to the Archives
WBC TEAM TOURNAMENT TIME: It is nearly time for the 17th running of the
Team Tournament and Happy Handicapper Stuart Tucker is sharpening his
pencil and checking his odds as the initial entries appear for what
will be the first handicapped version of the Team Tournament. This
year, a bonus point will be awarded to players who score team
points in an event they previously have not won. Will this be the year
Nest of Spies makes history with a first-ever three-pete or will your
team pull an upset? Enter your four-person team today with an email to
is shaping up as our biggest yet with nearly half of the available
slots filled in record time and with a large percentage of
multiple-game lots. Items must be delivered in person on Monday night,
July 30th or the following Tuesday morning before noon by registered
members. Since the auction is very popular and lots are limited to the
first 550 registered, auction pre-registration is highly recommended.
Our previous auctions have sold out via pre-registration so don’t
expect to bring items unregistered to the door. Check out the details
at auction.htm. Download your Lot Forms
now. Don’t procrastinate! An updated list of the initial registered
lots for this year’s sale is now on line. Do not mail your Lot forms!
Pre-registration of lots for the auction requires only a list of the
items and their condition. You will receive your badge number by return
email with your confirmation to complete the Lot Forms which you keep
with your items.
WBC AUCTION STORE EXPANDED: We’ve expanded last year’s highly
successful Auction Store for the sale of additional lower priced items
during the WBC auction. Located in the same showroom with the Auction,
attendees will be able to peruse items with a set price within view and
earshot of the ongoing auction. The Auction Store allows us to increase
the number of items handled in less time while offering sellers a more
efficient way to offer lower priced items at a reduced commission.
Items in the Auction Store have a top price of $30 and cannot be
pre-registered. Procrastinate too long to pre-register your items for
the Auction? … never fear, you can now sell via the Auction Store
without a reservation. But come prepared with your Auction Store Item
forms pre-completed. See
auctionstore.htm for details and to
download your Auction Store forms. Sellers are encouraged to read both
the Auction and Auction Store details carefully to determine which
venue is the best choice for their sales items.
JULY 15, 2007 ELECTION DEADLINE: Less than 30 days remains to vote for
the 2007 Board of Directors. The E-Ballot for the 2007 Board of
Director’s election is now available at
election.htm. Please take a moment to cast
your vote sometime before the July 15th deadline. The technology has
been updated to facilitate true on-line voting for the ultimate in
convenience at BoardBallot.shtml.
WBC PROGRAMS: Our Annual mailing took place on June 1st. All members of
record residing in the US (one per household) were mailed the
convention program/yearbook at that time. PLEASE remember to bring it
with you to WBC as we do NOT have enough to give out duplicates. Those
joining after June 1st and other household members must pick up their
copies at WBC. An on-line version of the yearbook can be downloaded.
WBC PRE-REGISTRATION FORMS: The current Pre-Reg form can be downloaded
from prereg.htm. You can also check this
page to find your current registration status or to advertise for
rides, roommates, child care, or Open Gaming opportunities.
EVENT PREVIEWS: Review the Previews at
for Events you wish to play. Event
Previews contain more information than found in the Yearbook, including
advancement criteria, details about format, special prizes, answers to
rules questions, contact information for the GM, and links to related
web sites.
WBC SOUVENIR T-SHIRTS: Lost Battalion Games is again offering official
WBC 2007 t-shirts featuring the art of Kurt Miller and your choice of
game images. Using improved technology, the shirts will be available in
an assortment of sizes and colors and made to order right there at the
show. Team and club shirts are also available with your own motto. To
avoid a wait and be assured of the color and size you want, order yours
today to be pre-made and available for pickup at the show. See
http://www.lostbattalion.com/t-shirts/ for details.
TEENS: New this year is a special daily evening slot just for teens (ages 12-16) to
combine socializing with peers and boardgame fun. See
WBC 2007 POSTER: Help spread the word. Download the current WBC poster
featuring the artwork of Kurt Miller and post it at your next
club meeting or ask your local gamestore to post it.
OPEN GAMING: To aid you in coordinating your off-the-beaten track
gaming requests we’ve set up a page especially for WBC open gaming.
SEMINARS: For the first time, WBC will take advantage of the fine
lecture facilities at the Host to offer a full series of speaking
engagements featuring many hobby luminaries and spousal support plans.
Check out the schedule.
CSR AWARDS: The Charles S. Roberts Awards have been presented annually
at WBC for several years during our Sunday morning Armistice meeting.
This year the Awards move to Saturday evening at 9 PM in the Hopewell
Room where John Kranz of Consimworld will do the honors as part of his
seminar on the Consimworld Wargaming Report. John’s site, Consimworld,
has long been “the” place for wargamers on the net and is instrumental
in the support and implementation of the awards.
HMGS MINIATURES: In the “Year of Confluence” with Historicon the
preceding weekend at the Host, we are pleased to present a taste of
historical miniatures courtesy of HMGS President Pete Panzeri on
Tuesday. See page 81 of the program for a full description.
WBC SCHEDULING AIDS: Steve Okonski has once again worked his magic and
presented a host of convenient programming tools to help you plan your
WBC week. Choose from among the Custom Scheduler, an All-in-One schedule, or
several downloadable pdf pocket schedules.
HOST SELL OUT: The Lancaster Host is currently sold out during WBC.
While there may be isolated incidents of a request being filled on
certain nights or due to a cancellation, the majority of callers will
meet with no success. We suggest you instead call The Continental Inn
(717-299-0421) which is located across the street and request a room in
the World Boardgaming Championships overflow block to get our rate. A
second option is The Red Roof Inn (717-299-9700) located a half mile
down the street. For a list of other local lodging, call
1-866-220-8985. There is a wide assortment of lodging alternatives
nearby in all price ranges. See hotellan.htm.
VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC: After six rounds of single-elimination, Charles
Drozd—commanding the victorious Allied fleets—has achieved
decisive Victory in the Pacific. The event began in 2005 with 35
entrants. Charles started as the third seed. His semi-final victory
was a close game against the top seed, Dan Henry, as the Japanese. In
the Final, Charles triumphed over Darren Kilfara (originally the sixth
seed) who bid 4 POC for the Japanese. The Allies won 14 of 33 games
with one draw. 16 used the two most popular PBeM adjustments, I-Boat
Raid and CPO Withdrawal (including all but one game during the last
three rounds). Nine games used other combinations of the PBeM
balancing adjustments. Average bidding was 3.58 for the IJN. Bidding
ranged from 2 to 6! No bid was less than 3 from the second round
onward. Dan Henry had the best quip of the tournament, “Allies lose
Enterprise. Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a repair dock.” The top
six places in order went to 1) Charles Drozd, 2) Darren Kilfara, 3) Dan
Henry, 4) Philip Watkins, 5) Larry Meyers, and 6) Scott Fenn.
Charles had 3 IJN wins, 2 USN wins, and 1 bye (as did each of the top
three finishers). For a complete history of the current tournament, see http://www.gameaholics.com/vitp_bpa/vitp_bpa_single_elim_05.htm.
The next Victory in the Pacific PBeM tournament starts September 15th! For
details see http://www.gameaholics.com/vitp_format/vitp_bpa_format.htm.
SWORD OF ROME: A new PBeM tournament for Sword of Rome will commence on
August 15th under the watchful eye of veteran “GM of the Year” John
Coussis. Check out the details at http://www.geocities.com/jacous/sor2007/SoR_Main.htm
MONTY’S GAMBLE: The Germans won five of seven games in the second
round to setup Quarter-Final, Round 3 matches of Rob Mull vs Tod
Whitehurst, Mike Brophy vs Jim Eliason, Anthony Daw vs Mike Rinella and
Trevor Bender vs Dave Long (serving as Eliminator).
BREAKOUT NORMANDY: The third round of the Fifth Breakout Normandy event has concluded with Harvey Smallman, Tom Dworschak, Steve Andriakos,
Jim Eliason, Michael Kaye and Scott Fenn surviving to move into the
Laurelist positions for Round 4.
TWILIGHT STRUGGLE: The Soviets won 24 of 39 first round games. All
games were won outright with one exception: a narrow 7 VP win to
Jean-Louis Dirion over Richard deCastongrene at the end of Final
Scoring, with Jean-Louis receiving nine tournament points and Richard
getting one instead of the usual 10-0 split. The deadline for
announcing your intent to enter Round 2 is June 24. If you haven’t yet
entered the tournament but would like to do so, please visit http://www.kilfara.dsl.pipex.com/TShome.htm for more information as
soon as possible. Since this event has a long swiss format rather than
Single Elimination, it is still accepting late entries.
Anyone interested in running an email
tournament is invited to inquire. BPA
members who would like to see an email
tournament for their favorite game are encouraged
to step forward as the GM of such an
event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather,
we are an organization of gamers lending
support to one another so such events can
happen. No one cares as much about your hobby as
you do. Get involved. See the requirements
to host a BPA email tournament at http://www.abovethefields.com/top_pbem/pbemgm.htm.
All BPA PBeM tournaments require
current BPA membership when the event
starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC
are current BPA members for
the balance of that calendar year. Associate
Calendar year memberships
enabling play in all PBeM events starting
in that year cost only $10 and earn
discounts for admission to all BPA gaming conferences.
You need not keep your membership current
in order to finish a PBeM
event. Players may join the BPA throughout
the year. Members are
reminded they can upgrade their current memberships
at any time by
remitting the additional funds. See http://www.boardgamers.org/bpaterms.htm for
Don Greenwood
WBC Convention Director
you have not
yet subscribed to our new mailing list,
please do so as we
are unable to add you ourselves. To
receive our free
monthly newsletters you MUST
rejoin the BPA mailing list by
visiting http://lists.boardgamers.org/mailman/listinfo/bpamail to
confirm your address
and your desire to be on this
list. Subscribing
takes only a moment, ensures
your privacy, and increases
likelihood of receipt. The
newsletter will
continue to be posted in the
WBC folder in the Conventions
section of Consimworld and on
the BPA web site but will otherwise
be unavailable to those who do
not join the list in this fashion.