WBC PRE-REGISTRATION DISCOUNTS HAVE ENDED: WBC's Pre-Registration set another record with over 1,300 attendee commitments for our farewell to Lancaster. We will continue to process registrations at the walk-in rate of $40 for the first day and $10 for each additional day for those who wish to speed the registration process or need to enroll in the team tournament. Use the Preregistration page to check the status of your registration, troll for teammates, rides or roommates, or even open gaming matches or babysitting gigs.
Note: If you are in the habit of showing up at the door and requesting extra days on your badge, be advised that higher walk-on rates will apply. Increased door rates are imposed to encourage pre-registration and avoid badge reprints which slow the registration process for yourself and others. So, if you want to upgrade your membership to include pre-cons, do so before you arrive. If we must reprint your badge it will cost extra. We will honor the lowest prices for upgrades of Sustaining memberships to Tribune memberships, but only if received by July 24.
TEAM TOURNAMENT: Longtime track sage, Stuart Tucker has set the initial odds and offered “investment” advice to bracket managers. Can you beat the Handicapper this year? 55 teams are already headed to the starting gate for the 25th annual run for the slivers. Get your team entered and then study the racing form for our annual Bracket Busting contest. Don't procrastinate! Enter your team now by sending an email to conventiondirector@boardgamers.org.
WBC PRIMER: All WBC pre-registrants will be sent a special email one week before the convention. Watch for it since it will include among other tips how to enter the Team Tournament Bracket Busting contest once the final odds are set, plus other convention advice.
WBC PROGRAM ON LINE: A colorized version of the 2015 program containing the complete alphabetical and chronological schedule will soon be posted on line. Unlike the black & white print version distributed at WBC, the various categories of events are color coded as an aid to quick recognition and is definitely worth downloading and printing for the easiest reference. It can be found on the Schedule page. View the details of your favorite events and then plan your schedule using Steve Okonski's Personal Scheduler. You can also find additional scheduling aids on line for the ultimate in planning your week at WBC including apps for android, i-pad, Kindle and i-phones plus an icalendar scheduling tool. Remember to download the latest updated versions of these apps to get the best results.
2014-2015 YEARBOOK: The most recent version of the WBC Yearbook is posted online for download. Qualifying members who renewed their Sustaining or Tribune memberships by the required deadline and who were not mailed a copy may pick up theirs at WBC registration in New Holland. A limited number of additional copies will be available for sale on site for $10.
AUCTION CLOSED: The Auction again sold out in record time this year. Those contemplating selling items now need to wait till next year or avail themselves of the Auction Store. All Auction Store items must be pre-registered by July 19. Unregistered items will NOT be accepted.
LIBRARY INVENTORY UPDATE: Donations of new games are again pouring into the BPA Game Library sponsored by Alliance Distributors and Marbles: The Brain Store. The center piece of the Lancaster Showroom's 13,000 sq. ft Open Gaming Dinner Theatre made over 2200 recorded game loans last time and an even bigger assortment of the latest games is expected in 2014. See the continually updated 2015 inventory as it grows ever larger with contributions from Rio Grande Games, Victory Point Games, Blue Orange Games, Elfinwerks, Gale Force Nine, Numbskull Games, Out-of-the Box Publishing, Marbles: the Brain Store, and Alliance Distributors, among others.
OPEN GAMING EXPANDS: The Showroom's 13,000 sq. ft tiered Open Gaming location remains the focal point of the convention and will be supplemented by the even larger Expo Center during peak days, Wednesday thru Saturday. While the Expo Center is without library services and rectangular tables, it will not be subject to parking tickets and may be a better choice for games with long setup times whose players need to take occasional breaks. However, unattended games remain so at your own risk. Note once again that there is no Open Gaming during the Pre-Cons. An Open Gaming list is now up on Boardgamegeek. Check the World Boardgaming Championships Group on Facebook, WBC BoardgameGeek Forum, BPA_WBC Twitter Feed, and WBC forum on ConSimWorld for all the latest discussions about WBC, including open gaming match-ups.
LODGING: Although the Host is long since sold out, overflow housing is available across the street at the Continental Inn for $99 per day including a free, hot breakfast. A three-night minimum stay is required for our special group rate. One night's deposit will be required upon booking. Deposit is refundable up until 48 hours prior to arrival. Phone 717-299-0421 to make your reservation or email info@continentalInn.com for a callback by the reservationist. Alternatively, you may book on line at http://www.continentalinn.com at the regular rates and identify yourself in the comments as claiming the WBC rate providing you are booking the three-night minimum stay. Those looking to share rooms should request that notice be posted on our Pre-Reg page or any of the social media pages listed above.
Watch our website immediately following WBC for the special Group Code and opportunity to reserve rooms at Seven Springs for WBC 2016.
WBC 2015 EVENT PREVIEWS: Each of our record 164 tournaments are previewed in detail as only WBC does them on our Preview pages. Some have been updated since their initial posts and those so affected will have an updated date in the list of tournaments.
WATERLOO: To commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the battle, Ed Menzel is offering a Waterloo tournament with five-month rounds in Single Elimination format. Standard WBC rules and options will be used with auction style bidding for sides. See the details at http://www.watgame.com/ and enter by Aug. 15 for a Sept. 9 start with edmenzel@roadrunner.com.
HERE I STAND: Round 1 of the Third BPA Here I Stand PBeM tournament is nearing the end and is scheduled to finish just before WBC. Six games have already finished: Brian Kluger, Thomas Larisch, Michael Kiefte, Greg Ottoman, Michael Dauer, and Gareth Williams have all put one win each under their belts. So far, the Papacy and Protestants are the major-power favorites to win with two wins out of five each while England and France have yet to win a game. However, there are still five more games to finish in this round. It’s not too late to sign up for Round 2 and still advance to the Final. Details of the tournament along with current results can be found at:https://sites.google.com/site/hereistand2015pbem. To register, contact mkiefte@gmail.com.
TZOLKIN: Keith Dent claimed the top spot in the Tzolkin PBeM tournament, followed by Jeff Meyer, Andrew Emerick, and Jon Senn. Keith started with two levels on the resource track and followed a resource/architecture strategy, ending with two monuments and 13 buildings. Jeff executed a theology strategy, staying ahead on the brown and green temples, but didn't have a monument or enough in the yellow temple to close the gap. Also earning laurels were Sceadeau D’Tela and Eric Freeman who took fifth and sixth respectively in the field of 26. More details and tournament statistics can be seen at https://epworthian.wordpress.com/
PRO GOLF CONCLUDES: The zanies have warmed up their dice for the summer’s upcoming action in Lancaster as a record field of 52 duffers competed in the dice rolling fest. Debbie Gutermuth proved to be the hottest, besting fellow lady vicarious golfer Jennifer Visocnik by nine strokes with a 13-under par performance for three rounds. Grabbing the remaining laurels were Terry Coleman, Dennis Nicholson, Bruce Reiff and Peter Staab who finished third through 6th.
MARCH MADNESS CHAMP or DEBBIE DOES TWO: Look out WBC … Debbie is hot. Mrs. Gutermuth is this year’s BPA March Madness PBeM tournament champion, as her 10th seeded Arizona 2003 team defeated Marvin Birnbaum’s 1st seeded Houston 1968 team 94-86. Her victory completes her set of tournament titles, having also won the WBC 2002 tournament. She remains the only woman to win either version.
Remember…all of the above PBeM fun is free to current BPA members. Others may qualify with a $10 Email membership in the year the event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members for the balance of that calendar year. You need not keep your membership current in order to finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year. See the BPA Terms page for details.
BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a BPA email tournament at http://www.abovethefields.com/top_pbem/
Visit the BPA website at http://www.boardgamers.org
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SOCIAL NETWORKING: Keep up with WBC electronically by joining the World Boardgaming Championships (WBC) Facebook group and the BPA_WBC Twitter Page. You can also easily find us in the Boardgame Geek Forums under Gaming Related, Conventions, WBC.
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