Boardgame Players Association Newsletter — WBC 2007 Primer
July 24, 2007

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WBC 2007 is almost upon us. You'll soon be hip deep in more gaming than most of us do in a year, so before your senses become dulled by sleep deprivation, listen up. If you're new to WBC, I suggest you read our greeting to newcomers.

We had a record Pre-Registration this year and will be directly following another sold out convention at the Host so those arriving for Sunday Pre-Cons should be prepared for delays in getting into their rooms.  Your patience in getting started on Sunday is appreciated. The good news is that last year's renovations are complete and the Host is in the best shape its been in for some time.

TEAM TOURNAMENT: The odds are now posted for the 17th running for the slivers. Although there is no event pre-registration (except for the Pre-Cons), pre-registration IS required for the Team Tournament and time is FAST running out. Check out the field this year and your team's status. Remember to post your own score on our self-scoring Team Tournament display in the Ballroom Foyer. Wear your Team Shirt on Friday!

STILL NOT REGISTERED?: We will process all registrations received up till Thurs., July 26, but be prepared to pay at the door should your payment not have arrived by then. Checks arriving after the 26th will NOT be deposited. Pre-registration is officially over but procrastinators rejoice ... our busy CD will accept email pre-registrations for those with Paypal accounts until Thursday. Thereafter, walk-on rates apply. Paypal payments are subject to a 10% surcharge but that is still less than walk-on rates. Inquire at for details.

REGISTRATION DESK: Convention registration is on the lower level in the New Holland room. The desk will be open from 8 AM to 9 PM Tuesday thru Saturday; 12 PM to 6 PM Sunday, and 8 AM to 6 PM Monday. Be sure to stop by before departing to pick up any prizes won. Whether pre-registered or not—report to New Holland to pick up your badge and program and a few surprise gifts before reporting to your event locations.

JUNIORS and TEENS: Before you unleash the kids, be advised that those 12 and under who wish to play in the Juniors events or game in the Juniors room must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to sign a consent form before being allowed to use the room. New this year is a special program for Teens, ages 12-16. No parental consent form is required but participants must be WBC badgeholders for the days they attend. Remember to make time on your schedule Saturday afternoon for a parent/child team eventCrokinole, which is a form of shuffleboard for finger flickers. In the evenings, the Host offers children's movies at poolside.

We have upgraded our youth program thanks in large part to generous donations by sponsors Brian Sutton and David des Jardins. We have full-time monitors for the Juniors Room, more events and space, and a games library for Open Gaming ... so bring the kids. Special thanks to Rio Grande Games, Days of Wonder, Out of the Box, and Fantasy Flight for their generous donations to the library.

EXHIBITS: Exhibitsnot to be confused with Vendors and Salesare tables reserved for publishers to demonstrate their products, both old and new, and distribute their literature. They may playtest upcoming games or just invite you to Open Game with their products. These tables will be marked as reserved for the various companies and cannot be used for Open Gaming or events without the permission of that exhibitor. Exhibit tables occupy all of the Ballroom Foyer and the first row of Lampeter Hall.

WBC AUCTION: The Auction begins at 10 AM Tuesday and will conclude prior to the regular tournament fare at 6 PM, thus allowing us to keep our competitive focus. Check out the updated list of cool stuff being auctioned. This year, although items will not be offered in numerical order, the Auction Staff will announce Lot Numbers so those of you who like to follow along and make notes can do so. You might find it advantageous to print out the list to follow along with the bidding. The Auction is sold out, no new items will be accepted.

To take part in the bidding, you'll need to purchase a bid number for $1
as you enter. The $1 is refundable when you return the number. Please return them. WARNING: If we keep losing bid numbers, next year the deposit will be $5 to help you remember.

Although the Auction is sold out, our Auction Store has doubled in size for 2007 and opens a half hour before the Auction gets underway.  You may bring items for the Store with three timed set sales prices up to $30. Be sure to download Auction Store forms so you can have them completed when you arrive with your items.

Auction and Auction Store sales are strictly cash-only affairs so bring your wallet. While there is an ATM on the premises outside the
Wheatland room, it may be empty following back-to-back sold out conventions so we suggest bringing the cash you'll need.

Turn your lots in for the Auction and Auction Store at the Lancaster Showroom either Monday between 8 and 10 PM or Tuesday between 8 AM and noon.

WBC uses a deluxe badge holder which comfortably loops around your neck and has pockets for extras like keys, cash or pen. They ain't cheap tho and we can't afford to give them away every year, so please either bring your badge holder back from previous years AND HAVE IT WITH YOU at Registration, or be prepared to cough up a token $2 fee for a replacement. So remember when leaving to tuck that badge holder inside your favorite game to ensure a return trip to WBC next year and save $2. You must wear your badge in order to play. There will be a $5 fee for replacement badges.

NEW VENDORS: We are pleased to have back many of your favorite dealers while welcoming Harmony House Hobbies, TailTen Games, and Lock N' Load to their first WBC. Remember to save time for a visit to their displays in Ballroom A Friday thru Sunday between 10 AM and 6 PM. Thank these folks for taking the time to support WBC by checking out their products.

PROGRAM: The 2007 program was mailed to all current members residing in the USA on June 1. All others get theirs upon arrival. If you received one in the mail, please bring it as we don't have enough to give everyone two copies! Late arrivals often go without because of the number of people who take multiple copies. If you do have a program, note the following corrections:

  • Pg 86-87: All seminars take place in the Hopewell Room—not Heritage.
  • Dana Lombardy will be unable to attend. Therefore, his three seminars and the Fantasy Flight exhibit have been cancelled.

SAMPLER SHOWCASE: This ten-game Demonstration Pre-Con running from 10 AM Monday to 5 PM Tuesday is back. It starts with a two-player San Juan tournament and then continues with ten demos of new games in Open Gaming format. A two-round Die Macher tournament starts at 6 PM to conclude the tournament action. See the Sampler page for details on all ten games offered in the Samper Showcase which were not available at the time our program was printed.

LANCASTER ROOM: Past attendees will note the use of several new meeting rooms this year. Kinderhook is down the hall from
Paradise-Cornwall-Hopewell and is being used with 6' round tables in an attempt to give the big multi-player games a quieter venue from their usual duty in the ballrooms. Similarly, Lancaster—not to be confused with the Lancaster Showroom—is being staffed with 5' rounds for similar reasons. The Lancaster room used to be the hotel gift shop and is located above and behind the Lobby's front desk near Heritage.

EVENT PREVIEWS: A number of event previews have posted minor changes since their initial appearance in May. You may want to revisit them.

Note that Tribune level members may attend any and all Pre-Cons free of charge. All others must pay a separate pre-con
admission. While walk-ons are allowed at the six various pre-cons being held July 29-31, doing so will cost an extra $10 since BPA
membership discounts do not apply at the door. If you've decided to come early for a pre-con, save yourself some money by using Paypal by Thursday to get the pre-reg rate. Email for details.

Lancaster Host Resort is the host for 2005 WBC.HOTEL RESERVATIONS: The Lancaster Host is soldout. Fortunately, there are many nearby hotels. If you have not booked a room, call the Lancaster reservation center toll free at 1-866-729-5132.

Exchange of foreign currency is not available locally. Be sure to visit the Foreign Exchange Office at your airport. While the hotel accepts major credit cards, BPA does not, so convention registration and auction purchases must be paid for in American currency. There is a $25 charge for any returned check.

Lancaster is hot and humid in the summer. Dress accordingly and don't forget your swimsuit for a refreshing dip in the Host's outstanding pool or jacuzzi. But also remember to pack a sweater should the air conditioning be too cool.

REGISTERED? NEED A RIDE/ROOMMATE? BABY SITTING? OPEN GAMING PARTNER? SPOUSAL DIVERSIONS: Check out the pre-reg list. Car pooling to/from airports is an easy way to save money. Non-gaming spouses can check out the Sit and Knit Seminars for alternatives.

TRANSPORTATION: Amtrak is the best option for those unable to drive. See the details on our Transportation page.

MEETINGS: The BPA's Annual Meeting will be held before the Collectibles auction on Tues., July 31, at 3 PM in the Lancaster Showroom of Lancaster Host in Lancaster, PA where we will present the Hobby Service Award and new Board of Directors for your questions. At 8 AM on Sun., Aug. 5, the same location will be the site of our Annual Armistice Meeting with the presentation of Awards and Door Prizes. All BPA members are encouraged to attend.

Fri., Aug. 3, is the official Game Club T-Shirt Day. Promote your local gaming group and camaraderie by showing everyone which gaming group you are with. You just might gain a few members. Help grow the hobby by wearing your colors.

Attendees are reminded that absolutely NO flyers, posters, or charts of any kind are to be taped, glued, stapled, or adhered in any fashion to any surface at Lancaster Host. Any such materials will be immediately removed. You are welcome to hand out flyers for gaming activities but absolutely no signage of any kind is to be adhered to a wall, furniture or other surface. Those who ignore this rule will be liable for damage claims.

FLEA MARKETS NA: Attendees are reminded that all tables at WBC are reserved for the PLAY of games by those with a current WBC badge. No unauthorized selling, trading, or solicitation is allowed on the premises. Items stacked on tables and games left unattended will be removed.

SMOKING NA: There is no smoking in public areas throughout WBC. If you need to smoke, please step outside. Do NOT open windows ... it only aggravates the air conditioning situation. Attendees are reminded NOT to bring outside food and drink onto the premises. Lancaster Host does not allow it.

DRINK RESPONSIBLY: Every year we wrestle with the problem of alcohol consumption at WBC. While we do not wish to restrict any one's civil liberties, we must protect the majority (especially the children present) from the irresponsible behavior of a few who imbibe too much. Please restrict your social drinking to acceptable levels, and if you have had problems of this sort in the past, we urge you to abstain altogether. Please report any unacceptable behavior to the front desk. Those responsible for unruly behavior will be removed from the premises and banned from future attendance.

PRIZES: Players are reminded to check the event kiosks in Paradise Terrace to see advancement priority for later rounds. It is not
uncommon in multi-player games for non-winners to advance, so if you want to play, always check to see if there are openings in the later rounds. It is not the GM's responsibility to find you. You must check the kiosk to determine your standing or show up at the next round to check for vacancies. If you do win a prize, remember to get it before leaving. Although we hold prizes for pickup next year, we must charge a shipping and handling fee if you want them delivered in the interim. Also, remember to check the back of any Plaques you win in GMT events for merchandise credits offered by GMT.

KIOSKS: When you first arrive, check the Kiosks display in Paradise Terrace. Each is adorned with a pictorial history of the event that furthers the traditions of WBC. Do NOT sign the entrant lists on the Kiosks - those are strictly for the use of the GMs. There is no event registration at WBC (except for the Team Tournament). Later, when you want to see if you've done well enough to advance to a subsequent round after a preliminary heat, check out the Alternate & Qualifying lists on these kiosks which should be returned to Paradise Terrace when not in use. Do NOT write on these kiosks! By vandalizing them with your messages you make it that much harder for us to keep prices low and appearances up. If you MUST write on them, use the paper that is taped to them, not the boards themselves.

You are reminded to honor the experience requirements of all events. Class A (red) events are for experienced
players only. Class B (yellow) events allow beginners only if you have read the rules or attended the mandatory demonstration in Paradise Assembly. Do NOT expect to be taught the game during the event. Class C (green) events have GMs who have agreed to coach players during play. Please respect these requirements for everyone's enjoyment.

Be considerate of others and play promptly, keeping within the duration of the event's listed playing time. Failure to do so not only causes problems when the space you occupy is needed for a later scheduled event, it can distress those you play with by making them miss the opportunity to play in another scheduled event. And, of course, it can slow down the entire tournament while others wait for you to finish before they can start another round. Failure to adhere to the scheduled playing times force GMs to make adjudications which neither they nor you will enjoy—especially since we advise heavy bias against those who play too slow. Most event playing times are already on the long side but if you cannot keep up with even that pace, you should probably restrict your activities to Open Gaming.

OPEN GAMING: Open Gaming is restricted to Ballroom A on Tuesday until 5 PM when Wheatland becomes the designated Open Gaming area. Ballroom A will be closed at 5 PM on Thursday for vendor setup. Do not attempt Open Gaming elsewhere. You will be moved. Should Wheatland become full, check the signs there for allowable overflow Open Gaming sites. Games may be left setup overnight for continuation the next morning at the owner's risk. However, any game abandoned for more than an hour during prime game time will be removed to Lost & Found. "Saving" of tables is not allowed. Sales soliicitations are likewise limited to authorized vendors. A white Board will be available in Wheatland for those listing Open Gaming desires. Before the con, use our Pre-Reg page to make Open Gaming appointments.

Using the preliminary round of scheduled events as a form of scheduled Open Gaming is a common practice. However, if you win your game and have no desire to continue in the event, please so inform the GM. Above all, do not abandon a game in progress if you are playing in a tournament.

We expect everyone to treat others with the same respect they would like to receive in return. Most at WBC are exceedingly well behaved. Unfortunately, we can count on a few bad apples in every crop and those are the ones that get all the ink afterwards. We'd like your help in weeding out problem players. If you encounter someone who is having a bad day or just being an overall jerk, don't suffer in silence. Report it to your GM so that the GM can take steps to correct the problem. And if you are one of those people who demands absolute silence while you take your turn, don't bother coming. Gaming is about having fun and those around you are going to have theirs whether you are in a Final or not, so lighten up and go with the flow.

And if you are a late night Were Wolf - pleeease return the rooms to the same state you found them. Every year we consider banning late night play because of the mess they leave behind. If you like your all night gaming, don't abuse it. You'll have only yourselves to blame if meeting rooms are locked at midnight in the future.

GAMES: Lastly, remember to bring the games you want to play! Especially those of the two-player variety. If you're driving, toss
every game you might want to play in the trunk. Every year people get turned away for lack of games.

......... whew! That's done - ok ... now you're ready to have fun at WBC. See ya soon. Drive safely.


Don Greenwood
WBC Convention Director

SUBSCRIBE: If you have not yet subscribed to our new mailing list, please do so as we are unable to add you ourselves. To receive our free monthly newsletters you MUST rejoin the BPA mailing list by visiting to confirm your address and your desire to be on this list. Subscribing takes only a moment, ensures your privacy, and increases likelihood of receipt. The newsletter will continue to be posted in the WBC folder in the Conventions section of Consimworld and on the BPA web site but will otherwise be unavailable to those who do not join the list in this fashion.

Boardgame Players Association Last updated 7/24/07 by kae.
© Copyright 2007 by the Boardgame Players Association.
Trademarks are property of their respective holders.