Boardgame Players Association Newsletter October 2015
Oct. 26, 2015
Team Tournament | Bracket Busting Contest | Seven Springs | Event Reports | Event Submissions | New Events | WBC Honors | Social Networking | PBEM

FAVORITES WIN TEAM TOURNAMENT: The odds-on favorite at 18-1, the Harry B’s—the best assortment of ringers that laurels can buy, reigned supreme with three firsts and a fourth. This came as no surprise since the trio of Reiff, Beard and Flawd had won their respective events a total of 30 times. The talented Canadian quartet of Page, VanderWal, Drummond and McGregor whose 22-point total would have won 20 of the 25 “races” to date finished second. Andrew Drummond paced the 120-1 underdog “Dice Loving Canucks” and led all scorers with a maximum score of 12 points for winning Splendor over a 276 player field. Both teams managed to score with all four players—a feat accomplished by only one other team—the 11th place Iron Meeples. Complete details are available on the Team Tournament Results page.

CORNETT WINS BRACKET BUSTING CONTEST: The favorites had a good year in the 25th running of the Race for the Slivers. So,that meant it was a more predictable year and who would be more likely to win our annual Prediction contest than Jeff Cornett—the dueling guest prognosticator of 2014—who tied Mark Love’s all-time record with six correct picks despite a rocky start. Four of his first five selections—“Nest of Spies”, “Me & 3 Stiffs”, “MIT SGS” and “Greenville Mafia Pestilence” went down the tubes before finishing with five straight hits. Among the also-rans at 50% correct were James Pei, Riku Riekkinen and Andrew Emerick—serious Caesar contenders all. Apparently, being a top player also helps your prediction skills.

SEVEN SPRINGS 2016: The Seven Springs Mountain Resort sold out the hotel in record time—much to the alarm of those who had not yet reserved a room. However, the availability of condominiums, chalets and cabins on property as well as lodging in nearby Hidden Valley means that there is still lodging to be had. The recent opening of chalets and condos—previously unavailable—means that many current hotel reservations will be switched over to these accommodations—opening hotel rooms again. We encourage those who would benefit from the enhanced accommodations of a condo to make the switch (especially if you will have access to a car). Make your reservations for 2016 via the hotel page to enjoy our Group Code discount and rebates.

RESERVATION SCHEDULE: WBC has a long history of early sellouts, but our room block at Seven Springs is substantially larger than past guarantees. Nevertheless, to ensure that our guests have adequate opportunity to make reservations, rooms will be reserved only on the following schedule.

  • as of Aug. 10, 2015: Stays of 5 nights or more
  • as of Feb. 1, 2016: Stays of 4 nights or more
  • as of May 15, 2016: Stays of 2 nights or more
  • as of June 15, 2016: Single Night stays (hotel rooms only)

CONDOMINIUMS: A wonderful feature of Seven Springs is the availability of nearby condominiums on the property that can be rented for stays of two days or more once reservations are accepted for stays of that duration as per the above schedule. These are available in varying sizes of one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom units for the daily rate of $129 per bedroom.

Guests who can group together with friends and family to cohabit these units will find these accommodations most welcome given their inclusion of kitchens and common living room areas that can enhance your visit. While having access to a car is recommended for condo rentals, it is not required as free shuttle service is available on property around the clock.

Even when the hotel website lists no vacancies, condo rentals are available. Call 1-866-437-1300 to speak to a reservationist about the options. The reservationists at 7S are available to answer your questions and take reservations. For those willing to orchestrate their groups into multi-bedroom condo units, this represents a great opportunity for group bonding and sharing that could enhance your convention experience more than the typical hotel room stay and was a major reason we chose 7S as the new home of WBC.

Multi-bedroom condos are rented to one individual who is responsible for payment for all bedrooms in that unit. Individuals getting together to share a condo, need to elect one amongst themselves to handle the payment for the entire group. To aid those looking for roommates or other groups to share a condo, contact to have your contact information listed on our Hotel Information page as looking to share a condo. Indicate your intended length of stay and notify us to remove your contact information once your needs are met.

CHALETS/CABINS: For those interested in lodging for larger groups, there are a limited number of multiple unit chalets still available. The Chalets are recently renovated and have the advantage of being within walking distance of the hotel in addition to kitchen and living room advantages. Chalets are not to be confused with cabins. Cabins are rustic (no air conditioning) and remote, but have the advantage of being more affordable. The reservationist at 1-866-437-1300 can give you more details. 

SHUTTLE SERVICE: Shuttle Service (not to be confused with reserved Shuttles to/from Pittsburg Airport or Connellsville train station) is available around the clock on property between the hotel, cabins and condos. It is not available to Hidden Valley, other hotels, or off-property locations.

OFF PROPERTY LODGING: Those looking for lower priced acomodations should google “hotels near seven springs resort pa”. There are numerous hotels and campgrounds of varying  price points within a short drive in nearby Somerset, Donegal and elsewhere. These overflow accommodations are no more distant than those used at numerous major gaming conventions in the U.S. and lack the traffic congestion associated with such overflow lodging elsewhere.

WBC EVENT REPORTS IN PROGRESS: 14 Event After Action Reports are long overdue and delaying the update of the 164 Event pages on our website for a scheduled November unveiling. Prize level and eligibility penalties applying to those events whose GMs do not comply with their obligations are nearing implementation. WBC is unique among all gaming conventions for providing not only this coverage but also archiving such reports for posterity. Check out the BPA Archives section to see the progress of your favorite event over the past 15 years.

The following events are without the required coverage at this time and subject to non-performance penalties: • Age of Renaissance • B17 • Brawlin’ Battleship Steel •  Conquest of Paradise • Galaxy • Gangsters • Ivanhoe • Koenig’s Fortress Europe • Ra; The Dice Game • Sergeants Miniatures Game • Settlers of Catan • Small World • Stockcar Championship Racing • Stone Age.

WBC 2016 EVENT SUBMISSIONS: After every WBC we get requests to add Game X to the events we offer. If only it were that simple. No event takes place without a dedicated volunteer GM to run it. No one gets paid to run events at WBC. if you want Game X, you need to step forward and offer to do it! The internet gives voice to those who can’t understand why WBC caps the number of its events. Of course, those folks can’t be found when it comes time to prepare pre- and post-event web pages, event kiosk, plaque art, and all the other bells and whistles we lavish on WBC event support. As long as we have more events than GMs, I’m not very sympathetic to calls for more events. So, unless you get motivated to lend a hand, we already have all the events we can handle. On the other hand, if you are such an enlightened individual who wants to contribute to the unique nature of WBC, start by reading our GM Guidelines. Then, submit the event form listed below to get the process started.

CALL FOR NEW EVENTS: NOW is the time to submit an event form to get a new event into WBC 2016. In order to have your event appear on the annual membership survey it must be be submitted by a committed GM no later than Nov. 25. This is the only way to get a new Trial event into WBC without a Sponsor. Please note that the Event Form has been changed to reflect the new conditions at Seven Springs. Please complete the form carefully and completely since it will be used to determine facility use in 2016. “Garbage in, garbage out” applies. Errors or missing information on this form leads to results you will not like and which often cannot be corrected by the time it is discovered.

WBC HONORS: The coming months will unveil our annual awards for Sportsmanship and GM of the Year but we can’t do them justice without your input. Take a moment to tell us why someone you encountered should be considered for the Sportsmanship or GM of the Year Award by emailing us at

SOCIAL NETWORKING: Keep up with WBC electronically by joining the World Boardgaming Championships (WBC) Facebook group and the BPA_WBC Twitter Page. You can also easily find us in the Boardgame Geek Forums  under Gaming Related, Conventions, WBC.


BATTLES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ROUND 7: The tournament gradutated from the Open Phase to the single elimination rounds featuring play of 3- player Savannah. Two of the three players from each game will advance to the quarterfinals to play the Guilford Campaign game. In Game 1, Rob Doane’s French and Mark Miklos’ Americans teamed up to squeeze the life out of Cockney accented Dave Stiffler. In Game 2, Bruno Sinigaglio’s Brits hammered Rod Coffey’s French and John Vinal’s Americans. When the Allies hit the outer fortifications things looked good—Rod’s mortar breached a redoubt and Lt. Col Laurens cleared the abatis before another redoubt. Unfortunately, Laurens was impaled in the process. Then the British artillery got hot and hit just about everything, killing four units and two leaders in two turns. The Brits then followed with a double move while the Amis had two stacks slogging around in the Yamacaw Swamp.  In game 3, Chris Easter’s Brits decimated Tim Miller’s French with exceptional artillery fire, early and often. Tim’s brave, but oblivious Frenchies were thus routed after hitting the outer works. On the other hand, Andy Maly’s Americans rested on their haunches, maintaining high morale, while feasting on suckling pigs provided by the generous, but unsuspecting Admiral d’Estaing. In Game 4, Jeff Lange’s Royal Marines sallied out of the Savannah defenses and destroyed General McIntosh’s Americans and Adam Deverell’s Anzac’s before Jim Tracy’s French even reached the battlefield. As a result, Jim Tracy backed into the quarterfinals.

LUNAU WINS ADVANCED CIVILIZATION: Mads Lunau reigns supreme! The Denmark native has captured his third Advanced Civilization PBeM championship. Leading Babylon, he defeated Ed Coderre in a close game by 121 points. Jonas Lundgvist, Jose de la Fuente, Kevin Youells, and Joe Lux rounded out the laurelists who once again hailed from five different nations in this truly international competition. Updated laurel totals will be displayed with the November release of the WBC After ACtion reports. In the meantime, a quick snapshot of the current first round games contains many familiar names. Current leaders are Joe Lux (Assyria), Mads Lunau (Thrace), Jon Anderson (Babylon), Ed Coderre (Africa), Jose de la Fuente (Thrace), Shantanu Saha (Babylon), Kevin Youells (Assyria), and Dan Morris (Egypt). Nils Brokkbak (Assyria) and Haakon Monson (Babylon) have already won their first games.


Remember…all of the above PBeM fun is free to current BPA members. Others may qualify with a $10 Email membership in the year the event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA members for the balance of that calendar year. You need not keep your membership current in order to finish a PBeM event. Players may join the BPA throughout the year. See the BPA Terms page for details.


BPA members who would like to see an email tournament for their favorite game are encouraged to step forward as the GM of such an event. BPA does not run tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a BPA email tournament at

Visit the BPA website at

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Boardgame Players Association Last updated by kae.
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