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Bruce Reiff Board of Directors

Bruce is a surety bond underwriter from just outside Columbus, Ohio—home of The Ohio State University (from whence he graduated). He’s married to the lovely Rhonda and has two daughters, Nicole 9, and Victoria 5. Bruce’s first strategy game was Strat-O-Matic Baseball. His first wargame was France 1940 from the late Avalon Hill. Shortly thereafter he discovered Diplomacy and his life has gone downhill ever since. Bruce has been involved in GMing at Avaloncon/WBC since 1993 and has attended all of them while racking up more wood than the rest of the Board combined and leading to his election as the first occupant of the original AVALONCON Hall of Fame. His gaming prowess has taken on Urban Legend status—having claimed winner’s wood every year. A major domo with the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society, and if that isn’t enough, he is also our talented and entertaining head auctioneer.

Favorite Games: Diplomacy, Win, Place & Show, Football Strategy, War at Sea, Battle Cry, Battleline, and Formula Motor Racing (Nicole’s favorite) and Mamma Mia(Victoria’s favorite).

Issue: Maintain a convention which all groups/types of boardgamers can enjoy while keeping it on solid financial ground.