2014 Caesar Award Results — A Belated Hail to James Pei
Jan. 18, 2014

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James Pei won his second Caesar title ten years after his first in true upset fashion—overtaking the record breaking five-championship performance of Nick Henning at WBC 2014 to become the surprise BPA Top Gamer of the year while adding to his record laurel total of 2,146. It was a result only a rules lawyer or an accountant could love. James lost the 2013 Caesar award when his 36 laurels for a second place fnish in his trademark For The People specialty was not credited because the email event had not officially finished before the yearend while awaiting consolation matches to finish. Those laurels were thus pushed into the next year and proved to be the difference in overtaking Henning's great WBC week a year later. Adding to the irony was that his 176-laurel year topped Henning's WBC haul by exactly seven laurels—the same amount by which he would have won the 2013 Caesar title over Andrew Emerick had they been credited in 2013. As they say, one door closes, another one opens.

Mini-con tournaments no longer played a role in the outcome but email tournaments did, enabling James to bank a 60-laurel headstart before WBC 2014 began. James then added 116 laurels in four CDWs to overcome Henning's quintet. Nick amassed 169 laurels in eight different events—mostly Euros—including 60 in the shark-infested Though the Ages tournament that began the week, but lesser sums for the smaller Trial events enabled James to overtake his total.

Rounding out the top six BPA competitors for 2014 were Richard Beyma, Robert Kircher, Nathan Barhorst and Nick's bother, Karl Henning. Only seven of last year's Top 25 players managed to retain that top billing led by Pei who alone of all BPA's Top Dogs has managed to remain in the Top 25 for each of the past six years. In fact, you have to go back eight years to 2006 to find the last time "The Master" did not place in the Top 25. The other top scorers to retain their Top 25 standing in 2014 were Nick Henning and Robert Kircher (both fifth year in a row), David Platnick, Randy Buehler (fifth year), Sceadeau D'Tela (4th year), and Trella Bromley.

The Line of Succession for Caesar 2014

Nick Henning,

2nd - 169 Laurels

Richard Beyma,

3rd - 128 Laurels

Robert Kircher,

4th - 102 Laurels

Nathan Barhorst,

5th - 96 Laurels

Karl Henning,

6th - 92 Laurels


 Competitor 2014  Ranking by Year 2014 Tally Board
Total WBC 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
James Pei, VA 176 98 1 2 2 3 14 13 FTPe 2nd 36, WWRe 3rd 24, FTP 1st 40, HRCp 4th 18, SKG 1st 40, WNW 2nd 18
Nick Henning, DC 169 109 2 12 8 6 15 - AOR 1st 30, AUT 1st 30, GXT 5th 4, KYF 1st 20, LWL 1st 20, SPY 6th 2, AGEp 1st 60, TZK 6th 3
Richard Beyma, VA 128 128 3 - - 4 5

AFK 6th 3, BWD 2nd 24, GBG 4th 9, MAN 3rd 12, TRC 1st 40, WAT 1st 40
Robert Kircher, RI 102 52 4 3 14 8 6 - MMSe 1st 20, SCTe 2nd 18, PGFe 2nd 12, CNC 2nd 12, SPG 1st 40
Nathan Barhorst, MI 96 96 5 - - - - - ACV 2nd 36, HWD 1st 60
Karl Henning, DC 92 92 6 - - - - - B17 1st 60, GXT 1st 20, KYF 2nd 12
George Young, VT 90 30 7 - - - - - HRCp 1st 60, WWR 1st 30
Bruce Young, SC 90 90 8 - - - - - AOA 3rd 8, ATS 2nd 12, HNT 1st 20, NW5 1st 50
David Platnick, VA 90 90 9 13 - 19 - - 7WS 1st 40, AMR 1st 30, GOA 3rd 8, PRO 5th 8, SPY 5th 4
Joe Burch, MD 86 86 10 - - - - - EIS 5th 6, GXY 1st 20, SET 1st 60
Bjorn von Knorring, se 86 50 11 - - - - - HRCp 2nd 36, MAN 1st 30, MAR 1st 20
Curt Collins II, PA 83 80 12 - 23 11 - 6 SCTe 6th 3, FDE 2nd 24, KYF 5th 4, MED 6th 2, SRF 1st 30, UNP 1st 20
Jeff Mullet, OH 80 80 13 - 15 - - 8 AOR 3rd 12, MFD 3ed 12, PGF 4th 6, SJN 1st 50
Randy Buehler, WA 80 62 14 7 1 1 16 - POF 6th 3, RA! 6th 5, SPG 2nd 24, AGEp 4th 18, TZK 1st 30
Sceadeau D'Tela, NC 80 56 15 4 9 12 - - AGR 2nd 30, GXT 4th 6, LWL 3rd 8, AGEp 3rd 24, TZK 3rd 12
Dominic Blais, qc 78 78 16 - 16 - - - COB 3rd 12, EGZ 6th 3, LID 6th 3, STA 1st 60
Trella Bromley, FL 78 78 17 14 - - - - ACV 1st 60, CNS 5th 6, EPB 5th 12
Andy Gardner, VA 76 16 18 - 7 - - - VIPp 1st 60, WAS 3rd 16
Jeff Meyer, MA 75 75 19 - - - - - ACQ 6th 3, GOA 1st 20, LID 3rd 12, T&T 1st 40
Keith Dent, KY 72 72 20 - - - - - COB 1st 30, EGZ 3rd 12, POF 3rd 12, RFG 2nd 18
Tedd Mullally, NJ 72 72 21 - -  - - - ACV 3rd 24, AOR 4th 9, BRS 4th 9, MFD 1st 30
Jason Ley, WA 71 35 22 - - 5 - - SMW 1st 30, AGEp 2nd 36, TTN 6th 5
Robert Murray, NJ 70 70 23 - - - - - AGR 5th 10, PGD 1st 60
Josh Githens, SC 70 70 24 - - - 7 - CMS 1st 50, ELC 6th 2, LID 2nd 18
Peter Gurneau, WI 68 50 25 - 17 - - - CBC 1st 50, POGp 4th 18

Key: e = email (PBeM), p = Pre-Con

2014 Consul - Hail Richard Beyma

For the second time in the same year, Nick Henning was denied in a surprising upset as Richard Beyma surpassed his WBC total to take Consul honors for 2014. This time, Nick was done in by the loss of 60 laurels for Through the Ages when it was determined that the event should be considered a Pre-Con since it was not possible to laurel in the event by playing in only the Monday heat. The result was ironic because Richard scored most of his laurels in Grognard events whose preliminary round was also partially contested in the pre-con. However, none of those events required play during the Pre-Con and could be won without Pre-Con attendance. It is a distinction which blurs the lines between which events are eligible for the various metagaming awards and will be revisited by the Board in their 2014 session to determine whether Pre-Con events should be included in Consul scoring in the future. If so, the only difference between Caesar and Consul would be the addition of email tournaments to the former.

Caesar James Pei was third, 30 laurels off the pace. But perhaps the most surprising contenders were Nathan Barhorst and Karl Henning in their first appearance in the Top 25. Nathan parlayed a 1st and 2nd in only two events (both level 6) to finish 4th with 96 laurels. Karl completed the Henning's brothers magical week with a pair of firsts to claim fifth with 92 laurels. Bruce Young edged David Platnick on the first tiebreaker to claim sixth with 90 laurels.


The Line of Succession for Consul 2014

Nick Henning,

2nd - 109 Laurels

James Pei,

3rd - 98 Laurels

Nathan Barhorst,

4th - 96 Laurels

Karl Henning,

5th - 92 Laurels

Bruce Young,

6th - 90 Laurels


Ranking Competitor WBC Laurels WBC Tally Board
1 Richard Beyma, VA, 128 AFK 6th 3, BWD 2nd 24, GBG 4th 9, MAN 3rd 12, TRC 1st 40, WAT 1st 40
2 Nick Henning, DC

AOR 1st 30, AUT 1st 30, GXT 5th 4, KYF 1st 20, LWL 1st 20, SPY 6th 2, TZK 6th 3
3 James Pei, VA

FTP 1st 40, SKG 1st 40, WNW 2nd 18
4 Nathan Barhorst, MI

ACV 2nd 36, HWD 1st 60
5 Karl Henning, DC

B17 1st 60, GXT 1st 20, KYF 2nd 12
6 Bruce Young, SC

AOA 3rd 8, ATS 2nd 12, HNT 1st 20, NW5 1st 50
7 David Platnick, VA

7WS 1st 40, AMR 1st 30, GOA 3rd 8, PRO 5th 8, SPY 5th 4
8 Joe Burch, MD

EIS 5th 6, GXY 1st 20, SET 1st 60
9 Curt Collins II, PA

FDE 2nd 24, KYF 5th 4, MED 6th 2, SRF 1st 30, UNP 1st 20
10 Jeff Mullet, OH

AOR 3rd 12, MFD 3ed 12, PGF 4th 6, SJN 1st 50
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