Boardgame Players Association Newsletter — October 2013
Nov. 3, 2013

Team Tournament | Event Reports | Event Submissions | Demonstrations | Social Networking | PBEM

YOUNG TURKS SLIP BY FINNS TO WIN TEAM TOURNAMENT: In one of the closest WBC Team tournaments ever, Nathan's Nuggets, a team of next generation gamers, slipped by the Finnish Ski Patrol squad by the thinnest of margins on a Total Players tiebreaker. The Nuggets used a pair of bonus points earned by Nathan Hill and Kevin Lewis for laurels in events they had yet to win to draw even with the Finns at 22 points each. The Finns had won three events to the Nuggets' two, but were repeat winners in each so did not score any bonus points. The Nuggets overtook them thanks to contributions from all four members—one of six teams to score points at every position. More details including a summary of the Top 25 Teams in this year's 94-team field can be found on the tournament results page.

MEYAARD WINS BRACKET BUSTING CONTEST: Dave Meyaard tied the prognostication record by correctly identifying six of the Top Ten teams in this years contest. No one even came close as the next best attempt correctly listed only four teams. Dave wins a free 2014 Sustaining Membership for his efforts. Check out all the details on the tournaments results page

WBC EVENT REPORTS IN PROGRESS: 30 days after WBC, Event After Action Reports are being collected now and used to update 156 Event pages on our website for a scheduled November unveiling. The GMs who have yet to fulfill that part of their obligation have been notified that the clock is ticking and that prize level and eligibility penalties will apply for those events whose GMs do not comply. WBC is unique among all gaming conventions for providing not only this coverage but also archiving such reports for posterity. Check out the BPA Archives section of our home page to check out the progress of your favorite event over the past 15 years.

WBC 2014 EVENT SUBMISSIONS: It's never too early to begin planning for next year—especially if you want to muster support for a new event by getting it on the membership ballot or move an event into the Pre-Con. There is a limited amount of space available for early starts so if you contemplate moving your event to Monday or sooner, you need to start the process now by getting approval early enough for us to acquire the required space. Such moves to or from Pre-Con or Monday status should be discussed asap with Those merely wishing to get an event on the membership ballot who are willing to GM that event should complete the required event form after reading the GM Guidelines linked from the start of that event form. The deadline for inclusion on the December ballot has been moved up to Nov. 24 this year so don't wait too long. Note that all qualifying events from the 2013 WBC that fail to make the Century cut will automatically be listed on the ballot and those that do make the Century cut need not be so listed. 

Every year, prospective GMs come forward wanting to get new events on the ballot after the voting has already started. By then, it is too late. Be proactive and take care of that now.

WBC DEMONSTRATIONS: An aspect of WBC that grows more popular every year are the numerous "how to play" demonstrations that precede tournaments. Last year we added "kickstarter" demonstrations for other games—not tournament fare—but feedback opportunities for prospective designers getting their games into shape for publication. These scheduled Open Gaming opportunities proved popular for players and designers alike who could dispense with hours of trolling for players in Open Gaming with scheduled playing sessions and reserved tables. If you'd like to take advantage of this opportunity, submit the Demonstration form. Likewise, the Juniors program can always use volunteers and early commitments are appreciated. Contact to help. 

SOCIAL NETWORKING: Keep up with WBC electronically by joining the World Boardgaming Championships (WBC) Facebook group and the BPA_WBC Twitter Page. You can also easily find us in the Boardgame Geek Forums  under Gaming Related, Conventions, WBC.



GREAT CAMPAIGNS BEGINS NOV. 1: The 2013 GCACW PBeM tournament is now accepting entries. This tournament will feature scenarios exclusively from the newest entry in the series, Stonewall Jackson’s Way II, so you need not own any of the earlier games. We will play four preliminary rounds after which the top eight players will advance to the playoffs. You may play in as many preliminary rounds as you wish regardless of your record. The first round begins 11/1/13. Check out the details at the event's PBEM page. If interested, send an email to Rob Doane at

GETTYSBURG GETS UNDERWAY NOV. 15:  The fourth BPA PBeM Gettysburg tournament will get underway in min-November. The event will be Single elimination with four-month rounds. Check out the details at the event's PBEM page. Those interested should contact GM Vincent Meconi at

MARCH MADNESS IN NOVEMBER: As Halloween comes and goes it can mean only one thing ... it's time for more Hoops! Join the 11th Annual BPA PBeM tournament now for a Nov. 15 start.  Checkout all the details at the event PBEM page.


Remember ... all of the above PBeM fun is free to current BPA members. Others may qualify with a $10 PBEM membership in the year the event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members for the balance of that calendar year. You need not keep your membership current in order to finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year. See the BPA Terms page for details.

BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a BPA email tournament at


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Boardgame Players Association Last updated by kae.
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