EuroQuest IV Winners
Nov. 21, 2006

Congratulations to the winners of the twelve tournaments at Euro Quest IV. Eventually, each will be listed on the GCOM Euro Quest website. Until then we salute you here and on the corrresponding updated event results pages here.

Harold Siegelman Award

Congratulations to Arthur Field for successfully defending his title as the top competitor at Euro Quest for the fourth year in a row.

Arthur Field
27 pts

Tom McCorry
21 pts
John Kerr
21 pts
Rod Spade
20 Pts
Virginia Colin
17 pts

Event Winners

Steve Crenshaw
VA - 19
Peter Putnam
MD - 23
Alex Bove
PA - 27
David Houston
MD - 36
John Kerr
VA - 24
Arthur Field
SC - 37
Arthur Field
SC - 34
Tom McCorry
VA - 44

Donna Dearborn
MD - 54

Rod Spade
PA - 41
Virginia Colin
VA - 49
Tom McCorry
VA - 105
Boardgame Players Association Last updated 11/21/06 by kae.
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