Hobby Service Award | Attendance | Auction | Election Results | EuroQuest | PBEM
DOCKTER WINS BPA HOBBY SERVICE AWARD: Those of you who frequent Consimworld or Boardgamegeek will recognize him as one of WBC's most vocal supporters—augmenting his praise with entertaining statistical analyses of events to support his tireless proselytizing. He was one of the original founders of the Winter Activation Meeting mini-con for Card Driven Wargames. A shark in his own right, this competitor currently ranked #24 on our career Laurelists, has few peers among his fellow sharks when it comes to doing more than just competing. His enthusiasm is infectious and just a tad zany—witness this year's Sandman Salute celebrated beneath a fez cap at the Good Spirits Bar on Thursday night to commemorate those with sixth place WBC sand plaques and the resulting parade through the hotel to the chants of "Sand!, Sand!". We now owe him for the creation of yet another WBC tradition. His support of the Team Tournament with humorous team logos for all comers has kept us amused and whetted our appetites for the upcoming festivities each summer. Above all else, Dave Dockter is just one of those guys who makes you want to come back to WBC each summer to share some vicarious boardgame adventures with a guy you wish you could play every weekend. Check out all the details on our Hobby Service Award page.
WBC 2010 SETS ATTENDANCE RECORD: The 20th version of our annual raison d'etre drew the largest attendance ever despite a schedule overlap with Gencon and what all concede is the worst economy in memory. For a recap of the most recent WBC check our post-convention message to attendees. An illustrated sneak peak at our most recent crop of champions, pending the November posting of our 152 illustrated Event After Action Reports complete with updated laurel totals as only WBC does them. Thanks to the 80 GMs who got their reports in on time. Now, about the other 70....you're late! An alternate text-only listing for those not able to handle the graphics is available.
WBC AUCTION SALES RISE: With pre-registered lots at an alltime high, sales were up 3% in 2010 with 111 different buyers winning bids. Despite more stringent pre-registration requirements, Auction Store sales also rose with 1,296 items going for an average price of $12.61. More details can be found on our Auction page, along with a complete listing of Auction items, condition, and prices.
Board Members for 2011-2013 Term |
Josh Githens, SC |
Tom McCorry, VA |
Bruce Reiff, OH |
ELECTION RESULTS: Tom McCorry and Josh Githens won seats on the BPA Board of Directors along with returning incumbent Bruce Reiff as the Board welcomed its first new faces in years. Vote totals and links to new officer profiles can be found on our Election Results page.
EUROQUEST VIII NEXT: BPA is pleased to announce that due to capacity attendance in recent years we have moved EuroQuest to a larger facility for 2010. The annual fall convention which offers a unique blend of open gaming and a dozen Euro tournaments is scheduled for Nov. 4–7, 2010, at the Pikesville Hilton in Pikesville, MD. A special $99 convention rate has been obtained for reservations made by Oct. 22, 2010. Hilton concessions will include a variety of on-site breakfast, lunch and dinner offerings in the gaming area in addition to a 10% discount at the Hilton's restaurant. Those staying at the Hilton receive free use of the Baltimore Fitness and Tennis Club during their stay.
BATTLES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: This event just finished its first round with 22 players fighting the Battle of Eutaw Springs with the British winning six of 11 contests, three coming on Marginal Victories. Round 2 is now underway with 18 players continuing with Guilford Courthouse. You can follow the action at http://www.ohiovalleygamers.org/boarpbem.html.
MARCH MADNESS IN NOVEMBER: The 8th Annual PBeM tournament begins Nov. 1 with the draft of teams. All games will be played using the ACTS module at http://acts.warhorsesim.com/index.asp. Each player will have teams. For details see http://www.nktelco.net/bdmonnin/mms_home_page.html.
GREENWOOD WINS BREAKOUT NORMANDY: Don Greenwood won his second PBeM BKN championship by besting a field of 38 in five rounds. In a rare show of Allied supremacy, the Allies took 20 of the 37 matches with Don winning the last two as the Allies over the Germans of Scott Fenn and Kevin Hammond. Both games came down to the climactic battle for Carentan with Don's Allies overrunning disrupted German defenders for the needed VPs. Other lauelists were Tom Gregorio, Scott Moll, and Hank Burkhalter in that order. Our Breakout Normandy after-action page contains more details including the latest laurel standings.
BREAKOUT NORMANDY #7: GM Mark Gutfreund is pleased to host the 7th PBeM tournament for Breakout Normandy with a starting date of Oct. 1. The format remains Single Elimination with blind bids of supplies to determine sides. Rounds will last a maximum of five months with players expected to average one exchange per day. Past tournaments have required about 18 months since play usually speeds up in the later rounds. Further details can be found at http://sites.google.com/site/breakoutnormandytournament/ or you can email Mark directly to join at gutfreund15@yahoo.com.
BURKHALTER TAKES HAMMER OF THE SCOTS: Hank Burkhalter, the seldom seen but always contributing curator of our e-mail tournament page, has repeated his championship from the initial HOS PBeM tournament by taking the third event also. His victory came at the expense of four-time WBC champ George Seary. 22 players participated in the swiss format with the Scots holding a 16-11 advantage and Hank providing four of the 11 English victories. The other laurelists were Keith Wixson, Rob Taylor, Suzanne Tuch and Ray Freeman in that order. BPA's Hammer of the Scots after-action page includes more details including the latest HOS laurel standings.
CRENSHAW WINS MANIFEST DESTINY: Bill Crenshaw won his own creation again, taking home the first wood of the 2011 Laurel year, by winning the most recent Manifest Destiny email tournament over a field of 29 players. Arthur Field and Rob Kircher each won twice in the two preliminary rounds to advance to the Final along with Peter Staab, Pete Pollard and Bill who each won once and had the best second round scores. Carl Damcke narrowly missed the Final round and took 6th place laurels. See BPA's Manifest Destiny after-action page for more details including the latest laurel standings.
SCHOOSE TAKES AFRIKA KORPS: In a battle of two-time WBC/Avaloncon two-time champs, Bert Schoose's Axis forces overcame Joe Beards Allies to win the third BPA PBeM tournament over a field of 26 players. Sadly, this event is also noteworthy for the posthumous awarding of John Popiden's last laurels. John passed away during the tournament and earned sixth place honors despite being unable to continue. Other laurelists were a trio of ex-champs: Ed Menzel, Jonathan Lockwood, and Vince Meconi in that order. See BPA's Afrika Korps after-action page for more details including the latest laurel standings.
DICKSON WINS RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN: We have received a belated report that Gary Dickson won the 8th BPA PBeM tournament by defeating Bert Schoose nearly a year ago. The game was featured on the Consimworld original Russian Campaign folder in posts 2357 to 2570. See BPA's Russian Campaign after-action page for more details including the latest laurel standings.
This is a good time to remind all PBeM GMs that your job is not done until you promptly report the results and statistics of your event. By not doing so, you delay the receipt of plaque and laurels to all concerned, and in a worst case scenario it could conceivably cost one of your players a shot at Caesar. Moreover, a brief After Action summary of the event to promote the ending and augment its recording in our website annals for those who like to reminisce about past glories is most welcome.
THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN STARTS AGAIN SOON: Few Email tournaments run as regularly as TRC which manages to start anew each year. New GM John Ohlin announces a signup date of September 18th with a scheduled start date of September 26th for the latest rendition. Players are expected to finish a 10-turn game within three months. See the details at http://web.mac.com/gregorit/Site/Welcome.html and register with John at johnohlin5@comcast.net.
All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the
event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA
members for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year
memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year are
only $10. You need not keep your membership current to finish a PBeM
event. You can upgrade your current membership at any time by
remitting additional funds. See the BPA Terms page for details.
BPA members who would like an email tournament for a particular game
are encouraged to step forward to GM such an event. BPA does not run
tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support
to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about
your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a
BPA email tournament at http://www.abovethefields.com/top_pbem/
If you are not already receiving our monthly email newsletters, please
subscribe as directed below as we are unable to add you ourselves. To
receive our free monthly newsletters you MUST join the BPA mailing list
by visiting http://lists.boardgamers.org/mailman/listinfo/bpamail to
confirm your address and your desire to be on this list. Subscribing
takes only a moment, ensures your privacy, and increases likelihood of
receipt. The newsletter will continue to be posted in the WBC folder in
the Conventions section of Consimworld and on our website but will
otherwise be unavailable to those who do not join the list in this
fashion. If already receiving the BPA News you need take no additional
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