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Kong of Tokyo (KOT) WBC 2024 Event Report
Updated October 24, 2024
108 Players Tegan Powers Event History
2024 Champion & Laurels

Powers Is Queen Of The Monsters In Tokyo!

For the first time since 2019, King of Tokyo made its epic return to WBC with 108 people showing up to battle with giant monsters taking over the terrified city. It was great seeing King of Tokyo at WBC again. We are grateful that so many people came out and enjoyed the late-night game.

There were 18 tables in round one with winners from each table advancing to a Semifinal round with 2 from each table there advancing into the Final. Tegan Powers, Ben Collinson, David Metzger, Todd Trahan, Randy Buehler and Ryan Stanton all made the Final showdown in King of Tokyo this year.

Some of the more interesting things that happened in the opening round were:

  • Randy Buehler won a game with zero points because he got the Child Card
  • A Few people bought an Extra Head card but did not win
  • Lou Traini won with Poison Quills and with 20 points and when he rolled 3 twos, he would deal 2 extra damage
  • David Metzger had bought the Regeneration Card which allows you to heal one extra damage. He won his table with that card

Fifteen of 18 games were won on points in round number one, showing that to be the most common winning method over elimination. In the Semifinal, 2 of the 3 games were won by the most points with Tegan Powers winning the only exception in a “last monster standing” semifinal win.

The Final it was an action-packed game with a bunch of early card buys:

  • Tegan Powers got an early camouflage which allowed her a 1/6 chance to avoid each damage she received
  • Todd to the left of her gets a Stretchy which allows him to spend 2 energies to change one dice to any result and he still has four cubes left
  • David buys an early fire Breathing which allows him to make his neighbors take 1 extra damage when he takes damage

At the midgame:

  • Very few points are scored until Tegan uses Apartment Building to get her up to 6 but her health was very precarious at 2
  • Todd looks like the clear leader at this point with 13 points, but he’s in Tokyo with only 3 health
  • At this point, Ryan, Ben, and Todd have already fallen to vicious monster attacks

Later, Randy is alone in Tokyo with 3 health and dies from a claw roll from Tegan. At that point, it’s down to Tegan and Todd. Tegan is in Tokyo with 13 points and 6 health. Ted has 4 health and still only has 13 points. Tegan stays in Tokyo after Todd’s attack and gets 2 points and then leaves for Todd’s next attack. After that, Tegan rolls really well on back-to-back turns to break 20 points and claim the King of Tokyo title, and it’s accompanying bottle of victor’s Maple Syrup.

A big thanks to everyone for coming out and playing King of Tokyo. It was epic and fun.

2024 Laurelists Repeating Laurelists: 0
Trahan, Todd Buehler, Randy Collinson Jr, Ben Metzger, David Stanton, Ryan
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Looks like the roll was pretty hilarious. Aaron Birnbam deciding where to move.
A motley crew in Tokyo including Youells, Trimer,
and Tircuit.
Laurelists with GM Noah Drummond.
GM  Noah Drummond [1st Year]