IV CROWNS FIVE: The Fourth meeting of the Winter
Activation Meeting
convened at Hunt Valley Inn the week
before the Super Bowl to crown
five more champions in card
driven wargames. Tom Drueding and James Pei repeated as Paths of Glory and For
The People champions while Pei
reclaimed the WAM title for
We The People. Keith Wixson and
James Heenehan held sway over
Wilderness War and Hannibal respectively.
Complete details are posted
VIRTUAL TOUR EXTENDED: The BPA photo record of all
WBCs have been
updated to include all 2005 events
and can be viewed on-line at the
BPA Medals page. That Medals List
is supplemented by the current
BPA Laurels
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory
lane with memories of convention
exploits past.
CALL FOR WBC GMs: Prospective Game
Masters are asked to submit their
event forms for WBC 2006 now. Many
events are in danger of being dropped
for lack of a GM. Prospective GMs
are urged to reread the newly revised
GM Guidelines,
particular attention to the tie-breaking
rules for MESE events which
have been modified since the prior
distribution. See the upcoming
Century and eligible Continuing
Trial events on the Orphans Page for
events in need of a GM. GMs who have made commitments to
run an event are reminded that
have until Feb. 28 to submit requested
starting times. Thereafter, BPA
will schedule the event based on the
information on hand.
IX: The ninth annual meeting of our Age of Renaissance
minicon gaming conference convenes
March 17-19 at Marriott’s Hunt
Valley Inn and features the added
bonus of a Manifest Destiny tournament
starting at 4:30 on Friday. BPA
has obtained a very favorable
group room rate of $99 per night
plus applicable state and
local taxes (currently 13%). To obtain
this rate you must identify your
affiliation with the BPA’s Enlightenment
gaming conference and make
your reservation before Feb.
15 (or when our roomblock
sells out, whichever occurs first)
at 410-785-7000 weekdays between
8 am and 7 pm EST. Get more details
on our Enlightenment page.
CALL FOR BoD NOMINATIONS: BPA members are hereby
notified of
their right to nominate members for
the three Board seats whose terms
expire at the next WBC. To appear
on the ballot, a member must
be nominated in writing by at
least three members; one of which
must be
himself/herself. Nominations must
be signed and received at BPA,
Redfield Rd, Bel Air, MD 21015 no
later than Feb. 28 to be
eligible for election in that
year. When contemplating nominations,
members are urged to consider that
the BPA conducts most of its
business by email and needs Board
members who are able and willing
offer their time and skills to the
organization in a timely manner.
Board members should be considered
more for their ability to contribute
to the running of a successful company
than for their attachment to any
particular game or genre. Besides forwarding a signed nomination
for himself/herself, each nominee should
submit by March 1 a statement
not to exceed 100 words summarizing
what they can contribute in service
to the Board of Directors of the
BPA. The nomination form is online.
CADDEN: We sadly report the passing of member Tony
Cadden. A brief memorial is posted
AT SEA: After five rounds of swiss play, six players
have survived to enter the elimination
rounds of the current War At Sea
PBeM tournament. Andy Gardner and Robert
Drozd have earned byes in the
Quarter-Final round while Rob Flowers,
Mike Kaye, Rob Day and Mark
Gutfreund duke it out in the first
elimination round. View the
MADNESS: The BPA version of college basketball is humming
on schedule with only eight teams
remaining from the 64 that started
with John Coussis’s Duke 2004
squad having already made the
Final Four in the current PBeM
tournament. Follow the tournament’s
NORMANDY #4: Don Greenwood has
won the 4th rendition of the PBeM
tournament, outlasting 47 players
in a five-round Single Elimination
tournament. The victory came in
a close contest as Bryan Eshleman’s
Allies fell one VP short when a
snake-eyes roll ended their last
chance on impulse 5 of the last
day. Steve Adriakos, Scott Fenn, Anthony Daw and Tom Gregorio also
earned laurels while finishing
third thru sixth respectively.
Get the details.
NORMANDY #5 LAST CALL: The fifth Breakout Normandy
PBeM tournament will commence
on Feb. 17. Entry is free to
current BPA members. All rules and
details are available on the BKN
BPEM page.
Send your opening
supply bid to doncon99@toad.net to
OF GLORY: The next BPA POG PBeM tournament will
start March 1,
with signups due by Feb. 25. Get the
THE PEOPLE: The WTP PBeM Tournament started on Jan.
14 with 50
participants. The six round Swiss
tournament should run for
approximately two years. A large
number of top players are
participating. Favorites for the
wood include past WBC Champs Marvin
Birnbaum, Brian Mountford, George
Seary, James Pei and George Young and defending BPA PBeM Champ Paul
Gaberson. Check out the action.
WAR: The final round of the WNW PBeM
Tournament is set to start later
this month. After five rounds the
leader is Keith Wixson, who is
the only undefeated player. Should
he lose his final game, the
following players with one loss still
have a shot at the wood: WBC
Champ Ron Fedin, Tom Drueding, James
Pei, Bruce Monnin, Bill Peeck,
Paul Gaberson, Gary Phillips and
John Buse. Check out the action.
ANZIO: After
four rounds of play, the double
elimination event is down to six
players; Tom Oleson and
Chris Harris are undefeated while Steve
Likevich, Jim Tracy, Jeff Hawarden and Mauro
Faina remain alive with
3-1 records. Check out the action.
BPA PBeM tournaments require current
BPA membership when the event starts.
All multi-day paid attendees to
WBC are current BPA members for
the balance of that calendar year.
Associate Calendar year memberships
enabling play in all PBeM events
starting in that year cost only
$10 and earn discounts for admission
to all BPA gaming conferences.
need not keep your membership current
in order to finish a PBeM event.
Players may join the BPA throughout
the year. Members are reminded
they can upgrade their current
memberships at any time by remitting
the additional funds. See the BPA
Terms page for details.
members who would like to see an
email tournament for their favorite
game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an event.
BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization
of gamers lending support to one another
so such events can happen. No one
cares as much about your hobby as
you do. Get involved. See the
requirements to
host a BPA email tournament.
you have not yet subscribed to
our new mailing list, please do so
as we are unable to add you ourselves.
To receive our free monthly
newsletters you MUST rejoin
the BPA mailing list by
visiting http://lists.boardgamers.org/mailman/listinfo/bpamail
to confirm your
address and your desire to be
on this list.
Subscribing takes only
a moment, ensures your privacy,
and increases likelihood
of receipt. The
newsletter will continue
to be posted in the WBC
folder in the
Conventions section of
Consimworld and on the BPA web site
but will otherwise be unavailable to
those who do not join the list
in this fashion. Here
are previous newsletters: Nov.
2005, Jan.
Visit the BPA website at http://www.boardgamers.org
Don Greenwood