Marcy is a retired web designer and user research expert and still loves to apply those skills in the board gaming space. She grew up in the Pittsburgh area where she enjoyed playing all kinds of family and card games. As a student at Penn State, she discovered RPGs and bookcase games and continued to play after college. When Euro-games became more accessible, she quickly embraced them and particularly enjoys tournament gaming.
In addition to being a player, Marcy is also an advocate for the gaming community. She has served in many different roles at a variety of conventions and events. She is currently the Tournament & Events Director for EuroQuest, Secretary/Treasurer of the Meeple League, GM and support staff at events like Congress of Gamers, S’mores & Meeples, DERail, Prezcon, the World Series of Board Gaming, and others. She is currently on the Board of the BPA and Games Club of Maryland. In her work with the Meeple League, she creates guidelines, forms, and other helpful materials for GMs and organizers, and often helps smaller conventions build their tournament programs.
Favorite Games: Wingspan, Terraforming Mars, Azul, Lords of Waterdeep, Space Base
Issue: Making information more accessible to players and GMs, making tasks easier for GMs and event staff and management, and ensuring that BPA provides an environment where all members can have a safe and fun time at our events. |