collins     64
2010    Bruce Reiff     46
2011    Curt Collins     48

Euro Quest Event History
2003    Arthur Field     28

Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
  1.  Arthur Field       SC    06     92
  2.  Curt Collins II    PA    11     60
  3.  Bruce Reiff        OH    11     48
  4.  Luke Koleszar      VA    04     48
  5.  Jeff Mullet        OH    09     43
  6.  Steve Shambeda     PA    08     42
  7.  Fred Minard        PA    09     35
  8.  Joe Lux            NY    06     34
  9.  Bruce Young        SC    02     30
 10.  Jamie Tang         MD    01     30
 11.  Scott Pfeiffer     SC    02     21
 12.  Cliff Ackman       PA    10     20
 13.  Paul Bolduc        FL    08     20
 14.  John Wetherell     PA    07     19
 15.  Jeff Meyer         MA    10     18
 16.  Rodney Davidson    AZ    09     18
 17.  Jim Carvin         PA    07     18
 18.  Tom Stokes         NJ    03     18
 19.  Davyd Field        SC    02     18
 20.  David Fritsch      VA    00     18
 21.  Jeff Senley        PA    09     16
 22.  Bob Wicks          CT    11     12
 23.  Brandon Bernard    PA    10     12
 24.  Mike Backstrom     MN    04     12
 25.  Sean McCulloch     OH    04     12
 26.  Debbie Gutermuth   TX    03     12
 27.  Harald Henning     CT    03     12
 28.  Stu Hendrickson    VA    02     12
 29.  Bill Edwards       VA    00     12
 30.  Jason Ley          WA    11      9
 31.  Rich Meyer         MA    10      9
 32.  Chris Terrell      VA    05      9
 33.  Cathy Kratz        ID    04      9
 34.  Kathy Stroh        PA    01      9
 35.  Max Jamelli        PA    08      8
 36.  Jed Shambeda       PA    07      8
 37.  Chris Trimmer      TX    11      6
 38.  Lisa Gutermuth     NC    10      6
 39.  Bruce Bernard      PA    09      6
 40.  Mark Guttag        VA    07      6
 41.  Matt Calkins       VA    05      6
 42.  Rich Zelano        RI    04      6
 43.  Ewan McNay         CT    03      6
 44.  Tom DeMarco        NJ    03      6
 45.  Evan Davis         IN    02      6
 46.  Michael Mahady     TX    01      6
 47.  Mike Hazel         SC    00      6
 48.  Tom Johnston       IL    08      4
 49.  Robert Kircher     RI    11      3
 50.  Thomas Saal        MI    05      3
 51.  Chris LeFevre      AZ    02      3
 52.  Kim Foster         TX    01      3
 53.  Steve Scott        CA    00      3
 54.  Peter Staab        PA    03      2

2011 Laurelists                                                Repeating Laurelists:

Bruce Reiff, OH

Bob Wicks, CT

Jason Ley, WA

Chris Trimmer, TX

Rob Kircher, RI

Past Winners

Joe Lux, NY

Jamie Tang, MD

Bruce Young, SC

Arthur Field, SC

Luke Koleszar, VA

Jeff Mullet, OH

Fred Minard, PA

Steve Shambeda, PA

Paul Bolduc, FL

Curt Collins II, PA
2009, 2011

Bruce Reiff, OH

Chris Palermo, Jon Anderson and 2007 Caesar: Raphael Lehrer.

Richard Irving, Chris Trimmer and Roderick Lee

The Beginning of the End ...

The return to our regular Monday morning spot provided another good turnout although down 25% from the prior year's evening start. Union Pacific is a true swiss format with players of similar records being matched on boards in the three preliminary rounds. This method allows for everyone to get in three games if they like while still allowing for a margin of error.

After three rounds, Bob Wicks, 2009 champ Curt Collins II and defending champ Bruce Reiff all safely reached the Final with 13 points. There was a three-way tie between Rob Kircher, Jason Ley and Chris Trimmer at 11 points for the last seat. Rob was eliminated on the first tie breaker - most wins. It came down to the second tie breaker: most points in three games and Jason Ley thus became the last finalist.

Jason did not face any of the top six players in his preliminary games while Curt Collins played only two, Chris Trimmer, Rob Kircher, and Bob Wicks faced three, and Bruce Reiff four. So by that criteria, Bruce and Bob had the hardest road to the Final while Curt and Jason enjoyed the easiest.

Since we don't allow record keeping, I had everyone write down their scores by round as we went along. Jason drew the first seat, Curt the second, Bob the third and Bruce last. Open stock was as follows: Jason - White (10), Curt - Blue (6), Bob - Red (15) and Bruce - Purple (9). Round 1 began and Jason decided not to try for the Union Pacific and lay shares instead. Curt, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, plowed right on through as well as Bob and Bruce in a vain attempt to keep up. At the end of the first scoring round it was Bruce in the lead with 14, Bob and Jason with 11 and Curt with 5. The score wouldn't stay that way for long as Jason had also decided not to burn UP shares so that the other three players would have the same amount of UP stock and Curt ruled the UP.

At the end of Round 2 Bruce had 40, Curt and Bob 38 and Jason had begun his trek to the bottom and was at 31.

The third round saw Bruce becoming intertwined with Jason and and again with Bob. Curt ,knowing that the UP would be playing off, just tried to keep his hold on the smaller stocks and keep pace with Bruce in Black and Purple. At the end of Round 3 Curt had 78, Bob 75, Bruce 73 and Jason 63.

The final scoring card came early and Bruce had managed to get a piece of Bob's Red and Green lines. Curt won with 131, to Bruce's 118, Bob's 114 and Jason at 102. During the game Curt received $45 from his UP investment, Bob and Bruce $31 and Jason $18. Those margins are reflected about evenly in the results. You can draw your own conclusions on the wisdom of not trying for the UP. But this first title defense had ended badly for the defending Consul and was the sign of even better things to come in the week ahead.

Max Jamelli, displaying excellent taste in wardrobe,
eyes fellow Yankees fan Gadoon Kyrollos.

Atst GM Jeff Mullet oversees the finalists
in a closed Lampeter hall during the Auction setup.
 GM      Bruce Reiff  [3rd Year]   NA
    bdreiff@aol.com   NA

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