Avalon Hill Reunion | Math Trade | Pre-Registration | Auction | Registration | Souvenirs | Scheduler | Alliance | Library | Texas Roadhouse | Seminar Schedule | Kickstarter Demos | Election | PBEM
AVALON HILL REUNION: For many of us, the “hobby” began with the products of one company. This year, WBC occurs during the 15th anniversary of the sale of The Avalon Hill Game Company to Hasbro which ended the Avaloncon era—and gave birth to WBC. The passing of two of their colleagues in the past year has brought many of those employees back together again in 2013 to relive the old days one more time. Join us in Hopewell on Friday afternoon as the largest gathering of AH designers ever assembled retell old tales.
MATH TRADE: A Math Trade will occur at WBC on Saturday, Aug. 3 at 4 PM under the direction of Eric Sokalski. If unfamiliar with Math Trades, (the swapping of games) see the details at http://www.boardgamers.org/wbc/mathtrade.htm.
WBC PRE-REGISTRATION FORM: The 2013 WBC Pre-Reg form and accompanying information is now posted at http://www.boardgamers.org/downloads/prereg13.pdf. Current members who have already purchased Sustaining or higher level memberships need not pre-register UNLESS they want to register their team for the Team Tournament (the earlier the better please—especially if you have a new team name), upgrade to Tribune level to attend pre-cons, or order any of the numerous souvenir and apparel items. However, the four-page folder contains much information on WBC so be sure to check it out anyway—especially for the time sensitive apparel items.
AUCTION OPENING: The opening bell has sounded for this year's auction as gamers take to their closets to see what they will part with in the annual flurry to register items for the WBC Auction and Auction Store. As the former is limited to 550 items and always sells out, it is not wise to procrastinate. You snooze, you lose. Once again, all items must be pre-registered for both the Auction and Auction Store. Unregistered items will not be accepted. Get the details at http://www.boardgamers.org/wbc/auctionoverview.htm.
REGISTRATION PAGE OPENED: WBC's Pre-Registration page opened for business on May 7 at http://boardgamers.org/wbc/prereg.htm with the first 711 attendee commitments logged in. Use this page to check the status of your registration, troll for teammates, rides or roommates, or even Open Gaming matches or baby sitting gigs. Send your requests to Aconventiondirector@boardgamers.org.
TIE-DYE, JACKETS & HOODIES…Oh My: The widest assortment of WBC Souvenirs and apparel ever offered with the BPA embroidered logo is now available to order at http://www.boardgamers.org/wbc/souvenirs.htm for pickup at WBC. Be sure to order before June 15 as many of these items including the men's and ladies jackets and duffle bags are only available if pre-ordered by June 15. Ladies…you've been asking for special apparel just for you—here's your chance.
SCHEDULER UP & RUNNING: View the details of your favorite events and then plan your schedule using Steve Okonski's Personal Scheduler at http://www.boardgamers.org/wbc/sviewer/ in an improved format. You can also find additional scheduling aids by Steve at http://www.boardgamers.org/wbc/schedule.htm—for the ultimate in planning your week at WBC.
LIBRARY INVENTORY UPDATING: The WBC Game Library is in the process of soliciting donations for the 2013 season. The center piece of the Lancaster Showroom's 13,000 sq ft Open Gaming Dinner Theatre made over 1400 recorded game loans during WBC Week in 2012 and an even bigger assortment of the newest games is expected in 2013. See the 2012 inventory at http://boardgamers.org/wbc/library.htm which is sure to grow in the weeks ahead as publishers provide us with new offerings.
ALLIANCE DISTRIBUTOR'S SAMPLER SHOWCASE: We again welcome the sponsorship of Alliance Distributors who will be supporting demonstrations of the latest game offerings the industry has to offer in Wheatland on Tuesday. The mentors will be Tom McCorry's merry crew of 'splainers John Corrado, Jim Vroom and Mike Fitzgerald. Scheduled offerings include: Bora Bora, Cinque terre, Island Fortress, Keyflower, Kings of Air & Steam, Terra Mystica, Yedo and CO2.Tom would welcome more 'splainers so if you'd be willing to teach a game on Tuesday, let us know. See the details at http://boardgamers.org/wbc13/sampler.htm.
TEXAS ROADHOUSE NIGHT: The popular steakhouse located directly across Route 30 will again be hosting a fundraiser night to benefit the BPA Gaming Library on Tuesday, July 30 from 3 to 10:30 PM. So, if you're not an Auction follower, plan on eating early Tuesday with their $7.99 specials (before 5 PM) and enjoy your best meal of the week before the tournaments start again on Tuesday night. Check out the menu. Submit the Texas Roadhouse ad from your program and 10% of your bill will benefit the upkeep of the Game library.
SEMINAR SCHEDULE: This year's speaking engagements are listed at http://boardgamers.org/wbc/seminars.htm. We will be adding to this schedule through June so advise us if you'd like to add to this list by using http://boardgamers.org/formsSeminarForm.htm.
KICK STARTER DEMOS: In an effort to alleviate crowding in the Open Gaming theatre, exhibit tables will NOT be allowed in the Showroom in 2013. Monitors will be tasked with stricter policing of commercial efforts including prospective game designers who set up displays to troll for P500 backing. Players are free to Open Game anything but will not be allowed to monopolize tables with displays that are not being actively played. Instead, designers/publishers are urged to register for FREE scheduled demos in the Paradise Assembly demonstration area. To be included in the printed schedule, you must be a current Sustaining level or higher member and register your demo no later than June 1. Demonstrations are limited to three one-hour durations unless longer periods are requested in advance. Longer demonstrations are allowed on a space available basis. Contact conventiondirector@boardgamers.org for additional information. Include alternate times and type of table desired (either 6' rounds or 8' x 30" rectangulars) as well as boxart files for display signage. Reservations will be made on a first come, first served basis. Submit requests to http://boardgamers.org/forms/DemoForm.htm asap.
ELECTION TIME: It is time to select three members from six nominees to serve three-year terms on the BPA Board of Directors. Get all the information at http://boardgamers.org/election2013.htm. As usual, voting is effortless and takes only a moment thanks to the electronic ballot at http://boardgamers.org/forms/BoardBallot.shtml. Polls will remain open until July 15. All members (any paid attendee of WBC for more than one day has voting rights) are urged to vote since validation requires sufficient membership participation.
LANDEL WINS MARCH MADNESS: Derek Landel's 16th seeded Duke '78 team topped a field of 49 to compliment his 2007 WBC championship by downing Ken Gutermuth's 50th seeded Houston '82 team 78-69 in the Final. 95 games were played in all with Jeremy Billones, Peter Stein, Steve Caler and Dennis Nicholson also winning laurels with their 3rd through 6th place finishes. Complete details and the latest laurel totals are available at http://boardgamers.org/yearbook13/mmspge.htm#pbem.
FOR THE PEOPLE UPSET: Tournament newcomer Sean Dolbee has unseated James Pei as the reigning FTP Champion. James, holder of 556 BPA Laurels in FTP alone, has defined the word dominance in Card Driven Games since FTP’s original publication over a decade ago. While he has been defeated in tournament play twice before, this marks his first loss during a championship PBeM final and caps an extraordinary run for any wargamer.
Although the Final is complete, the tournament rages on with a playoff game for third place laurels between Jeff Donald and Gary Kirk still ongoing. Updated laurels must await the outcome of this match. Meanwhile, you can catch all the details at http://boardgamers.org/yearbook13/ftppge.htm#pbem. Excited by the outcome of this one, the demand for another FTP Tournament is already rising fast. Replacing the superb Don Chappell as steward will be Tim Tow.
FOR THE PEOPLE AGAIN: The 2013-14 For the People BPA PBeM tournament is accepting signups starting now. For the People is GMT's card based strategy game on the American Civil War and is an exciting strategic challenge. Format and schedules will be finalized shortly. Sign up by July 1, 2013. To enter, post a comment at: http://forthepeopleqa.wordpress.com/ftp1314/
ADVANCED CIV UPDATE: The 2013 event has hit the midway point with games spread between Rounds 9 and 12, but all progressing well. The ten current leaders are Greg Stripes (Assyria, 10 points over Kevin Worth's Babylon), Romain Jacques (Assyria, by 153 over Nathan Barhorst's Africa), Joe Lux (Iberia, 67 ahead of Haakon Monsen's Africa), Jon Anderson (Africa, 142 ahead of Mads Lunau's Illyria), Steve Cameron (Thrace, by 85 in front of Javier de la Fuente's Africa), Jose Ignacio (Babylon, leading Mads Lunau's Illyria by 53), James Gundy (Illyria, 43 ahead of Kevin Worth's Thrace), Jonas Lundgvist (Babylon, 351 over Gundy's Assyria), Kevin Youells (Babylon, leading Greg Crowe's Thrace by 276), and Neil McIver (Thrace, topping Jon Anderson's Illyria by 6). Eight will advance ... watch http://bpa-civ.rol-play.com/ for details.
All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the event
starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members
for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year
memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year
cost only $10. You need not keep your membership current in order to
finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year.
See the BPA Terms page for details.
BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their
favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an
event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization
of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen.
No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the
requirements to host a BPA email tournament at http://www.abovethefields.com/top_pbem/
Visit the BPA website at http://www.boardgamers.org.
If you are not already receiving our monthly newsletters, please subscribe by visiting http://lists.boardgamers.org/mailman/listinfo/bpamail to confirm your address. Subscribing is free, takes only a moment and ensures your privacy. We are unable to add you to our mailing list otherwise.
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