galaxy trucker  

Updated Nov. 12, 2014

2014 WBC Report  

 2015 Status: pending December 2014 Membership Trial Vote

Karl Henning, DC

2014 Champion


Event History
2012    David Finberg    44
2013    Nick Henning    38
2014    Karl Henning    42


 Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
   1.  Nick Henning       DC    14     36
   2.  Karl Henning       DC    14     34
   3.  David Finberg      MA    12     20
   4.  David des Jardins  CA    14     16
   5.  Jim Fardette       MD    14     12
   6.  Ashley Worley      ru    13     12
   7.  Sceadeau D'Tela    NC    14      6
   8.  Angela Collinson   MD    14      6
   9.  Nick Ferris        MD    12      6
  10.  Antero Kuusi       fi    12      4
  11.  Devon Miller       VA    13      2
  12.  Laura Dewalt       MD    12      2

2014 Laurelists
Repeating Laurelists: 

Jim Fardette, MD

David des Jardins, CA

Sceadeau D'Tela, NC

Nick Henning, DC

Angela Collinson, MD

Past Winners

David Finberg, MA

Nick Henning, DC

Karl Henning, DC

Dave Finberg, Chris Byrd and Angela Collinson go truckin'

GM David Finberg and his finalists

Driving the Beeg Rigs ...

"Those Space Delivery guys just don't know when to give up" was the theme for Galaxy Trucker 2014. As in previous years, fewer options in the qualifying heats allowed a number of less experienced players to get their feet wet, but the more experienced players rose to the top, with many of the previous semifinalists returning to the elimination rounds again.

There was some minor confusion in one of the semifinals with both of the leaders thinking one player had won, but the count showed differently. We're still thinking about how best to solve this. Some kind of better recordkeeping during the game would help, but that slows things down. If anyone has some suggestions feel free to send me an email.

Three of the semifinals were tight, with runners-up averaging around 90% of the winner's score. The fourth game was a romp by Karl Henning during a week when the Henning brothers could seemingly do no wrong. He scored almost as much as the other players combined. Those players who cared to comment seemed to enjoy the balance of Rough Roads and Evil Machinations.

In the Final, the first round gave us Deja Vu and Meteoric Inversion, a tricky combination. Karl Henning gave up after building for a score of 0, while Jim Fardette quickly cashed out for $10. David desJardins and Sceadeau D'Tela stayed in longer, but David was only able to scrounge up $10 also, while Sceadeau quickly trailed. Everyone was forced to concede before the finish.

The second round was the determining session with the cards showing Made to Order, and Somersault. Karl built a fantastic ship, and was able to finish the race for a commanding lead after David gave up. That turned out to be critical as a combat zone was lurking. Karl zoomed to the front with $58, while the only other player to gain cash was David, who gained only $9.

The fourth round was Parasites and Bad Luck, a difficult combination. David managed to build the center cage to protect his center tile from the right hand rule parasites, but an unlucky intruder cracked his defenses. Sceadeau bravely attempted to fly his 2-tile ship to the end, but bowed out with a gigantic pile of losses. David's aggressive attempt to capture first left him with some losses when he came up short, and Jim snuck into second. Karl showed his semifinal victory was no fluke, as he cruised to the win, marking the Hennings as the family to beat in the future.

This appears to be one of the few games that Nick Henning did not win this year, but his karma rubbed off on brother Karl.

 GM     Dave Finberg  [3rd Year]  407 Chestnut St., Wilmington, MA 01887  978-253-4406

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