Program | Yearbook | Monsters | Souvenirs | Election | Team Tournament | Seminars | Auction | Math Trade | Preregistration | Alliance | Library | Texas Roadhouse | PBEM
WBC PROGRAM ON LINE: Both black-and-white and colorized versions of the 2013 program containing the complete alphabetical and chronological schedule is now posted on line. Unlike the black & white print version distributed at WBC, the color version color-codes various categories of events as an aid to quick recognition and is worth downloading and printing for the easiest reference. An assortment of other versions for applications such as Google Calendar will be up soon. View the details of your favorite events and then plan your schedule using Steve Okonski's Personal Scheduler in an improved format. You can also find additional scheduling aids—for the ultimate in planning your week at WBC.
2012-2013 YEARBOOK: The most recent version of the WBC Yearbook is posted online for download. Qualifying members who renewed their Sustaining or Tribune memberships by the required deadline may pick up a copy at WBC registration in New Holland. A limited number of additional copies will be available for sale on site for $10.
WBC MONSTERS: The usual "monster" game setups in the lobby will receive reinforcements this year as the huge Devil's Cauldron/Where Eagles Dare will make an appearance side by side with its marathon playing brothers. Attendees are urged to step forward to assume commands for long or short periods. Players are reminded that setting up such long and huge games for an extended period in the Open Gaming Showroom is not allowed and that permission must be gained before setting up for extended displays. To volunteer to take part, contact Matt Fagan at
LAST CHANCE FOR SOUVENIRS: The final order for this official BPA merchandise with our embroidered logo will be placed on June 22. Order now or never. You can place a COD order for payment at registration by emailing Be sure to include both size and color. If you miss that deadline, the WBC official silk-screened T-shirts and special Tie-Dye versions are still available for pre-order through July 20. Supplies of these items for sale on site will be extremely limited.
BOD ELECTION ENDS JULY 15: Time is running out to select three members from the six nominees to serve three-year terms on the BPA Board of Directors. This year's election takes on added significance since this Board will determine the future home of WBC for an extended period. All members (any paid attendee of WBC for more than one day has voting rights) are urged to vote since validation requires sufficient membership participation. Get all the information at As usual, voting is effortless and takes only a moment thanks to the electronic ballot.
TEAM TOURNAMENT: The first horses are headed to the starting gate. Get your team entered and study the racing form for our annual Bracket Busting contest. Can you beat the Happy Handicapper this year? Many have tried. Few have succeeded. Don't procrastinate! Enter your team now by mailing in your pre-reg form or simply sending an email to
SEMINARS: For many of us, the “hobby” began with the products of one company. This year, WBC occurs during the 15th anniversay of the sale of The Avalon Hill Game Company to Hasbro which ended the Avaloncon era - and gave birth to WBC. The passing of two of their colleagues in the past year has brought many of those employees back together again in 2013 to relive the old days one more time. Join us in Hopewell on Friday afternoon as the largest gathering of AH designers ever assembled retell old tales. In addition, this year's other speaking engagements have been expanded with additions by historical game designers Jack Greene and Dana Lombardy. See the updated list.
AUCTION CLOSED: The limit of 550 lots for this years Auction was filled in record time. No further items will be accepted for this year's auction. However, items are still being accepted for the Auction Store until Saturday, July 20 at midnight eastern time. Unregistered items will NOT be accepted for the auction store on-site.
MATH TRADE: A Math Trade will occur at WBC on Saturday, Aug. 3, at 4 PM under the direction of Eric Sokalski. If unfamiliar with Math Trades, (the swapping of games) see the details at The rules and discussion list can be found at Trade List submission ends July 6. Want List submissions begin at that time. Want Lists are due by July 13. Trade results will post shortly thereafter. Trade matches will be complete before WBC Auction Store Preregistration ends in order to allow participants to sell games that do not trade.
WBC PRE-REGISTRATION: The 2013 WBC Pre-Reg form and accompanying information is now posted. Current members who have already purchased Sustaining or higher level memberships need not pre-register UNLESS they want to register their team for the Team Tournament (the earlier the better please - especially if you have a new team name), upgrade to Tribune level to attend pre-cons, or order any of the numerous souvenir and apparel items. However, the four-page folder contains much information on WBC so be sure to check it out anyway.
WBC's Pre-Registration page is open for business with the first 777 attendee commitments logged in. Use this page to check the status of your registration, troll for teammates, rides or roommates, or even Open Gaming matches or baby sitting gigs. Send your requests to
ALLIANCE DISTRIBUTOR'S SAMPLER SHOWCASE: Three more games have been added to Alliance Distributors' Sampler Showcase demonstrations of the latest game offerings the industry has to offer in Wheatland on Tuesday. Village, Tzolk'in and Lords of Water Deep have joined the previously announced cast of Bora Bora, Cinque Terre, Island Fortress, Keyflower, Kings of Air & Steam, Terra Mystica, Yedo and CO2. The mentors will be Tom McCorry's merry crew of 'splainers John Corrado, Jim Vroom and Mike Fitzgerald. We could use more 'splainers so if you'd like to teach a game on Tuesday, let us know. See the details at
LIBRARY INVENTORY UPDATING: Donations of new games are pouring into the BPA Game Library. The center piece of the Lancaster Showroom's 13,000 sq ft Open Gaming Dinner Theatre made over 1400 recorded game loans during WBC Week in 2012 and an even bigger assortment of the latest games is expected in 2013. Follow the continually updated 2013 inventory as it grows ever larger.
TEXAS ROADHOUSE NIGHT: The popular steakhouse located directly across Route 30 will again be hosting a fundraiser night to benefit the BPA Gaming Library on Tuesday, July 30th from 3 to 10:30 PM. So, if you're not an Auction follower, plan on eating early Tuesday with their $7.99 specials (before 5 PM) and enjoy your best meal of the week before the tournaments start again on Tuesday night. Check out the menu at Submit the Texas Roadhouse ad from your program and 10% of your bill will benefit the upkeep of the Game library.
FOR THE PEOPLE AGAIN: The 2013-14 For the People BPA PBeM tournament is still accepting signups. For the People is GMT's card based strategy game on the American Civil War and is an exciting strategic challenge. Format and schedules will be finalized shortly. Sign up by July 1, 2013. To enter, post a comment at
SPEED CIRCUIT HEAT: All first heat races of the current tournament are now in their final lap. A second heat will commence in July. See for more information if you'd like to join this tournament in progress. With more than 36 drivers, only the winner of each race will advance with some runners-up as alternates. With 36 or less drivers, the top two from each race will move on - despite missing the first face. Contact Robert Rund at to join.
PRO GOLF UPDATE: And of course with WBC approaching, everyone is on pins and needles awaiting the results of the zany world of PBeM Pro Golf - anticipating the sartorial splendor of another green jacket unveiling by our defending champ! Just as the marshals were about to call the round due to darkness, Lisa Gutermuth rolled in a birdie putt on the 18th to become the last golfer to finish the Lancaster course. Two of our three rounds are now in the books. The 18 golfers with a combined score of 3 under par or better get to move on to our third and final round, the 2002 Augusta National course.
Our leader is the pride and joy of Columbus, Ohio, Sean McCulloch, at 11 under par. Our defending champ, Mark Yoshikawa, is one stroke back at 10 under par. Two strokes behind is Allen Evenson, and three strokes back are Debbie Gutermuth and Grant LaDue. The combined score of the three rounds will be used to determine the Champion and other Laurelists. Any ties will be resolved using a 3-hole playoff on the Arrowhead Park course.
WAR AT SEA X TO START: GM Bruce Monnin has scheduled a five-round Swiss Tournament with 2-month rounds to commence September 1st. Six finalists will then advance to SE play. Get the details at
All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the event
starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members
for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year
memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year
cost only $10. You need not keep your membership current in order to
finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year.
See the BPA Terms page for details.
BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their
favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an
event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization
of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen.
No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the
requirements to host a BPA email tournament at
Visit the BPA website at
If you are not already receiving our monthly newsletters, please subscribe by visiting to confirm your address. Subscribing is free, takes only a moment and ensures your privacy. We are unable to add you to our mailing list otherwise.
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