WBC Videos
Daily 11 • Hopewell • Debbie Gutermuth
Take a break and relive WBCs past with Debbie’s annual photo montage set to appropriate music. A different year/film is shown each day. |
WBC Legion
Tu17 • Hopewell • Ken Whitesell
Avaloncon/WBC veterans discuss plans for the upcoming 25th Anniversary. Open only to those members who have attended every Avaloncon and WBC.
Superstar Baseball Draft
Tu19 • Hopewell • Bill Beckman
Draft teams for any/all of three daily heats. Teams will be seeded by Heat record. A 8-0 team is a higher seed than a 6-0 team. See event preview |
How to Win at Being Human
Tu20 • Hopewell • Stephanie Welch
If I could reveal to you the neuroscience behind why we like games, and show you that the main way our experience of real life differs is that we don’t know the rules, and then teach you the rules, would you be more interested in playing?
Paydirt AFC Draft
We13 • Hopewell • Harry Flawd
Draft your teams in comfort and style like the real billionaires and then immediately adjourn to Cornwall to fight it out on the gridiron.
See event preview. |
Gaming & Ethics
We16 • Hopewell • Joel Tamburo
How do the ethical standards we use in our everyday lives project into our gaming persona? For example, how do our everyday ethics affect the “stab” in games like Diplomacy? Is it okay to lie while playing a game? |
Give Me Butter or Give Me Death
We19 • Hopewell • Stephanie Welch
How to Win at Being Human series, part 2. If I could explain to you how the familiar low-cal, low-fat, whole-grain concept of nutrition creates the anthithesis of the conditions needed for sustainable weight loss, improving health, and building muscle, would you consider thinking differently about food? |
Annual Game Design Seminar
Th16 (2 hrs) • Hopewell • Lew Pulsipher
Game design doesn’t “just happen”. Dr. Pulsipher
(designer of Britannia and other games)
teaches game design at the university level. |
World War I Naval Wargames
Th18 • Hopewell • Jack Greene
With the centennial of Jutland closing fast, a new battleship game designed on the 1916 battle can’t be far behind. Jack Greene of Quarterdeck Games fame designed Fleet Admiral in 1990. Jack will discuss Battleship design and its impact on Jutland, the role of range-finding at long range, and the Quantity (not Quality) fleet that Germany built. |
Shoes: The Silent Killer
Th19 • Hopewell • Stephanie Welch
How to Win at Being Human series, part 3. If I could show you how almost every musculoskeletal disorder—back pain, neck pain, arthritis, stenosis, impingements, sciatica, disc issues, flat feet, IT band problems, bad knees, bad hips—stems from the fact that you wear shoes, would you consider thinking differently about your body. |
Paydirt NFC Draft
Fr13 • Hopewell • Harry Flawd
Draft your teams in comfort and style like the real billionaires and then immediately adjourn to Cornwall to fight it out on the gridiron.
See event preview. |
ACW Artillery: Game Changer?
Fr14 • Hopewell • Dana Lombardy
Diagrams and data will be presented to show how the artillery evolved in the Union Army of the Potomac during the American Civil War, and compares its effectiveness to the guns used by their primary opponent, Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Gun types, numbers and organization, plus a look back at artillery during the Napoleonic Wars. |
Avalon Hill Reunion
Fr16 (2 hrs) • Hopewell •
Don Greenwood
For many of us, the “hobby” began with the products of one company. This year, WBC occurs during the 15th anniversay of the sale of The Avalon Hill Game Company to Hasbro which ended the Avaloncon era—and gave birth to WBC. The passing of two of our colleagues in the past year has brought many of those employees back again in 2013 to relive the old days one more time. Join us in Hopewell on Friday afternoon as the largest gathering of AH designers ever assembled retell old tales. Pose the questions you always wanted to know while we still can—hopefully—remember the answers. Those confirming their intent to be on hand include Bruce Milligan, Ben Knight, Mark Herman, Charlie Kibler, Mick Uhl, Mark Simonitch, Robert Waters, Bob McNamara, Jack Greene, Joe Balkowski, Kurt Miller and some Greenwood guy who claims to have worked there. |
Wits & Wagers Game Show 1/2
Fr18 (90 min) • Hopewell •
Scott Buckwalter
Take a break for this 90-minute trivia event you can win without knowing any trivia. Seven teams of from 4-10 players compete to win prizes. Bring your own team or form one when you get there. |
Charles S. Roberts Awards Presentation
Fr21 • Hopewell • Allan Rothberg
The Charles S. Roberts Awards are presented
annually for excellence in the historical
wargaming hobby. Allan Rothberg, one of the
executive directors for the award committee,
will announce the 2012 winners. |
B17 After Action Debriefing
F22 • Hopewell • Dave Terry
Get a glimpse of the madness or camaraderie (take your pick) that is the WBC B17 phenomenon. 22 years and still growing, this meeting of vicarious airmen rehashes the results of the missions just flown and awards prizes from an assortment of self-supplied theme goodies. See event preview. |
Stalingrad: Turning Point Analysis
Sa12 • Hopewell • Dana Lombardy
Dana Lombardy, designer of Streets of Stalingrad, has spent more than 20 years studying the most famous battle of World War II. Presentation includes maps, charts, and diagrams to explain the strategies, operations, and tactics that evolved over two months in the deadly street combat of Stalingrad. Includes a “sneak peek” at Dana’s start up company 1A Games’ new Stalingrad expansion. |
No-Ship Math Trade Game Exchange
Sa16 • Hopewell • Eric Sokolowsky
You had to participate earlier to register your wants and “will trades”, but this is when and where the physical exchanges take place. For more information, see Math Trade page.
Planning for Your Business—Before You Begin
Sa17 • Hopewell • Steve Rawlings
ATO Publisher Steve Rawlings shares his secrets on laying the foundations of your business before you design your first game. |
Life Beyond Board Games – There is no Spoon
Sa18 • Hopewell • Stephanie Welch
How to Win at Being Human series, part 4. If I could teach you how your brain works, how it influences your interpretation of reality, why it generates emotions and stress, and how to consciously rewire the way it reacts to every situation, would you consider thinking differently about your mental health and relationships? |
Wits & Wagers Game Show 2/2
Sa19 (2hrs) • Hopewell •
Scott Buckwalter
Take a break for this 90-minute trivia event you
can win without knowing any trivia. Seven
teams of from 4-10 players compete to win
prizes. Bring your own team or form one when
you get there. |
A World At War Awards
Sa23 • Hopewell • Mike Crowe
Ever wonder how they resolve a tournament of a game with one 52-hr round? They vote on it! Join Bruce Harper and his crew of dedicated zealots for the world’s longest playtest resolution as they relive their recently-concluded alternate WWII history recreation and decide who fared the best. See event preview. |