Boardgame Players Association Newsletter — Aug. 2006
Aug. 23, 2006

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With WBC 2006 slowly receding in the rearview mirror, I’d like to thank you for being part of our annual gaming celebration. We work year ’round preparing for WBC but the most important element in a successful convention is you. All the preparations and GMs in the world mean nothing without our fellow gamers to compete against and renew old friendships in this annual reunion of friendly foes.

You did not disappoint, as we reveled in the gathering of so many of our friends with shared gaming interests. Our 148 tournaments included 10 events with triple digit entries, averaged 43 participants overall, and crowned champions from 28 different states and provinces. Those winners included 13 incumbents who retained their respective titles another year, 45 who won their first-ever BPA championship, five GMs who won their own event, seven members of the fair sex, and 11 who claimed multiple titles. A complete preliminary list of event winners is now posted at This list will be supplemented in greater detail later in the year when our GMs have submitted their After Action Reports and the 2007 Century lineup is announced.

One might say that 2006 was the year of the slugger at WBC, as prodigious performances abounded with seven double winners, two triple champs, and a pair of rare four-baggers dominating the box score. Bruce Reiff, he of the massive plaque collection, added to his string of always having taken home wood, by toting home four more with wins in Auction, Attika, Pro Golf, and San Juan. Alas, it could have been even worse for those who root against WBC’s lumber king were it not for Ken Whitesell, who narrowly upset the five-time champ of Football Strategy 17-14 in the Final to deprive him of an unprecedented fifth wood and fourth Century event win. Thus, by the slimmest of margins, was the never-achieved WBC Grand Slam, four Century championships, averted.

Fate swung an even sharper double-edged sword for Jeff Cornett, who also homered with titles in Euphrat & Tigris, Slapshot, Battle Cry and Medici but was denied the Grand Slam moniker on a technicality, as the latter two had lost their Century status to probation rules. With both events likely to return to the Century in 2007, Jeff can’t be blamed for cursing the umps. He wuz robbed! And, thus, two more tales go into WBC lore to weave the fabric of past glory and vicarious feats denied.

But back to the more mundane…there was good and bad news this year at Lancaster Host, and they both involved renovations. The good news was that the hotel received a much needed facelift; the bad news was that it was ongoing during our conference. To that end, I’m including this statement from Jon Shisler, General Manager of Lancaster Host:

"Thank you for joining us in Lancaster PA for WBC 2006. We are proud to be your headquarter hotel. As you may have noticed, many renovations are in process. By the end of the year we look forward to having every single guestroom completely renovated and, by March 2007, we look forward to a lobby facelift and renovation of most of our meeting rooms. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced during your visit. Renovations are absolutely necessary but do pose an inconvenience for our guests which although unavoidable, is certainly regretted. This major project is expected to conclude early in 2007 and we look forward to seeing you again next summer with property and service levels better than ever!”

That’s the official story and they’re sticking to it. If you’ve been reading our internet discussion folder, you’ve been treated to quite an expose on hotel experiences that run the gamut from good to bad. It is in people’s nature to complain—just as it is in our nature to slow down to stare at an accident scene. As Convention Director, I had a few issues myself, but I didn’t see where joining the queue of those playing “can you top this?” would do anyone any good. I question the corporate wisdom of scheduling renovations during a busy, sold out convention season, but what’s done is done, and it is in our best interest to focus on the years ahead in an improved facility.

Nevertheless, I would like to address a few of the rumors that were making the rounds in defense of the Host. The story that the Host was overbooked by a hundred rooms is just that—a “story” exaggerated by numerous retellings. It is true that a few people were moved to nearby hotels…necessitated by a delay in the arrival of scheduled furniture deliveries for renovated rooms…but the number was minuscule and Host employees did their best with temporary furnishings to fill as many requests as they could. Such moves are not unheard of in the hotel business and occurred at our last site, as well, with less valid excuses. I have personally been “moved” from far more expensive hotels due to overbook situations. It happens. As for failure to receive requested cots and refrigerators, please note that such extras are NEVER guaranteed regardless of reservation but are subject to availability. Due to the length of WBC, our refrigerator requests are higher than the norm. However, I am told that this number too will be increased during the ongoing renovations. Lastly, the protracted check-in delays can again be laid at the feet of ongoing renovations, as the staff labored with rooms coming in and out of availability, requiring reassignment of rooms as they became available. While I regret the inconveniences some of you encountered this past year, I am convinced that the Host remains the most viable location for WBC and that the best is yet to come.

The countdown to WBC 2007 has already begun. Due to reservations for space commitments, plans for next year’s Pre-Cons must be completed soon. If you’d like to GM an event during a Pre-Con slot, let us know NOW. If you’d like to introduce an event to WBC in 2007, stay tuned to our newsletters which will announce in November the opportunity for potential GMs to submit event forms for inclusion on the membership ballot. You can also stay appraised of the WBC “buzz” by monitoring our new Discussion Boards on Consimworld which have been reorganized into multiple thread folders. A direct and free link to these discussion boards is Among the topics you can view and comment on are the ongoing scheduling initiative for Euro events being organized by Eric Freeman to better track and deconflict WBC Euro events. Those interested in joining this co-operative effort should contact Eric at

We’d also like to hear from you with your nominations for GM and Sportsman of the Year. Or conversely, if you’d like to critique any event or GM performance, we’d like to hear that as well. Plans for the next WBC are set in motion early, so if you have any observations at all on what we could do better, please send us your thoughts at One thing we did do better was our third and best ever Auction which is rapidly taking on a life of its own as a treasured preamble to WBC. The new Auction Store addition more than scratched any “flea market” itch and was a great success by almost any standard. E-Bay junkies can follow the action on our “live” auction results where the sales are now posted.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the World Boardgaming Championships. If you paid for more than one day’s admission, you automatically became a General member in the BPA for the remainder of 2006. If you purchased only one day’s admission you are considered a Guest without membership benefits. Your membership entitles you to participate to conclusion in any BPA Play By eMail tournament started in the remainder of 2006. Please check our event calendar for new and upcoming email tournaments and updated announcements pertaining to the BPA. It also entitles you to a $10 discount for all pre-registration prices of any and all remaining BPA mini-cons in 2006, including:

  • Waterloo IV—The Napoleonic Wars—Oct. 13-15, 2006 in Greenville, SC
  • D-Day IX—Breakout Normandy—Nov. 10-12, 2006 in Timonium, MD
  • Euro Quest IV—German style games—Nov. 9-12, 2006 in Timonium, MD
  • WAM V—Card Driven wargames—Jan. 25-28, 2007 in Timonium, MD
  • Enlightenment IX—Age of Renaissance—March 23-25, 2007 in Timonium, MD
  • WBC 2007—July 31-Aug. 5, 2007 in Lancaster, PA

BPA will begin accepting 2007 memberships in December. Please do not renew your membership before December, while we are reviewing our membership prices.


  • It is at least $10 cheaper than “At The Door” rates.
  • You can save an additional $10 (or $20 total) by joining the BPA during our annual December membership drive.
  • Joining in December allows you to vote in our Annual Trial Events survey that selects 25 Continuing Trials for next year’s WBC. You have already helped determine 100 Century events by your participation this summer, but only by joining BPA in December can you help select 25 Continuing Trials. Membership also entitles you to vote for the BPA Board of Directors and/or GM an event. Higher membership levels grant more votes and admission to the WBC Pre-Cons.
  • Pre-registering before June 1 gets the WBC schedule mailed to you before the convention.
  • Pre-registering saves time—avoid delays at registration while you wait for a badge to be printed.
  • Foreign currency exchange can be handled by Paypal. Contact the convention director at

WHY YOU SHOULD NOT PRE-REGISTER: Membership fees are sold at a discount in exchange for a guarantee to attend and are consequently non-refundable. Only Tribune level memberships are transferable to a person or year of your choice.

Lastly, please take a moment to join our mailing list to receive our free email newsletter which will keep you appraised of all BPA activities and news pertaining to the World Boardgaming Championships. This special notice is a one-time mailing to all attendees of WBC and will not be repeated unless you have joined our mailing list as directed below.

Don Greenwood
WBC Convention Director

SUBSCRIBE: If you have not yet subscribed to our new mailing list, please do so as we are unable to add you ourselves. To receive our free monthly newsletters you MUST rejoin the BPA mailing list by visiting to confirm your address and your desire to be on this list. Subscribing takes only a moment, ensures your privacy, and increases likelihood of receipt. The newsletter will continue to be posted in the WBC folder in the Conventions section of Consimworld and on the BPA web site but will otherwise be unavailable to those who do not join the list in this fashion.

Visit the BPA website at

Boardgame Players Association Last updated 8/23/06 by kae.
© Copyright 2006 by the Boardgame Players Association.
Trademarks are property of their respective holders.