Bryan is archivist for the State of South Carolina where his focus is on electronic records and digital imaging. He has been gaming since 1978 when he purchased a coy of PanzerBlitz at a yard sale for a dollar. He has attended WBC every year since 2006, experiencing the convention from many different perspectives, as a player, game designer, game developer, and GM. In the latter he has GM’d the Combat Commander Tournament since 2010 and successfully introduced and GM’d the Space Base event in 2019. He was elected to the Board in 2020.
Favorite Games: Combat Commander, Here I Stand, Angola, Pro Golf, Terraforming Mars, and Space Base
Issue: To insure the continued growth and stability of the BPA by preserving its history and traditions while modernizing its administrative systems to make WBC more responsive and accessible to the members, the GMs who run events, and the convention staff. |