ships & iron men
2011 WBC Report
2012 Status: pending 2012 GM commitment |
George Deutsch, MD |
2011 Champion |
Event History |
1991 |
Jim Truit |
23 |
1992 |
John Boisvert |
29 |
1993 |
John Boisvert |
36 |
1994 |
William Rohrbeck |
28 |
1995 |
Larry York |
21 |
1996 |
David Cross |
16 |
1997 |
David Metzger |
20 |
1998 |
Michael Brannaman |
20 |
1999 |
Paul Risner |
8 |
2000 |
David Cross |
16 |
2001 |
Curtis Dietrich |
26 |
2002 |
William Rohrbeck |
23 |
2003 |
William Rohrbeck |
27 |
2004 |
Arthur Davis |
22 |
2005 |
William Rohrbeck |
19 |
2006 |
William Rohrbeck |
21 |
2007 |
William Rohrbeck |
14 |
2008 |
Evan Hitchings |
16 |
2009 |
Derek Whipple |
19 |
2010 |
Tim Hitchings |
25 |
2011 |
George Deutsch |
20 |
Rank Name From Last Total
1. William Rohrbeck NH 07 116
2. Tim Hitchings DE 11 99
3. Evan Hitchings DE 11 52
4. Keith Hunsinger OH 07 50
5. Arthur Davis MI 04 41
6. George Deutsch MD 11 31
7. Derek Whipple WA 10 28
8. Larry York CA 02 20
9. Curtis Dietrich FL 01 20
10. David Cross NJ 06 18
11. Dale Long NC 08 16
12. Ron Glass FL 09 12
13. Wade Fowble MD 03 12
14. Joseph Belyeu AL 11 10
15. Rob Doane MA 08 10
16. Paul Risner FL 99 10
17. Benoit Groulx qc 04 9
18. Mark McCandless LA 03 9
19. Stephen Field IL 02 9
20. Paul Owen VA 11 8
21. Bill Thomson TX 10 8
22. Isaac Clizbe VA 10 6
23. Joe Pabis VA 05 6
24. Kevin Boles AL 04 6
25. Ed Majeski IL 02 6
26. Mark Sciera NY 09 4
27. Kathy Hitchings DE 08 4
28. Verity Hitchings DE 05 4
29. Michael Bergt FL 03 3
30. Joseph Abrams CT 00 3
31. Stuart Smart NY 99 3
32. Robert McKinney VA 11 2
33. Brian Wool DE 09 2
34. Keira Herzfeld DE 08 2
35. Stephen Shedden TN 07 2
36. Joe Doughan NJ 05 2
37. Jim Jordan MD 04 2
38. Francis Czawlytko MD 01 2
2011 Laurelists
Laurelists:    |

Evan Hitchings, DE

Paul Owen, VA

Joseph Belyeu, AL

Tim Hitchings, DE

Rob McKiney, VA
Past Winners |
William Rohrbeck, NH
1994, 2002-03, 2005-07
Larry York, CA
David Cross, VA
1996, 2000
David Metzger, NY
Michael Brannaman. SC
Paul Risner, FL
Curtis Dietrich, FL
Arthur Davis, MI

Evan Hitchings, DE

Derek Whipple, WA
Tim Hitchings, DE
George Deutsch, MD
Joseph Belyeu vs Paul Owen |
Defending champ and GM Tim Hitchings
vs Paul Owen |
Master & Commander
Mix in some old salts with some young sprouts, season liberally
with nautical humor, simmer for the better part of a week, and
bring to a vigorous boil on Saturday for a delicious helping
of combat in the age of sail. It sure beats a maggoty ship's
The first of the semi-finals to get under way was the match between
2008 champion, Evan Hitchings, and Paul Owen, making his first
WBC appearance. Both opted to sail with two elite British 74
gun ships-of-the-line (SOL). Paul may have been new to WBC, but
he had been playing the game before Evan was born. Here are Paul's
"On Turn 14, waterline damage to one SOL early on was a
crucial deficit. It took one crew section out of action and reduced
his gunfire one table throughout the scenario. When it came down
to attrition in trading broadsides, Paul had no chance at that
point. Taking out one rigging section of one of Evan's ships
on Turn 16 allowed Paul to concentrate fire from both his ships
on the hull of the other SOL and force a relatively early strike
of her colors. Paul couldn't translate that into a victory, though.
One of Paul's ships struck on Turn 25. When time was called,
Evan won by virtue of having inflicted more damage on Paul's
remaining ship than Paul had inflicted on his.
The other semi-final match pitted George Deutsch against Joseph
Belyeu. Joseph was introduced to the game in 2009 and barely
missed the semi-finals in 2010. George has played the game for
many years, having visited the Final once and the semi's at least
twice. Missing the tournament in recent years, this was something
of a comeback. Incidentally, George is one of the few players
with actual sailing experience, having served for several years
as a volunteer crew member on the working replica of the U.S.S.
Niagara, one of America's ships in the Battle of Lake Erie.
The Final was a rematch of Hitchings and Deutsch. Evan had bested
George earlier in the tournament in a closely contested two on
two encounter. This time, the players could choose from a selection
of three squadrons, prepared by the GM. George chose a perennial
favorite of three crack French 80 gun SOLs. Evan experimented
with five (count 'em, five) crack Turkish 64 gun SOLs. Ultimately,
the superior range of George's French outfought Evan's Turks.
Saturday's Fleet Action pitted a French fleet, determined to
break the British blockade of the port of Toulon. The British
began the battle, having suffered rigging damage from a passing
storm, enabling the larger French fleet to approach at full speed.
The French soon dismasted one of the lead British ships, concentrating
their fire to force her to strike her colors.
As additional players appeared, sailing on the map as reinforcements,
the battle could have gone either way.
The entire battle played out as a match between greater French
numbers and the higher rate of fire of the British crews.
This played out both generally and locally, as the key event
of the battle was the collision and fouling of the two flagships.
After a brief melee, the antagonists disengaged and resumed gunfire.
Despite the French flagship having 120 guns, the British 74 had
an elite crew, which enabled her to fire more effectively, causing
the French ship to strike and leading to the British victory.
Soon-to-be champ George Deutsch vs
Evan Hitchings |
The always impresive fleet action
GM |
Tim Hitchings [10th Year] |
330 Kemper Dr, Newark,
DE 19702 |
hitchings@juno.com |
302 593-4404 |