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  2012 TEAM TOURNAMENT: The Finns are coming! The Finns are coming! Riku Riekkinen has returned with three of his countrymen to once again disturb the peaceful slumber of perennial powerhouse Nest of Spies whose worst dreams are seemingly coming true! Not so coincidentally, Nest of Spies stalwarts Dave Dockter and two-time Caesar, Stefan MeCay, are begging off this year and AWOL as two new ringers have been recruited. Check out the details on the first 50 teams to register at
Can the Finns or anyone else stop Nest of Spies from taking their fourth title? The Happy Handicapper awaits your pleasure. Send your team name (max 21 characters including spaces) for four pre-registered only players and their game choices to BY July 21. And if you are new to the Team lists or are changing your team name send in your logo (or an explanation of same) to so we can immortalize your quest with our zany team logos.
The teams (and odds) will be updated daily until the deadline. Who will win the bracket busting prediction contest this year? All pre-registrants will be emailed their invitation to take part in the free Annual Bracket Busting contest as soon as the list is finalized—so hold your entries until then, but be sure to check your email the week before WBC or you'll miss your chance . Less than a week remains - send in that team entry now or check out the pre-reg page to hang out your free agent shingle to find yourself a team.
AUCTION LOTS POSTED: The list of 600 items accepted for this year's auction is posted at Potential bidders should print the list to bring with them as copies will not be provided on site.
AUCTION STORE REGISTRATION CLOSES JULY 21: The WBC Auction reached its ceiling of 550 lots in record time and is now closed. The Auction Store remains open and will continue to accept registrations until Saturday, midnight, EST, July 21. Items will NOT be accepted at the store which have not been pre-registered by that deadline. Get the details at
COLORIZED PROGRAM ON LINE: The 2012 program containing the complete alphabetical and chronological schedule is now posted on line in full color. The printed version available at registration is B&W only so those who find the colorized schedule handy may want to download and print their own version in advance. Other scheduling aids are also provided to help you plan your WBC week. Choose from among the Custom Scheduler, an All-in-One schedule, or several downloadable pdf pocket schedules in color or black and white. All of these can be found at An iCalendar version—created by Craig Trader—is also posted for download to electronic applications such as Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange.
WHY WBC GM'S ARE THE BEST: As the next WBC looms just ten days ahead, we are reminded again why so many of our events have achieved such notoriety vis a vis those elsewhere. WBC GMs have long since outdistanced the competition when it comes to preparing for their events, and while not all our GMs are equal in that regard, there is no denying the effort put forth by many. Once again leading the "pack" in this regard is 14-year veteran John Pack whose copious preparations include an "Everything you could possibly want to know" website about Gangsters and a 20-minute video "how to play" demonstration. Check them out at and
GAME ON: The boardgaming documentary film, now three years in the making, is still not ready for viewing but anything worth doing is worth doing right and our film makers report good progress including the use of international recording artists "The Elders" providing songs for the soundtrack. Their Irish inspired rock provides a good background to the story line which focuses on Ace of Aces, Settlers, Circus Maximus, and open gaming while capturing the fun, excitement and friendships of WBC. The emphasis of this crew is on its coverage of its subject over multiple years. Expect the finished product in 2013.
REGISTRATION PAGE UPDATED: WBC's Pre-Registration page now lists the first 950+ pre-registrants at Use this page to check the status of your registration, troll for teammates, rides or roommates, or even Open Gaming matches or baby sitting gigs. Send your requests to
HOTELS: Both the Host and the Continental have long since filled their blocks for WBC. However, cancellations do occur so you may be able to pick up a reservation at the last minute. Check the WBC Preregistration page. The good news is that there are many hotels of all price ranges in the area so procrastinators can still find lodging in the vicinity.
ALLIANCE DISTRIBUTORS & GEEK CHIC SPONSOR THE SAMPLER SHOWCASE & OPEN GAMING THEATRE: Alliance Distributors will be demonstrating a number of the latest game offerings the industry has to offer in the Showroom. They will be joined by Tom McCorry's crew of 'splainers demonstrating new game offerings on Tuesday during the Sampler Showcase with the added attraction of playing on Geek Chic customized gaming tables. Scheduled offerings include: 1989, Manhattan Project, 1812: Invasion of Canada, Lancaster, Eclipse, Belfort, Ares Project and Glory to Rome. See for more details. Tom needs more 'splainers volunteers so if you'd be willing to teach a game, let us know.
NEW SOUVENIR SHIRTS: This year's silk-screened souvenir WBC T-Shirt will feature a more sophisticated and reserved "adult" look with a simpler design. See The BPA logo will be replaced by a shield shaped icon over the right breast and the pastel-colored fabrics of the past will give way to a dark blue that will remind baseball fans of a certain Evil Empire. Quantities will be limited though so if you want one be sure to pre-order. We will take COD orders for the ultimate in convenience - just email Don at and state your size and we will put one aside for you for payment upon arrival ($15 for sizes Small to XL; $20 for XXL and XXXL).
LIBRARY INVENTORY UPDATED: The WBC Game Library is still receiving donations for the 2012 season. The center piece of the Showroom's 13,000 sq ft Open Gaming Dinner Theatre made over 1200 game loans during WBC 2011 and an even bigger assortment of the newest games is expected in 2012. See the current inventory at Donations are gladly accepted from any source and our vendors usually contribute their latest samples on site.
TEXAS ROADHOUSE NIGHT: The popular steakhouse located directly across the street from the Host will again be hosting a fundraiser night to benefit the BPA Gaming Library on Tuesday, July 31st from 3 to 10:30 PM. So, if you're not an Auction follower, plan on eating early Tuesday with their $7.99 specials (before 5 PM) and enjoy your best meal of the week before the tournaments start again on Tuesday night. Check out the menu at Submit the Texas Roadhouse ad from your program and 10% of your bill will benefit the upkeep of the Game library.
TWITTER UPDATES: Have you been following the lastest news about WBC on Facebook and Twitter? Scott Nerney is keeping everyone in the loop with frequent postings. For all of the latest information on events and logistics as we count down to THE convention, subscribe to BPA_WBC feed on Twitter, join our World Boardgaming Championships group on Facebook, check out the World Boardgaming Championships forum or guild on Boardgamegeek, or get in on the discussion at the ConsimWorld Forum. Follow BPA on Twitter at
EASTER WINS BAR: Chris Easter topped Bill Byrne in the 36th and Final game of the Battles of the American Revolution tournament. Others earning laurels were Dave Stiffler, Jim Tracy, Rob Doane and Adam Deverell in that order. More details and updated laurel totals are posted at Go to for details on the next event scheduled for an Oct. 1 start.
VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC: This past round saw all of the top seeds prevail except for the first and last boards. That means the fourth seed (Michael Day) is now the favorite. Seventh seeded Vince Meconi is the only other Top 10 seed still in action. On the other hand, the seed #38 (Dakota Brueland) is still hanging tough - and the next seed up is David Sherwood at #21! As usual when the higher seeds do better, the IJN wins a solid majority of the games (7-3). The other winners advancing into their Third Pearl Harbor Day are: Greg Smith, Robert Drozd, Daniel Blumentritt, Rob Kircher, Tim Tow, David Sherwood, and Scott Beall. See all the details and action at:!
ADVANCED CIVILIZATION: The first round of the 2012 Advanced Civilization PBeM tournament is coming to a close. So far, only Greg Kulp has punched his return ticket to the Final with a 277-point victory. We have one more game on its last turn, and the rest will be completed within three rounds. Updates are periodically available at
DELUXE BITTER WOODS: Another PBeM tournament for the 4th edition is scheduled to begin Sept. 1 with a single elimination format. Match Assignments will be made by AREA Rating. For the first round, players will be grouped by higher ratings and lower ratings. After the first assignments are determined, the field will be split into brackets—highest seed in one bracket, second highest in the other, etc. Thereafter, later round assignments will be based upon success in each bracket. There will be no byes.
Three awards will be presented to successful entrants. The winner will receive the BPA Plaque and a $50.00 gift certificate to a WBC Vendor of choice. The player who finishes highest from the lower rated seed group will likewise receive a $50.00 gift certificate. It is possible for a player from the lower rated seed group to win all three awards. In the previous two tournaments, the highest achievers from the lower seed group finished 4th of 32 entrants and 9th of 28 entrants, respectively.
The length of each round will be 13 weeks. The goal is completion of a full turn each week. Contact Bruno Sinigaglio at Check out the details at
WAR AT SEA: Prolific PBeM GM Bruce Monnin announces the start of another War At Sea PBeM tournament with a less ambitious format and hoped for faster ending than its predecessor. The Single Elimination event will commence Sept. 1. Check out the details at
All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the event
starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members
for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year
memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year
cost only $10. You need not keep your membership current in order to
finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year.
See the BPA Terms page for details.
BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their
favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an
event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization
of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen.
No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the
requirements to host a BPA email tournament at
Visit the BPA website at
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