Updated Nov. 16, 2015 |
2015 WBC Report
2016 Status: pending
2015 Membership Trial Vote |
Jefferson Meyer, MA |
2015 Champion |
Euro Quest BPA Event History |
2003 |
Arthur Field |
28 |
Rank Name From Last Total
1. Curt Collins II PA 15 142
2. Arthur Field SC 06 92
3. Bruce Reiff OH 12 57
4. Luke Koleszar VA 04 48
5. Steve Shambeda PA 13 46
6. Fred Minard PA 14 43
7. Jeff Mullet OH 09 43
8. Jeff Meyer MA 15 38
9. Joe Lux NY 06 34
10. Bruce Young SC 02 30
11. Jamie Tang MD 01 30
12. Cliff Ackman PA 13 28
13. Brandon Bernard PA 12 24
14. Jeff Senley PA 14 22
15. Scott Pfeiffer SC 02 21
16. Paul Bolduc FL 08 20
17. John Wetherell PA 07 19
18. Barb Flaxington NJ 12 18
19. Rodney Davidson AZ 09 18
20. Jim Carvin PA 07 18
21. Tom Stokes NJ 03 18
22. Davyd Field SC 02 18
23. David Fritsch VA 00 18
24. Sean McCulloch OH 12 15
25. Jason Arvey VA 14 12
26. Dan Mathias MD 13 12
27. Bob Wicks CT 11 12
28. Mike Backstrom MN 04 12
29. Debbie Gutermuth TX 03 12
30. Harald Henning CT 03 12
31. Stu Hendrickson VA 02 12
32. Bill Edwards VA 00 12
33. Jason Ley WA 11 9
34. Rich Meyer MA 10 9
35. Chris Terrell VA 05 9
36. Cathy Kratz ID 04 9
37. Kathy Stroh PA 01 9
38. Jim Mason OK 15 8
39. Brad Sherwood PA 15 8
40. Max Jamelli PA 08 8
41. Jed Shambeda PA 07 8
42. F. de Bellefeuille qc 13 6
43. Christin Kolstad SC 12 6
44. Chris Trimmer TX 11 6
45. Lisa Gutermuth NC 10 6
46. Bruce Bernard PA 09 6
47. Mark Guttag VA 07 6
48. Matt Calkins VA 05 6
49. Rich Zelano RI 04 6
50. Ewan McNay CT 03 6
51. Tom DeMarco NJ 03 6
52. Evan Davis IN 02 6
53. Michael Mahady TX 01 6
54. Mike Hazel SC 00 6
55. Paul Bonday CA 15 4
56, Jeff Jackson MN 14 4
57. Tom Johnston IL 08 4
58. Robert Kircher RI 11 3
59. Thomas Saal MI 05 3
60. Chris LeFevre AZ 02 3
61. Kim Foster TX 01 3
62. Steve Scott CA 00 3
63. Michael Shea CT 15 2
64. Mark F. Smith SC 13 2
65. Peter Staab PA 03 2
2015 Laurelists |
Returning Laurelists: 2 |
Curt Collins II, PA
Jim Mason, OK
Brad Sherwood, PA
Paul Bonday, CA
Michael Shea, CT
Past Winners |
Joe Lux, NY
Jamie Tang, MD
Bruce Young, SC
Arthur Field, SC
Luke Koleszar, VA
Jeff Mullet, OH
Fred Minard, PA
Steve Shambeda, PA
Paul Bolduc, FL
Curt Collins II, PA
2009, 2011-14
Bruce Reiff, OH
Jefferson Meyer, MA
Jim Kramer and Brandon Bernard |
Rodney Davidson and Bob Wicks |
Fred Minard and Jeff Senley |
Perrianne Lurie, Alyssa Bernard, Jim
Carvin and Mark Geary |
The Streak is Over ...
Union Pacific ran once again as a non-stop Swiss tournament held on Monday afternoon. We continued to use a semifinal round instead of proceeding from three heats directly into a Final. The thought was it was better to settle things on the field (or on the board) than to let tie-breakers get in the way. Attendance took an even bigger hit this year as only 23 players took to the rails, but the games that were played were spirited and well fought. Curt Collins II was in attendance to try to push his UNP winning streak to five consecutive years (and six of the last seven). The usual familiar faces, minus a few defections, registered in an attempt to rewrite the record books.
Jefferson Meyer and defending champion Curt Collins II finished 1, 2 in one semifinal, outlasting Mike Shea and 2006 champ Fred Minard. The other two finalists were UNP stalwart Brad Sherwood and WBC newcomer Jim Mason. The four finalists quickly got underway in their fifth round of the day to decide the title.
All four spent their first four turns expanding networks of tracks and the first dividend pull resulted in lower scores as only two companies paid. During the second dividend phase, the players continued to build their networks. The El Paso/Rio Grande was a primary target for three of the finalists, and was built to a $14 payout by the third dividend. During the last dividend round, Meyer was able to break into a majority of the Denver Midland Company and split an $11 captain payout with Collins. This was a huge turn around in final scoring. Meyer had captaincy in three of the companies and ties in two others. The Denver Midland payout was his only tie with Collins, but as the finalists counted their money, Meyer out-paced Collins by a 128-121 mark and the Denver Midland tie helped give Meyer a perfect 5-0 slate in the event. Collins took second place ahead of Jim Mason and Brad Sherwood with scores of 118, and 111 respectively, but his streak was over.
If the Membership Drive Trial event votes return Union Pacific for another year it will need a new volunteer to step up to GM the event.
Max Jamelli in his ever lovin'
Yankees cap with his finalists in their July winter parkas. |