ra: the dice game

Updated Nov. 16, 2015

2015 WBC Report

2015 Status: pending 2015 GM commitment

Kara Felix, PA

2015 Champion

Event History

2010 Rod Davidson 74
2011 Chester Lanham 107
2012 Stephanie Kilroy 143
2013 Gordon Rodgers 157
2014 Andrew Emerick 160
2015 Kara Felix, PA 179


 Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
   1.  Kara Felix         PA    15     40
   2.  Gordon Rodgers     PA    13     40
   3.  Curt Collins II    PA    13     33
   4.  Alexandra Henning  PA    15     32
   5.  Andrew Emerick     CT    14     30
   6.  Stephanie Kilroy   PA    12     30
   7.  Chester Lanham     MD    11     30
   8.  Sara VanderWal     on    15     26
   9.  Peggy Ng           NJ    13     24
  10.  Rod Davidson       AZ    10     20
  11.  Rob Kilroy         PA    12     18
  12.  David Meyaard      NY    11     18
  13.  Sam Shambeda       PA    15     16
  14.  Chris Gnech        PA    11     13
  15.  Andrew Martin      PA    15     12
  16.  Christian Griggs   GA    14     12
  17.  Chad Gormly        RI    13     12
  18.  Chris Greenfield   NY    12     12
  19.  Anna Marion        PA    11     12
  20.  Bianca Oksienik    NJ    10     12
  21.  Kenneth Horan      PA    14      9
  22.  Nathaniel Deskins  MA    14      6
  23.  Patrick Gorman     PA    14      6
  24.  Rodney Bacigalupo  MD    12      6
  25.  James Gilmore      MD    11      6
  26.  Randy Buehler      WA    10      6
  27.  David Seiler       PA    15      4
  28.  Daniel Ottey       PA    13      4
  29.  Roger Budz         RI    12      3
  30.  Scott Sunderlin    NY    10      2
2015 Laurelists Returning Laurelists: 1

Alexandra Henning, PA

Sam Shambeda, PA

Andrew Martin, PA

Sara VanderWal, on

David Seiler, PA

Past Winners

Rod Davidson, AZ

Chester Lanham, MD

Stephanie Kilroy, PA

Gordon Rodgers, PA

Andrew Emerick, CT

GM Scott Buckwalter's event now has the longest streak of increasing fields.

Ivan Lawson is outnumbered by three ladies in the event attracting the most members of the fair sex

Shea Lawson and Claire Kaltman

Three of the 51 ladies in the event.

Still Growing x5 ...

RDG continued its record of drawing ever bigger fields with its fifth straight increase since its 2010 debut.  Over 30% of that field was composed of folks entering the tournament for the first time.  This year the newcomers did not fare quite as well as in previous years.  Only 14 of the 65 players that advanced past the preliminaries were there for the first time.  Among this year’s advancers, over half had enjoyed similar success in previous years along with nine who had previously ventured as far as the Final table.  It would appear this year that skill won out. Although there were some impressive showings from the new folks; namely Francois de Bellefeuille who advanced to the semifinal round, David Seiler who had the only four-game winning streak, and Sam Shambeda who made it to the Final.  Veterans turning in impressive performances included Peggy Ng, Peter Tu, Joe Millovich, and Alyssa Morgen who each won three preliminary games.  Honorable mention goes to David Bohnenberger (77) and Lex Jackson (76) for being the only players scoring over 70 points in the tournament.

65 players won at least once in the preliminary round, all of whom qualified for the quarterfinal. Nearly 40% failed to appear, leaving 40 to battle for the 4-player Final.  Alexandra Henning, Andrew Martin, Kara Felix, and Sam Shambeda survived two elimination rounds to make it to the Final.

The pace of the title game was a bit slower than the 12-turn average for the event with each player receiving 15 turns, averaging five dice rolls per epoch.  Sam began by coming out strong in boats and soon switching to a civilizations strategy.  Kara, going second, adopted a pharaoh strategy.  Andrew started with a boats and civilizations strategy.  Alexandra, seeing multiple players going for civilizations, succeeded in rolling a disaster hitting the civilizations and then going for monuments.  Kara was able to roll multiple bonus points, along with capturing the most pharaohs and thereby finished the first epoch with 21 points for the early lead.  Sam suffered severely from the loss of his destroyed civilizations and lack of pharaohs, finishing the epoch with only 11 points.

Epoch II was very quick.  Only 13 throws of the dice brought an end to the epoch.  Sam benefited from the quick ending and succeeded in maxing out boats, flooding the Nile, and switching to a pharaohs strategy.  Andrew, lacking any boat rolls, switched to a pharaohs and monuments strategy.  Kara and Alexandra both went all out for monuments.  Sam scored well to finish the epoch with 19 points.  Kara lost a point for the epoch but still held onto the lead with 20 points.

The last epoch saw a pressing of the strategies established earlier in the game.  Andrew again started with boats but switched, first to monuments and then to pharaohs.  Unfortunately, this strategy of covering all areas took its toll as he was hit by every disaster and finished with just 32 points.  Sam succeeded in flooding all 12 boats again and then proceeded to max out pharaohs.  But lacking monuments, Sam was only able to score 42 points to finish third.  Alexandra was able to score pharaohs for five, flooded the Nile for seven, and pressed the monuments to an impressive 17 points for a total of 52.  Meanwhile, Kara went all out in civilizations for ten points and monuments for 16, ignoring pharaohs and boats altogether.  This strategy paid off and Kara finished with 53 points to win her first shield by one point.

GM Scott Buckwalter [5th Year] NA
sbuckwalter@comcast.net NA

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