Boardgame Players Association Newsletter — November 2006
Nov. 8, 2006

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GM of THE YEAR: BPA is pleased to award the GM of the Year honor for 2006 to Don Chappell of Arlington, TX. Don won the award as the longtime GM of We The People which has been a steady favorite anchoring the Saturday CDW schedule of WBC for years. The Texan stood out in a field of fine GMs, in part, by hosting a novice division in a Class C event for new players and helping them along in the competition while limiting his own play largely to that of eliminator or facilitator. Only after having gained the experience of playing amongst themselves were the newbies ushered into the shark pool. Don also augmented his event by offering numerous supplementary prizes of period books out of his own pocket. As our GM of the Year, Don will receive free lodging at the 2007 WBC. For more details, see

EURO QUEST IV: Euro Quest IV starts tomorrrow! Jay Tummelson of Rio Grande Games whose popular Cafe Jay demonstration area has been a feature of WBC for years will make his first appearance at this year's Euro Quest where he promises to bring demo copies of all the new Essen game releases. Euro Quest IV is scheduled for Days Hotel in Timonium, MD, November 9th-12th. Complete details are available on line at

D-DAY IX: The ninth Breakout Normandy mini-con will be held November 10th-12th at the Days Hotel in Timonium, MD as part of Euro Quest. The tournament is a five-round swiss event. One fee covers participation in either or both conventions. See for details.

WBC 2006 AFTER ACTION REPORTS: Individual event reports for each of WBCs tournaments are now posted at Each page contains the GM's report plus Century status, 2006 laurelist photos, career laurel updates, and photos of the summer's event as only BPA does it.

2007 CENTURY: The 2007 Century group for WBC 2007 has been posted at

CALL FOR NEW EVENTS: If you'd like to introduce a new event to WBC (or return an old one) NOW is the time to submit an event form to GM that event next summer. Only by doing so before November 30, 2006, will that event be added to the ballot for our Annual December Membership Drive.  See the list of events already eligible to be run and those that will
be on the ballot at and get an event form at

DECEMBER MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: Prospective BPA members are urged NOT to renew memberships for 2007 until the December membership application is posted with the 2007 Ballot for Trial events. That page will be updated on or about December 1st, 2006.

NAPOLEON MOVES SOUTH:  Congratulations to Kevin Sudy of Reston, VA, who won the 4th meeting of Waterloo on October 15th in Greenville, SC. The Napoleonic Wars mini-con used a change of venue and format to breath new life into the conference with 32 players enjoying the hospitality of the Greenville Mafia. With British wins in short supply all weekend, Kevin's redcoats peaked at the right time to win the most important game of the conference with a Turn 2 victory for all the marbles. Also earning laurels were Ken Gutermuth, Rich Shipley, Bruce Young, Henry Russell and Scott Pfeifer. More details are available at



MONTY's GAMBLE: Congratulations to Ted Whitehurst whose Germans topped Rob Mull's Allies to win a five-round, 31-player SE tournament of Monty's Gamble. Also taking laurels were Ken Dunn, Buck Markowitz, Dave Long and Michael Kaye. Complete details are available on the Monty's Gamble Event Results page at

The 7th BPA Sponsored Russian Campaign (4th Edition) PBeM Tournament will get underway November 27th. The event will be single elimination, 10-turn Barbarossa scenario (with Schoose Option) and three month rounds. See

Cranking up for the 62nd anniversary of the battle, the BPA Bitter Woods PBeM tournament will commence on December 16th using 13 week rounds. The default scenario will be the eight-turn tournament scenario, but players may agree to play the Six-turn Tournament or the Patton's Relief of Bastogne scenario instead. See the details at

The fourth annual BPA March Madness PBeM Tournament got underway October 15th with a slowly evolving team draft. All games will be played using the ACTS March Madness module ACTS  is free to join. Due to a withdrawal a few coaches at the end of the draft are still needed. For details, see the event webpage at:

The fourth round of this Single Elimination tournament has been completed with Hans Frey, Stefan Mecay and Tasos Tsoufis advancing to the Semi-Finals. Mark Sundlie has been pressed into service as the Eliminator and should he prevail, this could be the last round. Check out the details at

Anyone interested in running an email tournament is invited to inquire. BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a BPA email tournament at

All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year cost only $10. You need not keep your membership current in order to finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year. Members are reminded they can upgrade their current memberships at any time by
remitting the additional funds. See for details.

Don Greenwood
WBC Convention Director

SUBSCRIBE: If you have not yet subscribed to our new mailing list, please do so as we are unable to add you ourselves. To receive our free monthly newsletters you MUST rejoin the BPA mailing list by visiting to confirm your address and your desire to be on this list. Subscribing takes only a moment, ensures your privacy, and increases likelihood of receipt. The newsletter will continue to be posted in the WBC folder in the Conventions section of Consimworld and on the BPA web site but will otherwise be unavailable to those who do not join the list in this fashion.

Boardgame Players Association Last updated 11/9/06 by kae.
© Copyright 2006 by the Boardgame Players Association.
Trademarks are property of their respective holders.