to the Archives
WAM CROWNS THREE: The sixth rendition of the Winter Activation Meeting
drew 44 die-hard CDW fans including eight rookie attendees to the Days
Hotel in Timonium, MD for four days of two-player action in a wide
assortment of card driven games. The action generated three
full-fledged champions in Twilight Struggle (Marvin Birnbaum), Paths of
Glory (Tom Drueding), and 1960 (Chris Byrd) and a host of open gaming
opportunities in other CDWs. As usual, players kept busy between rounds
of the laid back schedule by playing in other ad hoc events, with the
average player entering 3.5 events over the course of the weekend. In
addition to the top three, players also avidly played their favorites
among five other tracks--with Wilderness War, Hannibal, We The People, and For the People holding at levels similar to 2007 but unable to
break into the wood column, while the March Madness pickup event grew
in popularity. A handful of other games graced the tables as well,
especially as players were bumped out of their plaque hunts. In the
end, Marvin Birnbaum proved the top Laurel scorer with 68 thanks to his
win and a second place finish in 1960. He was followed by Chris Byrd
who logged 54 with his win and a second in POG. Tom Drueding netted 40
for winning POG and Stephen Brooks added 37 by scoring in all three. A
detailed report on all the action at WAM can be found at http://www.boardgamers.org/specific/wam08.htm and updated laurel totals
for the tournaments are posted on their respective results pages at http://www.boardgamers.org/yearbook/.
ENLIGHTENMENT XI: The eleventh (and perhaps last) annual meeting of our
Age of Renaissance mini-con gaming conference convenes March 28-30
for four swiss rounds of dedicated play in Days Hotel in Timonium, MD.
Enlightenment will go to a new format in its effort to draw a minimum
of 25 players or host its farewell performance in 2008. Manifest
Destiny will join the program as two four-round events are held in
three full days of gaming. Only one of the eight rounds will conflict on Friday evening - giving players a choice as to which event they want
to play the extra round. Note that it will be possible, but more
difficult, to win both events since each tournament allows players to
drop one of four scores.BPA has obtained a very favorable group room
rate of $79 per night plus applicable state and local taxes (currently
13%). To obtain this rate you must identify your affiliation with the
BPA's Enlightenment gaming conference and make your reservation before
March 14th, 2008 (or when our roomblock sells out, whichever occurs
first) 1-800-235-3297 or 410-560-1000 weekdays between 8 AM and 7 PM
EST. After March 14th, reservations will be accepted on a space or rate
available basis. Alternately, you may contact Days Hotel, 9615 Deereco
Rd, Timonium, MD 21093. Be sure to identify your affiliation with our
group - both to get the best rate for yourself and to credit our group
with your stay. Room rate includes daily continental breakfast served
from 6:30AM-9:30AM on second floor. (www.dayshoteltimonium.com) A
Chili's restaurant is attached to the hotel and open for lunch and
dinner.For more details, see
FINAL CALL FOR GM RESERVATIONS: All GMs are reminded that their event
"reservations" for the WBC events they ran in 2007 expired on Jan.
1. To retain GM status of your event, you must submit a new event
form at http://www.boardgamers.org/forms/EventForm.htm and renew your
membership. Prospective Game Master volunteers are asked to submit
their event forms for WBC 2008 now. Many openings are listed on the
Orphans Page at http://www.boardgamers.org/wbc/orphans.htm. Any event
listed as OPEN needs a GM commitment by Feb. 28th or it will not be
held. Current openings include: Acquire, Advanced Civilization, ASL,
Amun-Re, Battlelore, Brawlin' Battleships, Formula De, Galaxy,
Gettysburg, Medici, Memoir '44, Napoleonic Wars, Panzerblitz, Panzergruppe Guderian, Risk, Saint Petersburg, Settlers of Catan,
Stockcar Championship Racing, Superstar Baseball, Ticket To Ride,
Twilight Struggle, Wellington, World At War, Monty's Gamble, Sword of
Rome, Union Pacific, War of 1812, Wooden Ships & Iron Men, Waterloo,
Fate of France, Cuba, and Race For the Galaxy. Prospective GMs are
urged to reread the newly revised GM Guidelines at http://www.boardgamers.org/gmguide.htm paying particular attention to
the new formats for multi-heat events which have been modified since
the prior distribution.
FINAL CALL FOR BoD NOMINATIONS: All BPA members are hereby notified of
their right to nominate members for the three Board seats whose terms
expire at the next WBC. To appear on the ballot, a member must be
nominated in writing by at least three members; one of which must be
himself/herself. Nominations must be signed and received at BPA, 1541
Redfield Rd, Bel Air, MD 21015 no later than February 28 to be
eligible for election in that year. NOTE: Email nominations are NOT
acceptable, nor can a member nominate more than one member for the
Board. When contemplating nominations, members are urged to consider
that the BPA conducts most of its business by email and needs Board
members who are able and willing to offer their time and skills to the
organization in a timely manner. Board members should be considered
more for their ability to contribute to the running of a successful
company than for their attachment to any particular game or genre.
Besides forwarding a signed nomination for himself/herself, each
nominee should submit by March 1 a statement not to exceed 100 words
summarizing what they can contribute in service to the Board of
Directors of the BPA. The nomination form is on line at http://www.boardgamers.org/bpanom.htm.
JAPAN BOARDGAMING CHAMPIONSHIPS: Our Titan players will remember
Hisanaga Masahide and his friend Tabei Akihisa who competed in the 2007
WBC while travelling from Japan. "Hide" was so impressed, he promised
to start a similar competition in Japan and reports he has done just
that. Scheduled right after WBC, the Japan Boardgaming Championships
will occur Aug. 13 - 17 in Olympic Center, Tokyo. Hide
anticipates 50 events and as many as 1,000 attendees. We wish him well.
Contact Hide at hisa@gamerent.net.
HAMMER OF THE SCOTS: The second PBeM tourney of Hammer of the Scots is
in the books. 30 players vied for dominance of the Scottish Nobles. 28
games were played on a website that handled the cards and the random
draws of the blocks. The English won exactly half although the Scots
dominated the last round with George Seary leading the way for the
clans as he added the PBeM crown to his WBC trifecta of three straight
HOS titles. Common perception paints the Scots as the underdogs but
tournament statistics do not back that theory. The other Laurelists
were Suzanne Tuch, Bill O'Neal, Hank Burkhalter, Ray Freeman and Paul
Barrett in that order. New HOS laurel totals are posted at
BITTER WOODS: The latest version of this PBeM Tournament has entered
the Semi-Final round with Steve Likevich opposing Buddy Sinigaglio
while his dad, Bruno Sinigaglio takes on Bill Morse in the other semi.
Could a father-son Final be in the offing?
SHIFTING SANDS: The first round of the PBeM Tournament was completed in
January. Although everyone bid for the Allies with an average bid of
1.76, the Axis won 13 of 17 contests. Of the games that went to the
end, we saw Operation Herkules three times and Malta Victorious once.
For further details check out the website at http://home.mindspring.com/~drueding/shiftingsands/.
MARCH MADNESS: The Sweet Sixteen is now complete in our 5th running of
e-mail March Madness. Meanwhile, there are five teams already waiting
in the Elite Eight, and Bruce Monnin’s NC State 1983 just defeated Jim
Gutt’s New Mexico State 1970 squad to be the first qualifier for the
Final Four. Check out the updated bracket at http://www.nktelco.net/bdmonnin/mm-brack-2008.htm.
HERE I STAND: On Jan. 25th the Here I Stand PBeM Tournament finished
Heat 2 of Round 1. Of the nine games played in Heat 2, the Ottoman were
victors in two, the Hapsburgs in two, the Protestants won four,
and Dave Cross secured a rare Papal victory. The big winners in Heat 2
were Dave Cross and Pawel Jarosz who each won their second game to
claim the top two seeds going into Round 2. The most impressive
preformance though goes to Scott Burns whose Hapsburgs were trailing in
his Heat 2 game through 2.5 turns and blitzed his way to victory with
27 VPs in the last half of the final turn. Scott's 27 VPs was just
enough points to get him into the 2nd round. Round 2 match ups are
currently being organized amongst the top 18 scorers from Round 1. For
further information be sure to check out the Tournament website at http://home.comcast.net/~ebeach/HISBPATourney2007.htm.
MONTY'S GAMBLE: The Third Annual PBeM tournament is set to begin on
Monday March 24, 2008. This area movement game is so well balanced it
is perfect for competition. Last year an equal number of players
succeeded in crossing the Rhine in September of 1944 as failed. More
information can be found at
http://filebox.vt.edu/users/todw/mgm/pbem08/mgmgpbem.html Tutorials are
available for newcomers and late signups will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. Email the GM Tod Whitehurst todw[at]vt.edu to enter.
SARATOGA: The new PBeM tournament for the Battles of the American
Revolution series has been delayed while additional players are sought.
For details see
Anyone interested in running an email tournament is invited to inquire. BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a BPA email tournament at http://www.abovethefields.com/top_pbem/pbemgm.htm
All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year cost only $10. You need not keep your membership current in order to finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year. Members are reminded they can upgrade their current memberships at any time by remitting the additional funds. See http://www.boardgamers.org/bpaterms.htm for details.
Visit the BPA website at http://www.boardgamers.org
If you are not already receiving our monthly email newsletters, please
subscribe as directed below as we are unable to add you ourselves. To
receive our free monthly newsletters you MUST join the BPA mailing list
by visiting http://lists.boardgamers.org/mailman/listinfo/bpamail to
confirm your address and your desire to be on this list. Subscribing
takes only a moment, ensures your privacy, and increases likelihood of
receipt. The newsletter will continue to be posted in the WBC folder in
the Conventions section of Consimworld and on our website but will
otherwise be unavailable to those who do not join the list in this
fashion. If already receiving the BPA News you need take no additional
Don Greenwood
WBC Convention Director