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Crokinole (CRK) WBC 2023 Event Report
Updated December 15, 2023
143 Players Steve Alfieri Event History
  2023 Champion & Laurels

Alfieri Wins Inaugural Crokinole Tournament!

Crokinole’s WBC debut exceeded the expectations of our Sponsor Brown Castle Games. 143 Unique players participated across the four Single Elimination Heats. The top two from each Heat advanced to the elimination Rounds to crown the first Crokinole Champion

The four Heats drew 50, 64, 64,and 62 players respectively. When the single elimination rounds were complete, Steve Alfieri emerged as the top Crokinole player at WBC.

Thanks to everyone who came and tried our new event and we hope you will return to try again at WBC 2024.

2023 Laurelists Repeating Laurelists: N/A

Dan Winowski John Myers Michael Buccherei Henry Allen Jason Ketter
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Is there any game the Greenville Mafia doesn’t
participate in?
Heat coming to a close.
Large crowd gathered for new tournament. Crokinole Finalists with GM team.
GM     Steven Brown [1st Year]