list of questions and answers provides
insight into board decisions during the
most recent meetings. If you have further
questions that you would like to see
addressed here, submit your questions
to the Board at or
to the Convention Director at
See also Tenth Seat 2006, Tenth Seat 2005 and WBC
Yearbooks |
GM Breakfast |
GM Votes |
BoD Nomination Procedure | Auction Store |
As is our custom, the BPA Board of Directors provides the following
report on its 2007 deliberations. The 2007 Board Meeting was less
involved than usual although not without its own unique challenges.
MESE: The contentious issue that has caused most of the angst of the
last few years was "solved" with a compromise that split multi-heat
events into one of three newly defined variations of the old MESE
category. Whether this is an improvement or not depends largely on
where you stand on the wisdom of standardization vis a vis
laissez-faire tournament formats. Suffice it to say that we tired of
the vocal critics of the standard tie-breaker system and relented to
err on the side of giving GMs more freedom to choose their own fate at
the expense of the public's increased confusion in interpreting a wider
array of formats. Will this make some people unhappy? Without a doubt,
but it will please others and hopefully put a cap on a subject that a
vocal segment has been making far too much of an issue for too long.
YEARBOOKS: The big policy change this year was the decision to separate
the program and yearbook into two publications and offer the latter
FREE only to those Sustaining level members who joined during the December
membership drive and Tribune/Sponsor members. Anyone else who wants one
must pay $10 each while the supply lasts. Why the change?
- The Yearbook is extremely expensive to produce.
Some members want
it. Some don't. This way those who want it can still have it without
the expense of producing it for those who don't.
- Mailing the
book in advance has proven to cause costs far greater
than just postage. Invariably, many leave them behind and then grab
another on site—meaning that every year we run out so those arriving
late get nothing. This will hopefully solve that problem.
- Combining a Yearbook with a program
presented a "neither Fish nor
Fowl" problem. Many wanted only information on the current schedule and
found a yearbook talking about last year cumbersome and confusing.
Separating that information into a separate, smaller publication
devoted exclusively to the current schedule should make it easier to
navigate and enable us to have enough copies to ensure that everyone
gets one. At the same time, separating the books by subject matter
should allow each to do its respective job better without the clutter
of catering to the other task.
This has been done with the realization that some care not one whit
about a Yearbook and others are very fond of collecting the souvenir
publication as a remembrance and record of their trip. It is an attempt
to give everyone what they want with the expectation that most people
who like the Yearbook are in the WBC regular camp and rejoin early
anyway. For those people, little has changed. What has changed, is that
those who are less inclined to care about it (generally speaking)—those who commit late—won't be getting something they tend not to
care about anyway. Exceptions will occur of course and I don't expect
everyone to be happy about it. But then, someone wouldn't be happy if
we raised prices or did away with the Yearbook altogether either—which were our other choices.
So, the plan is to mail the Yearbooks in May—a full month earlier
than usual—one per household—during our annual mailing. The books
will contain no schedule information for the coming WBC—enabling us
to produce and mail it sooner in the year—thus encouraging folks to
make their reservations earlier and resulting in less hotel issues. The
program containing the schedule will not be mailed but can be accessed
on line as usual. Those living outside the US and extra qualifying
family members will receive theirs upon arrival as will anyone wishing
to purchase one while supplies last.
GM BREAKFAST: For years we've discussed ways
to better prepare our GMs
and to show our appreciation for their efforts. Finding a time when
everyone's schedule will allow access to a common gathering has proven
difficult. This year, we've decided to take the plunge and proceed with
a catered GM breakfast on Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM. All
participating GMs will be our guests for a free breakfast and GM
seminar where we gather to go over convention rules and procedures,
share war stories and answer questions about how to improve your stint
as a GM. To facilitate this, organized gaming events will not begin on
Wednesday until 10 AM. Attendance will be limited to 2008 GMs who
indicate at least three days in advance they will attend the Wednesday
breakfast and will require a ticket picked up at registration.
GM VOTES: The Board voted another policy change to show our
appreciation to GMs by granting each one an additional vote in
elections and the following December's Annual Membership Trials vote.
BPA membership votes have always been weighted by class to give Charter
members and those who support the organization with longer attendance
and fees a greater say in how the organization is run. The Board felt
the efforts of GMs were equally worthy of this extra consideration
since without them there would be no WBC. Any GM who faithfully
performs his duties will be granted this voting compensation until the
next WBC.
BoD NOMINATION PROCEDURE: While on the subject of voting, a change was
made in the nominating procedure for the Board of Directors. It was
not so much a change as a clarification of the existing policy. Since
its inception, the requirement to be nominated by three members
including oneself was mostly a minor test of one's resolve. The
reasoning was that if a member wasn't willing to get and forward the
consent of a few members for their candidacy that they weren't really
serious enough about serving to be considered. Board members must
contribute a fair amount of time to the governing of the organization
and if one isn't willing to post a nomination form in a timely manner
it doesn't speak highly of their willingness to perform more pressing
duties in service to the organization. The posting of a form seems like
a small enough hurdle to ask one to undertake to demonstrate their
Unfortunately, the requirement to actually post a form with
an actual signature was only implied, rather than stated and in today's
world, members assumed the easy way out was ok with the result that the
day before the 2007 deadline, the CD received a flood of emails from
candidates willing to toss their hats in the ring at the last minute—
and—oh yes—Mr. CD—will you nominate me? The ease with which they
entered the contest was only surpassed by the ease with which they
dropped out as several rethought their position and withdrew before the
ballot was finalized. The result was that there were no hoops to jump
thru and the CD ended up nominating—at their request—seven
Consequently, going forward, electronic nomination forms
will not be accepted. Candidates must submit a printed and signed form
with an actual signature by the posted deadline. Moreover, each member
is limited to nominating one member for the Board. These requirements
will be in effect for the coming election and strictly adhered to. The
Board welcomes candidates from throughout the organization but requires
this minimum eligibility requirement as a means of distinguishing
serious candidates from those who might pursue it as a whim.
AUCTION STORE PRE-REGISTRATION: Most of you know that our recently
added Auction Store has shown great growth in its two years of
existence. Too great. The volume of material that goes through the
Auction Store is such that our overworked staff is working through the
night to keep up with the accounting required. Consequently, if the
Auction Store is going to continue we must make some changes and
require that ALL lots for both the Auction and Auction Store be
pre-registered in 2008. Procrastination being what it is, this will no
doubt lessen the lots presented but is necessary if our staff is to be
allowed to enjoy WBC too. Your cooperation in getting your lots
organized and registered in advance will be appreciated.
all members are reminded that they can get
the ear of the Board for any WBC-related
topic simply by emailing the Convention Director
or any Board member for that matter.
All reasonable requests are aired for
the entire Board during our annual