2016 WBC Orphans—Preliminary Event List
March 22, 2016

WBC 2016 is NOW closed to new events.

WBC is finalizing its 2016 schedule which will be announced in mid-May. The list below is temporary and only identifies events eligible for inclusion based on 2015 performance, the completed 2016 membership vote and the participation of GMs and sponsors.

Century | Trial Events | Vendor/Sponsor Trials | Juniors | Info

Century Events

Century: These events compose the combined Century & Legacy Group of featured events which are supported by multiple prize levels ranging from two to six plaques and a Centurion shirt based on a formula using the most recent statistics of attendance and player hours. Slots were pre-determined by 2015 performance and Board vote under the Legacy rules (see BPA FAQs) and require only the commitment of a BPA member to GM the event by the March 15 deadline.

Failure of a member GM to submit a suitable event form for the event by the deadline will drop it from eligibility. All events require a BPA member acting as GM to submit a satisfactory Event Form no later than March 15. Prospective GMs should review the GM Guidelines. All requested event times are approximate and subject to change when the final schedule is released.

Events are not held for their prior GM but are awarded based on merit determined by past performance, timeliness of event submission and format. Events without a GM commitment at this time are OPEN to any current member who submits an acceptable event form.

 Event - Code - Demo Requested Century GM & Requested Start Time-
7 Wonders - 7WS - D: FSa16 C-1 Philip Shea; FSa10, FSa18, FSu9; QF/SF: FSu12; F: Mo11
1830 - 8XX - D: TBD C-2 Tom McCorry; FSa10, FSa18, FSu9, FSu17, SF/F: Mo9
1989 - 989 - D: Tu18 C-3 Henry Richardson; We9+
Acquire - ACQ - D: Tu16 C-4 Cliff Ackman; Mo12, Tu18, Fr22; SF/F: Sa17
Advanced Civilization - ACV - D: FSu12, Tu17 C-5 Kevin Youells; FSu12; We9; F: Fr9
Afrika Korps - AFK -  D: Tu17 L-1 Jon Lockwood; FSa10 thru Fr; SF/F: Sa14
Agricola - AGR - C-6 Rob Murray; FSa12, FSa15, FSa20; SF: FSu9; F: We9
Air Baron - ABN - FSu18 C-7 Max Jamelli; FSu19, Mo9, Tu18; Th21; SF/F: Fr12
Alhambra - ALH - D: FSu9 C-8 Debbie Gutermuth; FSu11, We17; SF/F: We19
Amun-Re - AMR - D: Mo17 C-9 Greg Thatcher; Mo19, We13, Th11; SF: Th21; F: Fr12
Atlantic Storm - ACS - D: Mo16, We17 C-10 Ben Knight; Tu18, We18, Th9, Fr14; SF/F: Fr16
Attack Sub - ATS - D: Sa15 L-2 Steven Caler; Su9+
Auction - AUC - D: Tu17 L-3 Bruce Reiff; FSa22, FSu9, Tu18, We15; SF: We16; F: Su9
Automobile - AUT -  D: Tu17 C-11 Michael Gentile; Tu18, Th16; SF/F: Fr12
Axis & Allies - A&A - C-12 Joe Powell; FSa13+
B17 - B17 - C-13 David Terry; Th9+
Battles of the American Revolution Series (aka Saratoga) - BAR - D: Th9 C-14 Dave Stiffler: Mu: Th10, Th13+
Bitter Woods - BWD - D: TBD C-15 Tom Gregorio; FSa10+; SF/F: Sa9
Brass - BRS - D: Mo9 C-16 Bruce Hodgins: Tu21, We20, Fr9; SF/F: Sa17
Breakout Normandy - BKN - D: Tu17 C-17 Nels Thompson; Mu: Tu18; We9+
Britannia - BRI - D: TBD C-18 James Jordan; TBD
Can't Stop - CNS -  C-19 Andrew Drummond; We23+
Carcassonne - CAR - D: We13 C-20 Jennifer Visocnik; Mo22, We14, Fr9, Sa11; SF/F: Sa22
Castles of Burgundy - COB - C-21 Keith Dent; Mo22, We22; SF: Sa18; F: Su12
Castles of Mad King Ludwig - CMK - D: Fr17 C-22 John Corrado; We11, Fr18, Sa9; SF/F: Su9
Catan; Cities & Knights - C&K - D: We19 C-23 Chris Gnech; We20, Fr15, Sa17; SF: Sa20; F: Su9
Circus Maximus - CMS - D: We9 C-24 John Jacoby; Mo13, Tu18, We9, Fr9; SF: Sa19; F: Su9
Combat Commander - CBC -  D: Tu18 C-25 Bryan Collars; We9, We12, We15, We18; SF: We21; F: Th14
Commands & Colors Ancients - CCA - C-26 Andy Lewis; Th9+
Concordia - CNC - D: We11 C-27 Craig Reece; We13, Fr20, Sa11; SF/F: Sa13
Conquest of Paradise - CQP D: TBD C-28 Kevin McPartland; Th21, Fr15, Sa9; SF/F: Sa12
Diplomacy - DIP - D: Fr17 C-29 Diplomacy; Fr19. Sa10, Sa19
Dominant Species - DSP - D: Tu18. We14 C-30 Dennis Mishler; We9. We18, Th10; SF: Th14; F: Fr17
Dominion - DOM -  D: We15 C-31 Duncan McGregor: We16; QF: Th21; SF/F: Fr14
Dune - DUN - C-32 Brad Johnson; We13, Th13, Fr9; F: Sa9
Egizia - EGZ - D: Tu17 C-33 Andrew Emerick; FSu16, Tu20, We18; SF: We20; F: Th23
El Grande - ELG - D: We17 C-34 Rob Flowers; Tu18, We18, Th9; SF/F: Th13
Empire Builder - EPB - D: Mo9 C-35 Bob Stribula; Mo10, Tu18, We12; SF/F: Th9
Empire of the Sun - EOS - D: Fr9 C-36 Mark Herman; Fr10+
Enemy In Sight - EIS - D: TBD C-37 Matt Evinger: TBD
Euphrat & Tigris - E&T - D: Sa16 L-4 Craig Moffitt; Th13, Sa17; SF/F: Sa19
Evolution - EVL - D: Th10, Fr10 C-38 Nick Bentley; Th11, Th15, Fr11, Sa9; SF/F: Sa11
Facts In Five - FI5 - L-5 John Corrado; Sa21
Fire In the Lake - FIL - C-39 Eric Guttag; Th13, Fr13; SF: Sa9; F: Sa14
Five Tribes - 5TR - We19, Th12 C-40 Michael McKibbin; Mo17 We20, Th13; SF/F: Th19
Football Strategy - FBS - D: We17 L-6 Bert Schoose; Mo16+; We18+; F: Sa12
For the People - FTP - D: Th9 C-41 James Pei; Th10+
Formula De - FDE - C-42 Carolyn Caton; Mo10 We10, Th10; F: Th19
Formula Motor Racing - FMR - D: We14 C-43 Chris LeFevre; Tu20, We16, Th9; SF/F: Th12
Gettysburg - GBG - C-44 Ed Menzel; FSa10 thru Fr; SF/F: Sa9
Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage - HRC - C-45 Stuart Tucker; FSa13+
Here I Stand - HIS - D: Tu13 C-46 Jeff Heidman; Tu19, Th19; SF: Fr9; F: Sa9
History of the World - HWD - D: We16 C-47 Craig Yope; Mo15, We18; SF: Th18; F: Sa15
Ingenious - ING - D: Tu21 C-48 Max DuBoff; Tu22, We13, Th22; SF/F: Fr21
Ivanhoe - IVH - D: Tu22 C-49 Ashley Kilroy: Tu23, We23, Th23; SF/F: Fr21
King of Tokyo - KOT - D: Mo13 C-50 Ronald Fisher; Tu22+
Kremlin - KRM - D: We15 L-7 Steve Cuccaro; Mo9, Tu21, We16, Fr12; F: Fr18
Liar's Dice - LID - C-51 Jason Levine; Fr23+
Lords of Waterdeep - LWD - D: Tu17 C-52 Robert St. Pierre; Tu22, We16, Th17; SF/F: Fr20
Lost Cities - LST - D: We17 C-53 Ivan Lawson; Tu23, We20, Sa9, Sa18; Rd 2: Sa20+
March Madness - MMS - D: Mo17 L-8 Terry Coleman; Mo18, TBD, Fr9, Fr19; SF/F: Su9
Memoir '44 - M44 - D: Th20 C-54 Sam Edelston; Mu Th21, Fr9+
Merchant of Venus - MOV - D:Mo14 C-55 Richard Irving; Mo16, We9, Fr13; SF/F: Sa9
Mister Madison's War - MMW - D: Tu17 C-56 David Stiffler; Mu: Tu18; We9+
Napoleonic Wars 5-Player - NW5 - D: Th10 C-57 Gareth Williams; Mo18, We18, Th12; SF: Fr18; F: Sa18
Navegador - NVG - D: We21 C-58 Anni Foasberg; Th19, Fr11, Sa13; SF/F: Sa17
Paths of Glory - POG - C-59 Peter Gurneau: TBD
Pirate's Cove - PRC - D: Mo18 C-60 Jason Fisher: Mo19, We11. Th9. Fr18; SF/F: Su9
Power Grid - PGD - D: Th10 C-61 Kevin Broh-Kahn; Th11, Th22, Fr15; SF: Sa11; F: Sa21
Princes of Florence - POF - D: Tu20 C-62 Alex Bove; We16, Th9, SF: Fr15; F: Fr20
Puerto Rico - PRO - D: Th16 C-63 Richard Shay; Th17, Fr20, Sa9; QF: Sa15; SF: Sa22; F:Su9
Ra! - RA! - D: Tu20 C-64 Steve Scott; Mo21, Tu21, We9, Th17; SF/F: Fr17
Ra; The Dice Game - RDG - D: Tu18 C-65 Rob Kilroy; We15, Th9, Fr17, Sa12; QF/SF/F: Sa15+
Rail Baron - RBN - D: TBD C-66 Mark McCandless: TBD
Robo Rally - RRY - D: C-67 Marc Houde; TBD
the Russian Campaign - TRC - C-68 Gary Dickson; Fsa10+; SF/F: Sa9
Russian Railoads - RRR - D: We14 C-69 Tom DeMarco; Mo15, We15; SF/F: Sa13
Saint Petersburg - SPG - D: Tu20 C-70 Amy Rule; Mo15, We11, Th13; SF: Th23; F: Fr18
San Juan - SJN - D:FSu16 C-71 Lexi Shea; Mo9+
Santa Fe Rails - SFR - D: Tu19 C-72 Rob Kircher; Mo19, Tu20, We18; SF/F: Th9
Sekigahara - SKG - D: Mo9 C-73 Matt Calkins; Mo10+
Settlers of Catan - SET - D: Fr16 C-74 Rich Shipley; Sa9+
Slapshot - SLS - C-75 Sean McCulloch: Sa23+
Speed Circuit - SCT - D: Th13 C-76 Chris Long; Th15, FrTBD, SaTBD; F: Su9
Splendor - SPD  - D: We20 C-77  Duncan McGregor; Mo13, We21, Fr22; QF/SF/F: Sa18+
Squad Leader - SQL - D: Mo18 C-78 Peter Pollard; FSa10+; SF/F: Sa9
Star Wars Miniatures - SWM - D: Tu13 C-79 Bruno Sinigaglio; Tu18, We17, Th17, Fr9; Rd 2: Sa12+
Stockcar Championship Racing - SCC - C-80 REPLACED DUE TO NO GM COMMITMENT
Stone Age - STA - D: Mo14 C-81 Rodney Bacigalupo; Mo15, We9, Fr13; QF/SF/F: Sa9+
Superstar Baseball - SSB - D: Tu21 L-9 Bill Beckman: Draft: Tu22; We9-19, Th9-19, Fr9-19; SF/F: Su9
Through the Ages - AGE - D: FSu11 C-82 Randy Buehler; FSu12, FSu18; Mo10; SF: Mo17; F: Tu10
Thurn & Taxis - T&T - D: Mo22, Tu17 C-83 Andrew Latto; Mo23, Tu18, Th11; QF/SF/F: Fr9
Ticket To Ride - TTR - D: We10 C-84 Claire Brosius; Mo17, Th19, Fr9, Sa15; QF/SF/F: Su9+
Titan - TTN - D: Tu20 C-85 Bruno Wolff; Tu21, We9, 13, 17, 21; Th9, 13, 17, 21; SF: Fr9; F: Sa9
Titan Two -TT2 - D:Tu19 C-86 Rich Atwater; Tu20+
Titan The Arena - TTA - D: We16 L-10 Gregory Crowe; We17, Th21, Sa14; SF/F: Sa16
Twilight Struggle - TWS - D: Th17 C-87 George Young; Fr9+
Tzolkin' - TZK - D: We12 C-88 Daniel Farrow; We13, Th19; SF/F: Fr9
Up Front - UPF - C-89 Jim Burnett; Th9+
Vegas Showdown - VSD - D: Tu22 C-90 Eric Freeman; Mo17, We9, Th15; SF: Th19; F: Fr9
Victory in the Pacific - VIP - D: FSa18 C-91 John Sharp; FSu9+
Virgin Queen - VGQ - D: FSu10 C-92 Michael Kiefte; FSu12, FSu18; SF: Mo9; F: Mo18
War At Sea - WAS - C-93 Vince Meconi; Th9+
War of the Ring - WOR - D: Fr17 C-94 Kevin Wojtaszczyk; Mu: FSu17, Fr19+
Washington's War - WWR - formerly WTP (We The People) - D: Th18 C-95 Keith Wixson; Sa9+
Waterloo - WAT -  C-96 Martin Musella; FSa10+; SF/F: Sa9
Wellington - WLL - D: FSu16, Mo10 C-97 Patrick Duffy; FSu18, Mo12; SF: We12; F: Th18
Wilderness War - WNW - C-98 Keith Wixson; Mu: Tu18; We9+
Wooden Ships & Iron Men - WSM - D: We10 C-99 Tim Hitchings; FSa10 thru Fr; SF/F: Sa18
World At War - WAW - C-100 Randy Scheers; Mo12+

To make a GM Commitment, become a current BPA member of Sustaining level or higher and submit a completed Event Form before March 15. Century events will be run within two hours of the requested time slot or the GM will be consulted for an acceptable alternate time.

Trial Events

Eligible Continuing Trials: New events or those which failed to make the Century Group by 2015 attendance/GM obligation standards. These events were included on the Membership ballot during the annual December membership drive and voted into Trial status by members casting their votes before 2016. The 25 with the most votes became eligible for WBC 2016. Any vacancies in these 25 due to lack of a GM commitment will be filled by BPA based on other Alternate GM commitments on hand by March 15.

Although we will try to honor requested timeslots, all GMs of Continuing Trials must be willing to run their events when scheduled by BPA. Failure to do so may disqualify the event.

Events eligible for selection by Membership Vote Trial GM - Requested Starting Times
7 Wonders Duel - 7WD - D: FSu17 T-1 Andrew Drummond; FSu18
Ace of Aces - AOA - D: TBD T-2 Bill Burtless; TBD
Adel Verpflichtet - ADV - D: Mo13, We10 T-3 Angela Bender; Mo14, We11, Th16; SF/F: Fr9
Age of Renaissance - AOR - T-4 Eric Monte; FSa18, Fr20; F: Sa16
Battle Cry - BCY - T-5 Peter Stein; FSu11; Sa9; Rd 2: Sa13+
Battleline - BAT - D: Fr18 T-6 Sean McCulloch; Fr19+
Commands & Colors Napoleonics - CCN - D: We9 T-7 John Kirk; We10+
Elchfest - ELC - D: Tu21 T-8 Alex Bell; Tu22+
Great Campaigns of ACW - GCA - D: We9 T-9 David Cross; We11+; QF: Th9; SF: Th13; F: Fr9
Hammer of the Scots - HOS - D: We20 T-10 Randall MacInnis; Th9+
Innovation - IOV - D: TBD T-11 Robb Effinger; Mu: Mo14; We9+
Leaping Lemmings - LLM - D: Tu17 T-13 Rick Young; Tu19, We9, Fr19, Sa17; SF/F: Sa19
Medici - MED - T-14 Jeff Cornett; TBD
Monsters Menace America - MMA - D: Fsu21, Mo14, Th14 T-15 Mark Love; FSu22, Mo15, We9, Th15; SF/F: Fr12
Naval War - NVW - D: Sa17 T-16 James F. Kramer Jr; Sa18+
Pro Golf - PGF - D: TBD T-17 Bruce Monnin; TBD
Race For the Galaxy - RFG -  D: Tu16 T-18 John Riston; We9, We10, Fr16, Fr17; SF/F: Fr19
Roll For the Galaxy - RGD - D: We14 T-19 John Riston; We16, We18, Th13, Th15; SF: Sa17; F: Su10
Small World - SMW - D: We20 T-20 Jay Spencer; Th9, Fr22; SF/F: Sa17
Star Wars; Queen's Gambit - QGB -     T-21 Buddy Sinigaglio; Mo18, Tu21, We21, Th9; Fr12+
Trans America - TAM - D: Su9 T-22 Dave Bohnenberger; Su10+
Union Pacific - UNP - D : FSu18 T-23 Steven Shambeda; Mo14, Tu21, We13; SF/F: Fr13
Win, Place & Show - WPS -  D: Tu22 T-24 Jim Burnett; Sa19, Tu23, Fr9, Sa16; F: Sa19
Yaspahan - YSP - D: We21 T-25 Chris Yaure; We22, Sa15; SF/F: Sa17

Events are not held for their prior GM but are awarded based on merit determined by past performance, timeliness of event submission and format. All events require a BPA member acting as GM to submit a satisfactory event form no later than March 15. Prospective GMs should review the GM Guidelines. All requested event times are approximate and subject to change when the official schedule is released. Although we will try to honor requested timeslots, all GMs of Continuing Trials must be willing to run their events when scheduled by BPA. Failure to do so may disqualify the event.

Alternate Trials: Those events that failed in the December Membership Drive vote but were submitted with a completed event form by willing GMs for inclusion on the ballot for consideration of the membership. Alternate events are used as replacements for any qualifying Century or Continuing Trial event which fails to draw a satisfactory GM commitment. Such events are also occasionally selected by sponsors to become eligible. New proposals must be submitted to conventiondirector@boardgamers.org no later than Nov. 24 of each year to be included on that year's membership ballot, although any received by March 15 will be given consideration as replacements for events without a GM commitment. New events may be either events making their first appearance at WBC or returning after an absence.

 Event Proposals on Hand for use as replacements for vacancies GM Commitments with requested timeslots
Android: Netrunner - ANR - D: TBD Scott Saccenti; TBD
Founding Fathers - FGF -  D: TBD Steve Scott; TBD
Guerilla - GUE - D: TBD Steve Scott; TBD
Victory in Europe - VIE - D: TBD Ron Draker: TBD
Origins of WW II - OW2 - D: TBD Roy Pettis; TBD
Rommel in the Desert - RID - James F. Kramer Jr; We10+
Viticulture - VTC - D: TBD Andrew Drummond; TBD
Keyflower - KYF - Ed Gilliland; TBD
La Granja - LAG - D:? Doug Faust; TBD
Rattlebones - RTT - D: Th22 Andrew Drummond; Th23
Tikal: D: TBD Daniel Broh-Kahn; TBD
Kanban: Automotive Revolution - KAR - D: We13 Michael Kaltman; Mo9, We15; SF: Th9; F: Sa9
Moto Grand Prix - MGP - D: Tu15, Th9 John Welage; Tu18; We12, Th11, Fr9; F: Fr20
Napoleonic Wars 3-Player - NW3 - Scott Pfeiffer; FSu18, Tu18, Th18; SF: Fr18; F: Sa18
The Gallerist - GLL - D: We13 Mike Kaltman; Mo9, We15; SF: Th9; F: Sa9

Vendor/Sponsor Introductory (New) Trials: Each vendor and/or Sponsor may add one new Trial event above and beyond the 25 Continuing Trials ceiling anytime prior to March 15. Such New Trials will automatically fall into Century or Continuing Trial classifications the following year based on their 2016 performance. These events must be for games which are in print by the March 15 deadline. Publisher must submit a copy of the game at the time of the event submission.

Events chosen by the CD from the Alternates List to replace otherwise qualifying events without GM commitments are also listed below.

Trial Events by Vendors/Sponsors Vendor Events  Game Master
Churchill - CHL - VS-1 Mark Herman; We15, We18+
Panzerblitz - PZB -  VS-2 Rick Northey; FSa10 thru Fr; SF/F: Sa9
Labyrinth - LBY - D: We13 VS-3 Jeff Finkeldey; Mu: Mo18, We14+
The Kaiser's Pirates - D: We18, Fr19 VS-4 Tim Rogers; Fr20, Sa10, Sa13; SF/F: Sa16
Galaxy - GXY - D: Mo19, We19 VS-5 Mark Mithell; Mo20, We20, Th16; SF/F: Fr16
Paydirt - PDT - D: We12 VS-6 Harry Flawd; We13, Fr13; F: Su9
Elfenroads - D: Th15 VS-7 Tom DeMarco; Th17, Fr9; SF: Fr18; F: Sa10
Arctic Scavengers - D: TBD VS-8 Daniel Broh-Kahn: TBD
Tin Goose - D: Tu22 VS-9 Mike Calkins; We9, Fr18; SF/F: Fr21
Sergeants Miniatures Game - SGM - D: FSu12 VS-10 Jeff Billings; Mo10, Wed10; SF: Th10; F: Sa10
Mage Wars - MGW - D: FSa15, FSu11, FSu15, Mo19, Tu11, VS-11 Tom Cannon; Th10+; Rd 2: Sa10+
1775 - Rebellion - 775 - D: TBD VS-12 Jeff Lange; Mu: Mo13; Tu14+
Manoeuvre -MAN - VS-13 Andy Lewis; Mo13+
Julius Caesar - JUC - D: TBD VS-14 Michael Sosa; TBD
Tigers in the Mist - TIM - D: TBD VS-15 Ray Freeman; TBD
Republic of Rome - ROR - D: We9 VS-16 Frank McNally; We10, Th18; F: Fr18
Las Vegas - LAS - VS-17 Jeff Mullet; FSa23
Galaxy Trucker - GXT - D: TBD VS-18 David Finberg; Tu22, We18, Th18; SF: Fr18; F: Sa20
Conflict of Heroes - COH - D: We18 VS-19 Ken Whitesell; Mu: We19, Fr9+

Juniors Events

Juniors Events: Volunteer GMs are always needed to run free events for children aged 12 & under in the WBC Juniors room. Any game is eligible provided it is suitable for children of that age group and available in sufficient numbers to allow all children present to play. You cannot assme children will bring their own copies of the game. The GM should come prepared to instruct children how to play the game.   A BPA Room Monitor is always present to help maintain order but is not always available to assist children in playing the game. Recruitment of assistants to aid you is strongly advised. Volunteer Assistants are very much needed. To volunteer, contact juniors@boardgamers.org.

Events for Children 12 & under Junior Events  Game Master & requested Time Slot
Liar's Dice J-1 Andrew Drummond; Mo9
Augustus J-2 Andrew Drummond; Mo11
Settlers of Catan J-3 Tim Mossman; Mo14
Leaping Lemmings J-4 John Coussis; Mo18
Lost Cities J-5 Megan Byrd; Tu9
Sushi Go J-6 Scott Saccenti; Tu11
Igloo Pop J-7 Jason Levine; Tu14
Wits & Wagers J-8 Eric Freeman; Tu18
Love Letters J-9  Lyman Moquin; We9
Ingenious J-10 Joe Yaure;We11
Guillotine J-11 Ray Stakenas; We14
Alhambra J-12 Laurie Wojtaszczyk; We18
Formula Motor Racing J-13 James Parauda; Th9
Fill the Barn J-14 Charlie Hoopes; Th11
Ra! Dice J-15 Laurie Wojtaszczyk; Th14
Heroscape J-16 Frank Sinigaglio; Th18
Blokus J-17 Daniel Broh-Kahn; Fr9
Elchfest J-18 Michael Wojtaszczyk; Fr11
Splendor J-19 Andrew Drummond; Fr14
Carcassonne J-20 Rich Shipley; Fr18
Can't Stop  J-21 Tom Parauda; Sa9
Apples to Apples J-22 Joanna Melton; Sa11
Ticket to Ride J-23 Eric Freeman; Sa14
Slapshot J-24 Mark Yoshikawa; Sa19

KEY: FSa = First Saturday, FSu = First Sunday, Mo = Monday, Tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, Th = Thursday, Fr = Friday, Sa = Saturday, Su = Sunday; TBD = To Be Determined (GM conferring to maximize facility use); PC - times listed in red are Pre-Cons which commence the preceding weekend; Mu: Mulligan, QF: Quarter Final, SF: Semi-Final, F: Final; +: Continuous Rounds to conclusion or posted SF or F.

Boardgame Players Association Last updated by kae.
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