One of the things that makes the World Boardgaming Championships stand out among all other gaming conventions is the amount of effort its GMs put into preparing for their events. Click the game icon for the Event Preview. NEW for 2024: In order to provide the previews earlier, the schedule will no longer be included on the Preview pages. Once the schedule is complete, you will be able to find all the versions of the schedule on the Schedule page. The current list below is only for Century and Legacy events. Other events will be added when they are determined. If you have any questions about the way an event will be run at WBC, contact the GM.
7 Wonders 7WS Updated 1/8/25 |
7 Wonders Duel 7WD Updated 2/4/25 |
1775 775 Updated 1/8/25 |
18xx 8XX Under Construction |
A World at War WAW Under Construction |
Ace of Aces AoA Updated 2/4/25 |
Acquire ACQ Updated 1/14/25 |
Adel Verpflichtet ADV Under Construction |
Advanced Civilization ACV Under Construction |
Afrika Korps AFK Under Construction |
Agricola AGR Updated 1/14/25 |
Air Baron ABN Updated 12/27/24 |
Alhambra ALH Updated 12/27/24 |
Ark Nova AKN Under Construction |
Atlantic Storm ACS Updated 12/27/24 |
Attack Sub ATS Under Construction |
Auction AUC Under Construction |
Azul AZL Updated 12/27/24 |
B-17 B17 Updated 1/14/25 |
Battle Cry BCY Under Construction |
Battle Line BAT Updated 2/4/25 |
Battles of the Am Rev BAR Under Construction |
Bitter Woods BWD Under Construction |
Boxcars BXC Updated 2/4/25 |
Brass BRS Updated 2/4/25 |
Breakout Normandy BKN Updated 2/5/25 |
Can't Stop CNS Under Construction |
Carcassonne CAR Under Construction |
Cascadia CAS Updated 12/27/24 |
Castles of Burgundy COB Under Construction |
Castles of Mad King Ludwig CMK Under Construction |
Catan CTN Updated 12/27/24 |
Catan: Cities & Knights C&K Updated 1/8/25 |
Championship Formula Racing CFR Updated 1/14/25 |
Charioteer CTR Under Construction |
Circus Maximus CMS Under Construction |
Combat Commander CBC Under Construction |
Concordia CNC Under Construction |
Crokinole CRK Under Construction |
Diplomacy DIP Updated 2/4/25 |
Dominion DOM Updated 1/8/25 |
Dune DUN Updated 12/27/24 |
Dune Imperium DNI Under Construction |
Egizia EGZ Under Construction |
Empire Builder EPB Under Construction |
Euphrat & Tigris E&T Under Construction |
Everdell EVD Under Construction |
Facts In Five FI5 Under Construction |
Five Tribes 5TR Updated 12/27/24 |
Football Strategy FBS Under Construction |
For the People FTP Updated 1/8/25 |
Formula De FDE Under Construction |
Great Campaigns of the ACW GCA Under Construction |
Great Western Trail GWT Under Construction |
Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage HRC Updated 1/14/25 |
Here I Stand HIS Updated 2/4/25 |
History of the World HWD Updated 2/4/25 |
Imperial Struggle IMS Updated 12/27/24 |
Ingenious ING Under Construction |
Ivanhoe IVH Updated 2/4/25 |
JamSumo JAM Under Construction |
John Company JCY Under Construction |
King of Tokyo KOT Under Construction |
Kremlin KRM Under Construction |
Las Vegas LAS Under Construction |
Leaping Lemmings LLM Updated 2/4/25 |
Liar's Dice LID Under Construction |
Lords of Waterdeep LWD Updated 1/8/25 |
Lost Cities LST Under Construction |
March Madness MMS Under Construction |
Medici MED Updated 1/8/25 |
Memoir '44 M44 Under Construction |
Merchant of Venus MOV Under Construction |
Monsters Menace America MMA Under Construction |
Panzerblitz PZB Updated 12/27/24 |
Paths of Glory POG Under Construction |
Paydirt PDT Under Construction |
Pirate's Cove PRC Under Construction |
Power Grid PGD Updated 12/27/24 |
Puerto Rico PRO Updated 2/4/25 |
Ra! RA! Updated 1/8/25 |
Ra: The Dice Game RDG Updated 2/4/25 |
Robo Rally RRY Updated 1/8/25 |
Russian Railroads RRR Updated 1/8/25 |
Sagrada SAG Updated 1/8/25 |
Saint Petersburg SPG Under Construction |
San Juan SJN Updated 2/4/25 |
Santa Fe Rails SFR Updated 2/4/25 |
Sekigahara SKG Under Construction |
Small World SMW Updated 1/14/25 |
Space Base SBS Updated 1/14/25 |
Splendor SPD Under Construction |
Squad Leader SQL Updated 1/14/25 |
Star Wars: Outer Rim SRM Updated 12/27/24 |
Stone Age STA Under Construction |
Superstar Baseball SSB Under Construction |
Terraforming Mars TFM Updated 2/4/25 |
The Napoleonic Wars TNW Under Construction |
The Russian Campaign TRC Under Construction |
Thurn & Taxis T&T Updated 1/8/25 |
Ticket To Ride TTR Under Construction |
Titan 2-Player TT2 Under Construction |
Titan The Arena TTA Updated 1/8/25 |
Transamerica TAM Updated 1/8/25 |
Twilight Struggle TWS Updated 1/14/25 |
Union Pacific UNP Updated 1/8/25 |
Up Front UPF Updated 12/27/24 |
Vegas Showdown VSD Updated 1/8/25 |
Victory in the Pacific VIP Under Construction |
Virgin Queen VGQ Updated 1/14/25 |
War At Sea WAS Updated 2/4/25 |
War of the Ring WOR Under Construction |
Waterloo WAT Under Construction |
Wilderness War WNW Under Construction |
Wingspan WSN Updated 2/4/25 |
Wooden Ships & Iron Men WSM Updated 1/14/25 |