Boardgame Players Association Newsletter — September 2007
Sept. 13, 2007

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HOBBY SERVICE AWARD: Bruno Sinigaglio was named the 2007 winner of the BPA Hobby Service Award at the 2007 BPA Annual Meeting. Bruno received the most votes from among a dozen noteworthy nominees considered for the honor. Details are available at

WBC ATTENDANCE SETS RECORD: The just concluded World Boardgaming Championships drew their highest attendance ever in 2007, topping 1300
paid attendees for the first time in addition to the usual assortment of guests and significant others. Whether the record attendance was due to the confluence of the HMGS Historicon convention the preceding weekend or an increased Euro presence, or both, is a matter of conjecture but in any case it is a good omen for WBC 2008 which is already in the planning stages. Stay tuned to this newsletter for upcoming announcements on how you can help shape the next WBC. A preliminary list of event winners is available at Our usual extensive event by
event report—complete with photos and laurel totals—is under construction and is scheduled for release in November when the 2008 Century lineup is announced. In the meantime, a DVD full of photos is available for those who can’t wait, a selection of which is posted at

WATERLOO: The next BPA convention is the Waterloo mini-con for play of Napoleonic Wars to be held Oct. 19-21, 2007 in Timonium, MD. See for details.

WBC AUCTION: The WBC Auction again forged a new sales record—aided by a $3600 sale of a complete set of Avalon Hill Generals—despite the greatly expanded Auction Store which likewise did a landslide business. In fact, it did too well…doubling in size and causing our accounting staff to work all night to keep up with the increased volume. As a consequence, to give our auction crew the opportunity to enjoy WBC also we will be forced to require pre-registration of all Auction AND Auction Store lots in 2008. No walk-ons will be accepted. For complete details of the Auction and Auction Store results, including all Auction sales prices, see

WBC SEMINARS: 2007 was the first year seminars were promoted at WBC as a major part of the convention and were generally well received. Many thanks to all our speakers for their efforts. We will try to improve on this year’s offerings and have already received some offers to supplement the schedule next year. Several of the presentations are available on line in pdf or audio format for those who missed them at

SPORTSMAN & GM NOMINEES: All WBC attendees are urged to nominate their picks for this year’s Sportsmanship and GM of the Year awards by sending your choices and the reason for your endorsement to the convention director at before Oct. 1. We want to hear who you think deserves a free room at WBC 2008.

2007 BoD RE-ELECTED: All three incumbents were re-elected in the annual Board of Directors election. For a list of the vote totals, see

THANKS!: Finally, Kaarin and I would like to publicly thank all who lent a hand in making WBC 2007 the memorable event it was. Producing WBC every year has become a major undertaking that would not be possible without a lot of helping hands pitching in to make it happen. Obviously, we are nothing without the efforts of 100+ volunteer GMs, but there are many others who work tirelessly behind the scenes to contribute in other ways. My gaming buddy Roy Gibson “gives back” to the hobby in ridiculous measure by keeping this computer illiterate up and running, loading the truck and delivering it to WBC before any of you even get here. The Gutermuth family contribution to WBC is simply off the charts…between Debbie taking literally thousands of photos and Ken putting in countless prime gaming hours making the auction/auction store a possibility, their contributions are simply beyond measure. There are many others to be sure—right down to Barry Shutt and the Henry Richardson clan who make a point of helping me pack up every year. It
is all deeply appreciated and makes dealing with the inevitable problems a little more bearable. Thanks again for another great year.

Don Greenwood


MARCH MADNESS: After 77 games, Jeff Martin emerged victorious over a 40 player field in the fourth annual BPA March Madness PBeM Championship.  After a trip to the Final Four last year, this time Jeff reached the pinnacle, defeating Bob Menzel’s 1998 Utah squad 98-83 in the championship game. Jeff’s 1989 Michigan team rolled through Bracket A, with his closest game being an early seven point victory over Steven Caler’s 1995 Virginia quintet. In Bracket B, Bob Menzel was having a more exciting time of it, defeating Bruno Passacantando’s 1995 UCLA team by one point in the Final Four and John Coussis’ 2005 Illinois squad by two points in the Elite Eight. Alan Heath earned third place laurels followed by Bruno Passacantando, Debbie Bell and John Coussis in 4th thru 6th place.

In the final, Jeff took a two-point halftime lead thanks to a technical foul on Rick Majerus. However, by being successful on five of seven rolls for extra cards, he was extremely well positioned for the second half. This was a good thing, since Jeff did not win his first scoring roll until the last dice roll of the game.  But the extra cards and good timing on when to roll well (and not so well) allowed Jeff to extend the second half lead to the final 15 point victory margin. Final Four MVP is given to champion Michigan 1989’s right forward Glen Ride.  He averaged 28.8 points a game in the tournament and posted 33 points in the championship game.  Here is the rest of the All Tournament Team:

All Tournament First Team:
Center – Jerry Lucas (Ohio State 1960) – A Rating – 19.5 ppg
Left Forward – Larry Bird (Indiana State 1979) – AA Rating – 30.0 ppg
Right Forward – Glen Rice (Michigan 1989) – A Rating – 28.8 ppg
Left Guard – Juan Dixon (Maryland 2001) – B Rating – 25.0 ppg
Right Guard – Carl Nicks (Indiana State 1979) – B Rating – 23.7 ppg
Bench – Maryland 2001 – A Rating – 25.0 ppg

All Tournament Second Team:
Center – Patrick Ewing (Georgetown 1984) – C Rating – 17.0 ppg
Left Forward – Herb Jones (Cincinnati 1992) – B Rating – 26.0 ppg
Right Forward – Ed O’Bannon (UCLA 1995) – B Rating – 20.4 ppg
Left Guard – Juan Dixon (Maryland 2002) – B Rating – 22.3 ppg
Right Guard – Phil Ford (North Carolina 1977) – B Rating – 22.3 ppg
Bench – Utah 1998 – B Rating – 23.0 ppg

The tournament will be restarted this coming October. Come join us in determining next year’s champion of the BPA March Madness world.

VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC: The next BPA Victory in the Pacific PBeM tournament starts September 15th! For details see

BITTER WOODS: The third round of the current tournament is underway with eight survivors  still in the hunt for laurels. The pairings feature Frank and Buddy Sinigaglio, Jeff Lange vs Bruno Sinigaglio, Bill Morse vs Larry Meyers, and Dan Tierney vs Steve Likevich. More details are available at

AMUN RE:  A BPA PBeM tournament to be played on SpielbyWeb—a free and dedicated site for the play of Amun Re—is scheduled to begin on Oct. 1. For details, see

SHIFTING SANDS: A BPA PBeM tournament is slated for an Oct. 29 start. See for details.

BREAKOUT NORMANDY: Round 5 of the BPA’s 5th PBeM tournament is underway with three survivors from the 50 which began the Single elimination event still battling. Steve Andriakos and Harvey Smallman are engaged in what could be the final round if the eliminator can knock out Tom Dworschak. Otherwise, a sixth and final round will ensue between the winners. See the details at

HERE I STAND: On Aug. 27 the first Here I Stand PBeM Tournament started Heat 2 of Round 1. Three new entrants joined the fray to replace three who dropped out, so we still have 51 players vying for the coveted 18 slots in the Second Round.  The Tournament format has all games playing the tournament scenario enabling all to finish in the alloted time frame. Of the nine games played in Heat 1, the Ottoman were victors in three, the Hapsburgs in four, and the English and Protestants secured a single victory each. Will the distribution of wins in Heat 2 be as Ottoman and Hapsburg heavy? Only time will tell, check back in January. The big winners in Heat 1 were John Emery whose Ottomans brought home a healty 26VPs and a trifecta of players, Ken Richard, Pawel Jarosz, and Dave Cross, whose power’s each scored 24VPs. Heat 2 has some great matchups. In one, the designer, Ed Beach, as the Protestants goes up against Dave Cross as the Papacy in a monumental struggle as these highly rated players face off in a game sure to see plenty of Heretics burned at the stake and Papal priests disgraced. For further information be sure to check out the Tournament website at:

Anyone interested in running an e-mail tournament is invited to inquire. BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a BPA email tournament at

All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year cost only $10 and earn discounts for admission to all BPA gaming conferences. You need not keep your membership current in order to finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year. Members are reminded they can upgrade their current memberships at any time by remitting the additional funds. See for details.


Don Greenwood
WBC Convention Directo

SUBSCRIBE: If you have not yet subscribed to our new mailing list, please do so as we are unable to add you ourselves. To receive our free monthly newsletters you MUST rejoin the BPA mailing list by visiting to confirm your address and your desire to be on this list. Subscribing takes only a moment, ensures your privacy, and increases likelihood of receipt. The newsletter will continue to be posted in the WBC folder in the Conventions section of Consimworld and on the BPA web site but will otherwise be unavailable to those who do not join the list in this fashion.

Boardgame Players Association Last updated 9/13/07 by kae.
© Copyright 2007 by the Boardgame Players Association.
Trademarks are property of their respective holders.