Kevin Emery tosses in his hand as
Mark Yoshikawa swims to the surface. |
In Dan's world the sonar always works.
For Buck - not so much apparently. |
Carol Caler and Steve Scott
do the torpedo sidestep. |
Taylor Rish and Frank Cinliffe
search for each other. |
Alexander and the Soviets ...
In spite of the high temperature in Lampeter, 38 submariners
appeared for the grueling endurance test as the finalists would
spend over four hours in the sweltering conditions. All that
was missing was the overhead explosions as the crews sweated
out the depth charge attacks of a bygone era.
Three players emerged unbeaten from the three swiss rounds
- defending champion James Doughan, two-time champion Bruce Young,
and Andy Lewis. Tiebreakers were used to add Keith Hunsinger,
Chris Storzillo, James Kramer, Kevin Wojtaszcyk and Alexander
Lange to the playoff rounds.
Doughan's streak ended quickly as his British subs were no
match for Storzillo's Soviets in a Sub Duel. Young's surface
fleet was defeated by Kramer's Soviet subs (fresh from their
training cruise at the demo on Saturday night!). Lange's Soviets
defeated Hunsinger's British in Sub Duel. The most hotly contested
Round 4 match was Lewis' NATO surface force against Wojtaszcyk's
Soviets. Andy scored a quick kill on Molniya, but couldn't
finish off Skvortsov. Twice he got firing solutions but
was frustrated by malfunctioning attack systems. Another attack
actually hit the Skvortsov, but it survived with only
sensor & attack damage. In the meantime, Skvortsov
sank Virginia. It still was looking good for Andy as he
had the Simpson with its helicopter against the damaged
sub. But Skvortsov managed to get off the first shot!
This was especially frustrating to Andy since he had a damage
control card in his hand which he could have used to repair the
Simpson had it not been sunk outright! Fate is slow to
forgive and quick to strike in Attack Sub.
In the semifinals Chris' British hunted Alex's Soviets in
Sub Duel. It took some time for contact to be established because
both sides' sonars repeatedly malfunctioned. Finally, Chris launched
the first attack, hitting the Ivan Rogav but failing to
sink it. Alex quickly repaired the Rogav. Valiant's
sonar continued to malfunction and Alex managed to hit the Valiant,
but it didn't sink either. He then sank Swiftsure, forcing
Chris to face two Soviet subs with the damaged Valiant.
It was soon over as Skvortsov struck the final blow.
The other match pitted Kevin's British against James' Soviets
in another Sub Duel. Kevin drew first blood, sinking Ivan
Rogav. James was frustrated by sensor malfunctions on his
remaining sub, but still managed to get off some attacks against
Swiftsure which evaded both attacks. Finally Kevin's Swiftsure
uses Passive Sonar, Battle Stations and an attack to sink Skvortsov
for the win.
Simple and quick, Scenario A, Sub Duel, was the most popular
scenario in the sweltering heat, so it was no surprise when it
was chosen by Kevin (British) and Alex (Soviets) for the Final.
Kevin drew first blood as his Valiant sank Skvortsov
before it could launch an attack. Alex tried to open the range
and reduce the contact on his remaining sub, but was thwarted
twice. Kevin got a weapons lock on Rogav, but the Russian
evaded the torpedoes! Rogav kept up the pressure by using
passive sonar to gain good contact levels on both British subs.
It gets off an attack which sinks the Valiant. It's now
1 vs 1, but the Swiftsure has malfunctioning sonar. That
edge is soon lost as Rogav malfunctions while using active
sonar. As the third deck begins, each side has one sub with malfunctioning
sonar. Rogav is first to repair. Meanwhile, Swiftsure
malfunctions again! Alex goes in for the kill, playing active
sonar, battle stations and weapons lock. The Swiftsure
takes evasive action. Alex needs a 4 or better for the win, but
draws a 3! Rogav keeps the pressure on. Each time Swiftsure
manages to reduce the contact level, Rogav gets it back
to 2. Then Rogav aggressively closes the range, taking
the contact level to 3 and attacks with Swiftsure taking
evasive action, and again Rogav misses by one! Again,
Rogav's sonar malfunctions, but that skilled technician
comes to the rescue again. Alex decides closing range is a better
option than relying on his fickle sonar. Swiftsure is
unable to counter. With a contact level 3, Rogav launches
torpedoes. This time Swiftsure goes to the bottom.
Thus, Alexander Lange won his first WBC title as he commanded
the Soviet subs to four straight wins.
Kevin releases Andy Lewis from the
Lampeter depths by eliminating his Nato force in the quarterfinals
to hand him his first loss. |
Kevin Wojtaszczyk and Alexander Lange
are in good spirts after six rounds of "heated" play
as Carol observes the Final in progress. |